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1、 2020高考英语外刊学习专题(三):新型冠状病毒(来自CNN)By b&fWhat do you need to know about Coronavirus?FROM CNN HEALTH VIDEOA new Chinese coronavirus, a cousin of the SARS virus, has the international community on alert1. Since the outbreak began in Wuhan, China in December, the number of people infected and patients who

2、 have died keeps climbing. So heres what you need to know about coronavirus. Coronavirus are a large group of viruses common among many species of animals, including humans. In rare cases, the virus actually makes a jump from animals to humans and, even more rare, from person which is what scientist

3、s believe has happened in this case. Now, typically, coronavirus symptoms include a runny2 nose, cough, sore throat, possibly a headache, fever which can last for several days. For those with a weakened immune system, there is a chance the virus could cause a lower down and much more serious respira

4、tory3 tract illness like pneumonia4 or bronchitis5 There have only been two other coronaviruses that have been known to be deadly. The middle East Respiratory Syndrome, known as MERS virus, that caused severe respiratory problems, and the CDC estimated6 three out of four of every ten patients infect

5、ed with MERS had died Another one is the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS. Now, that had an average death rate of around 10%, with older people being the most vulnerable7. Viruses can spread from human contact with animals. Scientists think MERS, for example, started in camels and they sus

6、pected SARS started with civet cats8. As for human-to-human transmission9, often happens when someone is within three feet of the infected person. And with this new virus, we dont know yet when exactly someone becomes contagious10, how sick they are when they do. Depending on how virulent11 the viru

7、s is, a cough, a sneeze12, a handshake could cause an exposure13. There is no vaccine14 to protect against this family of viruses. There is no specific treatment for a coronavirus. Most of the time, symptoms are going to go away on the own. Those who catch the virus are advised to do the basics-drin

8、k plenty of fluids, sleep as much as possible. Symptoms as well can be relieved by taking pain or fever medications, but if they do get worse, its recommended to see a doctor. You could reduce the risk of infection by avoiding people who are sick, avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth and of c

9、ourse, washing your hands with soap and water as often as possible for at least 20 seconds.附:本文不提供全文翻译,仅对部分较为生僻词汇进行注解。1:处于警戒状态;保持戒备2:adj.流鼻涕的;流眼泪的;太稀的;水分过多的;软的3:adj.呼吸的4:n.肺炎5:n.支气管炎6:v.估价;估算7:adj.(身体上或感情上)脆弱的,易受伤害的8:果子狸9:n.传送;传递;传达;传播;传染;(电子信号、信息或广播、电视节目的)播送,发射,发送,传输;(电台或电视)信息,广播10:adj. (疾病)接触传染的;患

10、接触性传染病11:adj.致命的;恶性的;剧毒的;狠毒的;恶毒的;不共戴天的12:v.打喷嚏 n.喷嚏;喷嚏声13:n.面临,遭受(危险或不快);揭露;(在电视、报纸等上的)亮相,被报道14:n.疫苗;菌苗Lunar New Year is normally a huge celebration in China在中国,农历新年通常是一个巨大的庆祝活动A man wears a face mask in Guomao, central Beijing. Artyom Ivanov/TASS via Getty Images在北京市中心的国茂,一个男人戴着口罩。Yesterday was the

11、 first day of the Lunar New Year, the Year of the Rat.昨天是农历新年的第一天,鼠年。For many Chinese people, the holiday is a once-a-year chance to share a meal and carry bags of gifts from the cities to their families back home. This year, it was originally expected that 3 billion journeys would be made during ch

12、unyun, or spring rush - the 40-day period from January 9 to February 18 when people travel for Lunar New Year.对许多中国来说,这个节日是一年一次的机会,可以分享一顿饭,把一袋袋来自城市的礼物带回家。今年,人们原本预计在春云或春运期间会有30亿人次出行,从1月9日到2月18日的40天,人们将出游过春节。But celebrations were considerably smaller this year, as authorities across mainland China, Ho

13、ng Kong and Macao canceled many large public gatherings in order to help contain the Wuhan coronavirus. 但今年的庆祝活动规模要小得多,因为中国大陆、香港和澳门当局为了遏制武汉冠状病毒,取消了许多大型公众集会。Eva Kwang, 35, was at Hong Kongs West Kowloon Station on Friday to cancel her familys train tickets to Guangzhou, in southern Guangdong province

14、.35岁的王伊娃(EvaKwang)上周五在香港西九龙站取消家人前往广东省广州的火车票。She said she was sad that she couldnt see her family, but was worried about her two children. I think the safety for us is more important than my dinner with them, she told CNN. I think I can go back and visit them after maybe one month or two months. 她说她很

15、伤心,她看不到她的家人,但担心她的两个孩子。我认为我们的安全比我和他们共进晚餐更重要,她告诉CNN。我想我可以回去探望他们,也许一个月或两个月后。Japan will evacuate its nationals from Wuhan via chartered flights日本将通过包机从武汉撤离本国国民Japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speaks to the lower house of the parliament on January 20, 2020 in Tokyo. Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images2020年1月20日

16、,日本首相安倍晋三在东京向国会下议院发表讲话。The Japanese government plans to help all Japanese nationals who wish to return to Japan from Wuhan by sending charter flights, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Sunday.日本首相安倍晋三(ShinzoAbe)周日表示,日本政府计划通过派遣包机帮助所有希望从武汉返回日本的日本国民。Abe said Japan is working with the Chinese government to coordinate the evacuation.安倍说,日本正在与中国政府合作,协调撤离行动。Japan confirmed its third case of Wu


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