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1、welcome to my class,Ways to go to school,By Alicia,方式,方法,Lets sing together,How do you come to school on Sunday?,Who are they? What are they talking about? Can you guess?,?,where,How,Nature park,There are many ways to go to some places.,on,foot,by,taxi,by,train,by,plane,by,bus,subway,ship,by,by,/sbw

2、e/,/p/,地铁,船,Can Mrs Smith and her students go to the nature park .,by bike by bus by taxi by subway by ship by plane by train,?,Why or why not,Lets check you remember or not.,Lets play,imitate,Lets practice,John:Hello, Bob. Whats the weather like today? Bob: Hello, John. Its fine. Lets go to the _.

3、John: Great! How do we get there? Bob: By_/On foot.,Write and say,Get to,From,从 ,到 ,A: How do you get to the USA from China? B: By plane.,Write and say,homework,英语作业本P8,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,What can you see ? Where are they ?,红灯停 Stop at the red light 绿灯行 Go at the green light,Whats this?,Its

4、 a bike.,by bike I come to school by bike. I usually come to school by bus.,What about you ?,?,Lets try,Amy meets Mike at school this morning. Listen and tick or cross.,Lets talk,usually,often,sometimes,I usually come to school by bus, sometimes I come on foot.,Group work: role play,homework,作业本:P7,

5、name,places,school,bookstore,cinema,Four students in a group to make a survey.,on,foot,by,taxi,by,train,by,plane,by,bus,subway,ship,by,by,/sbwe/,/p/,地铁,船,on,foot,How do you go/come to ?(school/cinema/hospit-al/bookstore/zoo),How does she/he go to .?,Group,Class,Personal,“吊死鬼”游戏,homework,1.背诵并默写课本P15

6、单词词组(默写本)读P14、15课文五遍,并家长签名(已读五 遍,日期) 2.本周作业本及试卷错题摘抄 3.蓝色英语抄写本P12、13 4.Make a survey(做一个调查):ask your parents how do they go to work?And write it down.(抄写本),Mrs Smith and her students talked about going to the nature park last week, and today they go to the park.,Now they are in front of the traffic l

7、ights.,slow down and stop at a yellow light.,lets learn,stop and wait at a red light.,go at a green light.,Listen and Do,Role Play,I want: helpers a blind(盲的) person traffic lights,For example:,H: This way please. Oh, we have to slow down and stop here. B: Ok. H: Please stop and wait here. B: Ok. H:

8、 Now lets go. B: Oh, thank you, thank you so much! H: Youre welcome.,Write and Say,Take out a piece of paper please.,Homework,作业本P10 预习课本P16 准备听写,Ways to go to school,Boys and girls, do you remember how do Mrs Smith and her students go to the nature park? Ok, now lets listen what does Mrs Smith tell

9、 the children to do when they go to the nature park.,one by one,Where is Wu Yifan? Why doesnt he go with them?,一个接一个,So Wu Yifans grandpa is ill, he is going to see his grandpa. Where will he go?,take take the NO.57 bus,many pictures of bikes a picture of bike,from from somebody,In the USA people (w

10、ho ride ) on bikes must wear one.,Lets talk,Bus stop,dont Dont + 动词原型 = 不要做某事,eg: Dont speak in the class. Dont open the window now.,must must + 动词原型=必须要做某事,eg: You must finish your homework. We must pay attention to the traffic rules.,Is she right ? No, she is not right.,Dont go. She must stop and

11、wait. She must pay attention to the traffic lights.,What do you learn about riding a bike from the dialogue(对话)?,learn about talk about,+,动词ing形式,tell somebody to do go with somebody be going to from somebody pay attention to learn / talk about + doing Dont + 动词原型 must + 动词原型,How can Wu Yifan go to

12、the nature park? He can go to the nature park ,What do you know about riding bikes in the USA ?,Lets see which is right.,helmet,We must wear a helmet when we riding a bike.,We must walk on the right in China.,But in England people walk on the left.,What other countries do you know people walk on the

13、 left ?,India 印度,Japan 日本,Thailand Singapore Pakistan,Now lets see some traffic sings.,role play,Whats this? Hey, dont go at the red light! Take the NO.57 bus over there. A helmet. In the USA people on bikes must wear one. Oh, right! Thanks. I must pay attention to the traffic lights! Theyre from my

14、 cousin in the USA. Mr Jones, how can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? Thanks. Wow! So many pictures of bikes! I see. Oh, the bus is coming! Bye, Mr Jones.,( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),58 2 6 9 4 1 3 7,tell somebody to do go with somebody be going to from somebody pay attention to learn / talk a

15、bout + doing Dont + 动词原型 must + 动词原型,Homework: 作业本P9 抄写本第二单元 小组收集交通标志,Who is he? What does Robin want to do? Whats the magazine about?,Different ways to go to school,Read and write,Read and write,How many ways can you think of to go to school ? Talk with your partner.,Tips for pronunciation,Wu yifan

16、: Excuse me. How can I get to the park? Police officer: Take the number 25 bus. Wu Yifan: Can I go on foot? Police officer: No. Its too far. Go by bus.,Boy: My father works near my home. Its great! Girl: My father works in the city. Boy: How does he go to work? Girl: Usually, by train.,John: Hey, Amy. School is over. How do you go home? Amy: I usually go on foot. And you? By bus? John: No. I go on foot, too.,Man: Dont cross the street now! Woman: Wh


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