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1、Unit 1 of Book 1 Good morning! Teaching contents 1. Topic: Meeting friends. 2. Language goal: Greet people. 3. Structures: a) Letters A-H b) Pronunciation of letters A,E 4. Target language: a) Good morning/afternoon/evening. b)Hi,Cindy!How are you? c) Im fine,thanks. d) Hello,Frank! 5. Vocabulary: N

2、ew words: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh hi hello good morning afternoon evening fine OK thanks Phrases: Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? Thanks.=Thank you. Im=I am Teaching aims 1. Knowledge objects : a) Structures b) Target language c) New words and expressions d) The conversation 2. Ability

3、objects :Get the students be able to greet people each other. 3. Moral objects :Make the students be interested in English. Learning strategies 1. Listening for key words 2. Using what you know Conscious of the Culture Make the students to know how to greet people in everyday life. Teaching keys 1.

4、Greet people 2. Target language 3. New words and expressions 4. Letters A-H Teaching difficulties 1. Pronunciation of letters A,E 2. How to greet people Activity planned 1. Pairwork 2. Groupwork 3. Role play 4. Listening Teaching aids 1. Cards 2. tape-recorder Teaching time 4 periods(section A + sec

5、tion B + Selfcheck) The 1st period Teaching contents 1. New words 2. LettersA-H 3. Section A, 1a-2d Teaching aims 1. Master the new words and expressions 2. Master the pronunciation of lettersA-H and writing 3. Be able to read English names. Keys and difficulties 1. New words and target language 2.

6、LettersA-H 3. Pronunciation of English names Teaching aids 1.tape-recorder 2.Cards Teaching strategies 1. Listening 2. Speaking 3. Writing Learning activities 1. Pairwork 2. Class work 3 Listeing and writing Notes: Teaching procedure Step 1:Introduction Begin by greeting the class with a smile and g

7、ood morning! Now, introduce the words “teacher” and “class” by using gesturesHave the class repeat after you several times Students Can answer as a whole groupAs rows and as individualsRepeat “I am your teacher and you are the class” several times Now,introduce the class to the instructions: please

8、sit down and please stand up by using actions and gestures They can practice this several times Step 2:Leadin You may leave the class again to introduce the usual Good morning routine Say Good morning ,class Help students respond with Good morningPoint to yourself and say Im Miss MrHave them repeatE

9、xplain the terms Miss and Mrin Chinese Repeat this a few times with rows and individuals or try a “back-chain” drill: Miss,Mr (Ss repeat) Morning,MissM r (Ss repeat) Good morning,Miss,Mr (Ss repeat) Step 3:Practice Say:Stand up,please! (Ss stand up) Leave the classroom,return and say Good morning,cl

10、ass! Help the students respond with Good morning,MissMr.Say: Sit down,pleaseNow lets start the lesson Step 4:Presentation and activity Now point to yourself and say My name is MissMr. I am your teacher Find a student you know and say your name isThen ask: What is your name? Help them respond with My

11、 name is . When the student answers, respond with HelloNice to meet you! Repeat this activity several times,first with students you know and then with others Help them to respond with Nice to meet you, tooExplain the Word “too in Chinese Step 5:Practice Get the students to practice the dialogue in p

12、airs S1:Good morning S2:Good morningIm Whats your name? Sl:My name is Nice to meet you! S2:Nice to meet youtoo Call out several pairs of students to give their performancePraise their efforts as much as possibleHelp the slower students with patience Step 6:Presentation Do activity 1a:Look at the pic

13、tureFind the small letters for these big letters First present letters a-h,and get the students to repeat these lettersCall the students to attention the letter Csi:notsei: H /e/ not /e/ Step 7:Listening and writing Get the students to listen to the tape and finish the task list on the bookMake sure

14、 all the students know what they should do Have the students watch the teacher writing the letters on the blackboard, then ask them to follow the teacher and write down these letters on their exercisebooksLet the students know the diffences between the big letters and the small letters Step 8:Games

15、time Let the students do some letters games to enjoy your lesson,the following is the instruction 抢读字母游戏:教师将全班分成若干小组,然后逐个出示字 母卡片, 学生们举手抢答。 教师让最先举手的学生读出该字母, 读对的给该组记 lO 分,得分最多的组为优胜组。 Step 9: Homework Copy the conversation and letters. (Do entering famous school) Step 6:Presentation Do activity 1a: Look at the picture Listen and repeat. Then present lettersA-H, and get the students to repeat these lettersCall the students to attention the letter Csi:notsei: H /e/ not /e/ Step 7:Listening and writing Get the students to find the big letters for these small le



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