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1、 高中英语新高考-英语作文:说简洁易懂的话请阅读下面文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。More than 100,000 volunteers in 132 cities spent a weekend picking up plastic and other waste across the country, in a joint worldwide effort to clean up the planet.To celebrate the 10th World Cleanup Day on Sept 15, some 700 non-profit NGOs (non-gov

2、ernmental originations) and social groups held activities aimed at cleaning up the environment and tackling the waste crisis throughout China, mobilizing an estimated 1 million-plus people. From snowcapped mountains to vast oceans, people united in taking action to remove waste from the environment

3、to raise awareness of the severity of the crisis.“Where there is a will, every day can be and should be Cleanup Day,” says Ma Yongjian, a volunteer from Beijing who recently did “plogging”jogging while picking up trashwith his friends in Yudong Park in the northwest of the city.“We must change the w

4、ay of living we are used to, to reduce waste from its source,” says Joe Harvey, a British national and promoter of “zero waste” lifestyles in China. He and his girlfriend Carrie Yu created The Bulk House, a brand that provides zero-waste solutions for daily living. They are urging people to reduce o

5、r eliminate the use of plastic and single-use disposables, such as plastic utensils, bags and beverage bottles.Sounding a note of caution, Mao Da, a specialist in environmental history at Beijing Normal University, says: “In recent years, the massive consumption and materialistic craze have worsened

6、 the waste situation as trash has been produced at a faster pace and in greater quantities.”【写作内容】1. 以约30个词概括文章大意。概括写法一找、二并、三换概括大意需要文体,无非:新闻体、故事体、论说文。就本文而言,是新闻体。新闻体的大意主要看:事实和评论(facts and opinions),评论有时和写作目的交织在一起。关注点:首段和末段(目的非常重要)步骤:1.找关键信息More than 100,000 volunteers in 132 cities spent a weekend pi

7、cking up plastic and other waste across the country, in a joint worldwide effort to clean up the planet.To celebrate the 10th World Cleanup Dayactivities aimed at cleaning up the environment and tackling the waste crisispeople united in taking action to remove waste from the environment to raise awa

8、reness of the severity of the crisis.2.提炼和合并去掉细节信息(例如数字),换为:某人做了某事,目的+方式,即:sb do sth to do.by doing.More than 100,000 volunteers in 132 cities spent a weekend picking up plastic and other waste across the country, in a joint worldwide effort to clean up the planet.To celebrate the 10th World Cleanup

9、 Dayactivities aimed at cleaning up the environment and tackling the waste crisispeople united in taking action to remove waste from the environment to raise awareness of the severity of the crisis.这里面目的有好几处,但基本相同,因此:clean up the planet, raise awareness of the severity of waste crisis最终是:In celebrat

10、ing the 10th World Cleanup Day, people make a joint worldwide effort to clean up the planet and raise awareness of the severity of waste crisis.但这个句子由于和原文相似多,稍微变换一下,改成:sb do sth to do.by doing.。The 10th World Cleanup Day has raised public awareness of the severity of waste crisis by encouraging more

11、 and more people worldwide to clean up the planet together.主体材料中来,材料中去(1)你对于“世界清理日”及类似活动有哪些看法?所谓看法,无非你觉得这件事的好处或坏处,说白了就是影响。当然谈影响,就要说明原因。此类是环保话题,毫无疑问,从positive方好写:思维要点:环保,健康环保reduce waste, create a clean environment where people live in harmony with nature健康价值观,生活方式 serve as a wake-up call / reminder

12、that we should pursue a healthy lifestyle.Undoubtedly, such activities can benefit the whole society a lot in many ways.(说明主旨)First, they contribute to a clean and harmonious environment.(要点一:干净和谐) People have been suffering the consequences of the worsening environment and unfortunately the mountin

13、g waste is one of the root causes.(解释,先从反面写垃圾的负面作用)With volunteers cleaning up the waste, people work and socialize happily physically and psychologically.(承接前一句,形成对比) Besides, they serve as a wake-up call that people should pursue a healthier lifestyle such as avoiding overconsumption. (要点二:生活方式的变化

14、。同时用举例法)(2)你觉得要采取哪些措施来保持环境整洁?公共性的措施无非是一大一小一意识,即:个人怎么做,政府怎么做。措施:1. awareness:2. regulations3. recycling products但首先要明确一点,先要学会从材料中找要点,如果能找到的话,尽量先用材料中的要点来拓展。原文有:Where there is a will, every day can be and should be Cleanup Dayreduce waste from its sourcereduce or eliminate the use of plastic and single

15、-use disposables, such as plastic utensils, bags and beverage bottles综合一下:Honestly speaking, holding activities alone is far from enough.(说明主旨) For one thing, each individual should do his part to clean the environment around him instead of throwing rubbish at will.(要点一:个人责任,注意instead of的信息添加丰富骨干,避免说空话)A little effort can make a big difference.(承接前一句,说明原因)For another, producers should obey environmental rules and regulations and be subject to supervision.(要点二:生产商做法。为了避免观点走空,加一个接受监督。) Only in this way can a clean earth be in sight. (最


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