高三英语一轮复习作文专题--修辞格讲座1 夸张课件(共30张)

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1、修辞格:夸张,HYPERBOLE,万里赴戎机,关山度若飞。 笔落惊风雨,诗成泣鬼神。 白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。,Enjoy Chinese verses,飞流直下三千尺,疑似银河落九天。 桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。 两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。 无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。 五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。,She eats like a bird. He laughs as if the world were his own. He worked his fingers to the bones. The loud music almost drove

2、 me up a wall! His father hit the ceiling to know the news.,Enjoy English examples,夸张是为了达到某种表达效果的需要,对事物的形象、特征、作用、程度等方面着意夸大或缩小的修辞方式。 Hyperbole is a way of speaking or writing that makes someone or something sound bigger, better, more, etc. than they really are.,Defination,asas as if soas to suchas to

3、 like,Usual patterns,enough to seem to in the world/under the sun/on earth ,Thanks a million. The two sisters are different in a thousand and one ways. You write ten times better than anyone in this world. Three women and a goose make a market.,Example 1数量上,天涯若比邻,千里共婵娟。,Demo,We are miles apart, but

4、close at heart.,Bill感到很热,好像胸膛里有九个太阳。 有无数件事要做,Grace今天很忙。 一滴太白酒,十里草木香。,Drill 1数量上,Bill felt so hot as if there were nine suns in his chest.,With101 things to do, Grace is so busy today .,One drop of Taibai wine, and its fragrance will be felt miles around.,I love you. You are the whole world to me, an

5、d the moon, the sun and the stars. He almost died of laughing. =He almost laughed his head off. I sat there still, frozen with fear.,Example 2情感上,Carl极其愤怒,暴跳如雷。 Harry非常着急,好似热锅上的蚂蚁。 听到这个消息,Matt心急如焚。,Drill 2情感上,Carl was so angry, jumping about like a thunder.,Being anxious, Harry felt like a cat on ho

6、t bricks.,Hearing the news, Matt had ants in his pants.,At the news, Matts heart burned with anxiety.,Waves as high as mountains broke over the reef. His convincing speech would cut rocks open. She is the prettiest girl on earth. She cried her eyes out.,Example 3程度上,今天的作业堆积如山。 教室静得连针掉了都能听见。 烈日下,马路都快

7、融化了。,Drill 3程度上,Todays homework is piling up like a mountain.,The room was so quiet that a needle could be heard when dropped.,In the hot sun, the road was about to melt.,For she was beautiful-her beauty made The bright world dim, and everything beside Seemed like the fleeting image of a shade. 她是绝代

8、佳人,她的美 使明亮的世界黯然失色, 使身边万物犹如过眼烟云。,Example 4人物描写上(综合运用),Peter吓也吓死了。 Gloria饿得都能够把一头大象给吃掉了。 我口渴得能喝干一条江。,Drill 4人物描写上(综合运用),Peter was scared to death.,Gloria was hungry enough to eat up an elephant.,I was such a thirsty soul as to drink up a river.,Practice 1英译汉(短文),Early in the morning, Aunt Polly praise

9、d Tom. This was the first time in his life that he had been noticed. He walked in high spirits as if floating on the air. Thinking that he gave aunt just a hand and was recognized, Tom felt that his heart was melting. Smiling from ear to ear, he marched on the path feeling as if the whole world were

10、 waving and nodding to him.,大清早,阿姨Polly表扬了Tom。这是他有生以来第一次被注意到。他走起路来情绪高昂,就像漂在空中一样。 想想只不过帮了阿姨一个小忙就得到认可,Tom的心都要融化掉了。他满脸带笑,大踏步地走在乡间小路上,感觉整个世界都在朝他挥手致意。,For your reference,Happy & proud,Practice 2情景描写,综合运用夸张修辞手 段,就生活经历,写3至5 句话,生动描写喜怒哀乐、 嬉笑怒骂等情景。,Write a short passage (about five sentences) to describe a sc

11、ene of happiness, sorrow, anger or any strong emotion, with the help of hyperbole.,Homework,Thanks for your attention Any comments are welcome,吕煦 实用英语修辞 清华大学出版社 2004年1月第1版 徐鹏 修辞与语用 上海外语教育出版社 2007年6月第1版 冯翠华 英语修辞大全 外语教学与研究出版社 2005年1月第1版 吴平 英汉修辞手段比较 安徽教育出版社 2001年9月第1版,参考书目,Notes:,夸张的修辞手法分为两类: 1. 夸大陈述(o

12、verstatement“言过其实”) We have ten thousand reasons to leave here at once. 2. 低调陈述(understatement尽量淡化事实) how about Bill Gates? He just has some money.,1) She was scared to death. ( ) 2) Fighting a battle in a field is no big deal. ( ) 3) We can go to tell him that the whole world is against him now. (

13、) 4) Ive not had a wind of sleep the last two nights. ( ) 5) The tower stands up as high as the sky. ( ) 6) A: Can you walk? B: My left leg weighs three tons. ( ) C: All right, lets take a taxi home.,2. Practice it,1.indicate in the brackets whether it is an understatement or overstatement. Write u for understatement and o for overstatement.,O,U,o,o,o,o,


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