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2、一个个生动的场景。语言决定思维,这也是心理学上得出的结论(详见语言本能 , 史蒂芬平克)如果采用动态思维去看待单词,你的思维也会得到滋润。我举个例子,语文老师教枯和藤两字,如果单独教,那真是枯燥的,但是联想到:枯藤,老树,昏鸦;小桥,流水,人家。我们脑子里绝不会是一个个孤立的词语的存在,而是迅速勾画场景。但是不幸的是,我们学生背单词的时候,就是这样孤立去记忆,所有美好的景像不复存在。几乎所有的学生都跟我倾诉:我跟单词有仇,我怎么都记不住。我跟孩子总是强调:单词不牢,地动山摇。但是请你换个角度看单词。我带着他们对每一个单词进行充分的场景的设计。譬如,例如inspire,我会想到一本好书,朗文词典

3、里有这个句子:a good book will inspire me to take up teaching as a life-long career; 又想到这美好的日子,剑桥词典里的这个句子一下子浮现在我的脑海里:The golden winter light provided the inspiration for the painting。你看单词就是很奇怪的,它让生命变得如此丰富。这个单词拓展了我们的思维,一个是艺术的灵感,一个是阅读的意义。所以,我依旧和其他老师一样,进行单词默写,但是我只会进行句子默写和翻译,最简单的也要是词块。但是有一天,我突然想到,我应该把它们荟萃才好,因此

4、我的教学计划就出来了,同行们不妨也这样进行,应该更有意义。学校生活话题:My English teacher has the ability to bring out the best in others.他能做到扬人之长。体育锻炼话题:Proper exercise will increase your ability to relax. 适当的锻炼会提高自我放松的能力。最后我总结一下:我研究了这么多年的写作,最终只得出一个道理:就高考而言,写作不好,主要是句子写不好;句子写不好,主要是单词没掌握好;单词感到很苦恼,主要是场景设置不够丰富。如果你认为,光掌握单词,思维呢?但是,你知道:单词本

5、身就是激发思维的的。如果不能,请在单词场景设置上下功夫吧。不服就来测测你的任务型转换或词汇基本功(一)(含答案)1. He devoted himself to writing. He published five novels and won two gold medals.Eventually his efforts _ fruit and she got what he wanted.2. He spent two hours telling us about his failure and at last when we were impatient he said he wanted

6、 to borrow some money.He _ about the bush before informing us of his real purpose.3. In her spare time, she spends much time decorating her home to make it beautiful.She likes to spend time _ her home by decorating in her spare time.4. I cant imagine what will happen to them if they lose their home.

7、I cant imagine what will _ of them if they lose their home.5. Put that money somewhere safe in case it gets stolen.Put that money somewhere safe _ it gets stolen.6. This success showed that a new period in his career began.This success marked the _ of a new period in his career.7. The president cant

8、 be here today, so Im going to represent him to make the speech.The president cant be here today, so Im going to speak on his _.8. He treated her more and more aggressively and was warned to behave himself.He was warned of his aggressive _ towards her.9. As hard as she tried, she always won over nob

9、ody in the races of swimming.As hard as she tried, she always fell _ the other swimmers in the races.10. I wonder the reason for this change of plan.I wonder whats _ this change of plan.11. People were shocked at the cruelty of the murders.The cruelty of the murders was beyond _ / _.12. As she sense

10、d that something was wrong, she warned herself not to make mistakes immediately.Warning _ started ringing in her head as she sensed that something was wrong.13. After three years here, I feel this is where I should be because I find comfort, happiness and true friendship.After three years here, I fe

11、el a strong sense of _.14. Clearly, you cant spend more than your income at will because it is running out this month.Clearly, if you are spending more than your income, youll need to tighten your _.16. It was good to see her finally enjoying the results of all her hard work.It was good to see her f

12、inally reaping the _ of all her hard work.17. Cycling is bound to have good effects on health and the environment.Cycling is highly _ to health and the environment.18. I was keen on drawing so I decided to become a painter after graduation.I was _ on being a painter after graduation.19. He promised

13、to serve the public with his whole heart but now has become more and more selfish. His behavior was fiercely criticized by people.He has been accused of _ his former ideals that he will commit himself to serve the public.20. When my friends refused to support me, I felt that they betrayed me.I felt

14、a sense of _ when my friends refused to support me.答案1. He devoted himself to writing. He published five novels and won two gold medals.Eventually his effortsborefruitand she got what he wanted.2. He spent two hours telling us about hisfailure and at last when we were impatient he said he wanted to

15、borrow somemoney.Hebeatabout the bush beforeinforming us of his real purpose.3. In her spare time, she spends much timedecorating her home to make it beautiful.She likes to spend timebeautifyingher home by decorating in her spare time.4.I cant imagine what will happento them if they lose their home.I cant imagine what willbecomeofthem if they lose their home.5. Put that money somewhere safe in caseit gets stolen.Put that money somewhere safebeforeit gets stolen.


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