高考英语复习人教版book5 unit 1 writing 劝说信(共11张 PPT)

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《高考英语复习人教版book5 unit 1 writing 劝说信(共11张 PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语复习人教版book5 unit 1 writing 劝说信(共11张 PPT)(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、writing,如何写劝说信,【写作训练】 假如你是李华。你的美国笔友Susan最近收到了她理想大学的录取通知书。但由于经济原因准备放弃入学。请根据以下要点给她写一封信,劝说她不要放弃。 1. 上大学的重要性; 2. 如何解决所面临的困境; 3. 你的期望。,第一步:审题,文体:,人称:,时态:,劝说信,一般现在时,第二人称,劝说信是书信的一种,主要目的是改变别人的观点。进行此类写作时,首先应找出证据来支持你的观点,达到说服他们的目的。一般来说,劝说信的写作方法如下:,写作指导,我们可以通过以下三个部分来进行写作: 第一部分:引入。写信人首先需要简要说明写信的主要目的。如果需要的话,也可以大致

2、作个自我介绍。 第二部分: 阐述。这是说服性信函的主体和核心部分。写信人需要在这个部分有条理地列出自己的理由。理由要力求客观、真实、有说服力,要重点突出、层次分明。,第三部分: 总结。可以用生动的语言重申自己的核心观点,或以情动人、引起共鸣,或升华延伸、画龙点睛。这部分应该注意语言的简练和冲击力,切忌冗杂拖拉的表达。,第二步:布局谋篇(What, How),开头段,结尾段,主体段,背景与目的:考上大学,但因经济状况想放弃;,分项列举说明上大学的好处和解决问题的办法;,期望:希望对象接受自己的观点。,第三步:行文表达,1. 语言分:词汇、句型和语法运用准确; 2. 结构分:布局合理,层次分明,

3、行文连贯、流畅、得体; 3. 内容分:内容和要点完整; 4. 卷面分:规范、清楚、美观。,语言素材积累,上大学的好处 learn more knowledge make more friends open your eyes improve your abilities help you find a good job,equip yourself with advanced knowledge(用先进知识武装自己) enlarge your circle of friends broaden your horizons promote your abilities prepare yours

4、elf for a better career,解决学费的办法 申请学生贷款 apply for a student loan 申请奖学金 apply for a scholarship 向亲朋寻求经济援助 turn to relatives and friends for financial help seek financial support from relatives and friends,Dear Susan, Congratulations on your admission to a key university, but I am sorry to hear that yo

5、u are going to quit it. Im writing to persuade you to take the opportunity to go to college. As is well-known, it is greatly beneficial to go to college. First and foremost, under the guidance of the teachers, you can equip yourself with more advanced knowledge. Only in this way can you promote your

6、 abilities in your career. Besides, a university is also a great place to broaden our horizons and enlarge circle of friends, which is of great importance to our future so as to make it in the future. All in all, the better educated you are, the better you will prepare yourself for a better career. As for the schooling, if I were in your shoes, I would apply for a student loan or a scholarship. At the same time, seeking financial support from your friends or relatives is also a good choice. I sincerely hope that you can take my advice into consideration and make a right decision.,



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