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1、句法结构梳理(200句),北京市海淀区教师进修学校 何国贵 ,第一部分 基本句架,一、主语 + 系动词 + 表语 二、主语 + 谓语结构(行为动词) 三、There be 句型,第二部分 句子的种类 一、简单句的五种句型 二、并列句 三、复合句 四、it 结构 五、倒装句 六、省略句,一、主语 + 系动词 + 表语,系动词由to be构成 He was an engineer. 他曾是位工程师。 2. My father is in good health. 我父亲身体挺好的。 3.That is all I want to say. 这就是我想说的。 4. Friends are many

2、but true friends are rare. 朋友多但真正的朋友并不多。 5. Im not sure about that. 我对那事没把握。,6. The results are what I expected. 这结果是我预料到的。 7.The difference between victory and defeat is the slightly of margin. 胜利和失败只是毫厘之差。 8. Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 9. Your help has been of great value. 你的帮助很大。 10. I am the fir

3、st child in my family to attend college.我是家里第一个上大学的孩子。 11. Your task is to finish the job within two days. 你们的任务是在两天内完成此项工作。, 系动词前有助动词或情态动词 12. He will be in charge of the project. 他将负责这项工程。 13. John can be your guide during the holiday. 约翰可在假期为你作导游。 14. Little Tom was able to do the job alone. 小汤姆能

4、独立做这个工作。 15. Of three people who travel together, there must be someone who can be my teacher. 三人行必有我师。 16. Red color may be a symbol for danger. 红色也许是危险的信号。,能起系动词作用的动词 17.The piece of silk feels soft. 这块绸料手感柔软。 18.He went a child and returned an old man. 他走时还是个孩子,归来已是老人。 19.The problem seemed quite

5、 easy, but it soon appeared very difficult. 问题似乎很简单,但很快就显现出它的难度。 20. Now I can rest easy since I have won the good result. 我获得了好成绩现在可以放心了。 21.Through his effort, his wish came true. 通过努力他的愿望实现了。 22. We remained friends. 我们仍然是朋友。,二、主语+谓语结构(行为动词),(一)行为动词为及物动词: 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 补语 + 状语 1. I will have him

6、 do the job. 我要让他做这个工作。 2. Do you feel the house shaking? 你觉得房子在晃动吗? 3.They painted the door white. 他们把门涂成了白色。 4.The music reaches the depths of my soul. 音乐触及我的灵魂深处。 5. A bright smile helps you communicate with others. 灿烂的微笑有助于你和他人交往。, 及物动词有被动结构 1. He was warned not to be late. 他被警告不要迟到。 2. She was

7、believed honest. 相信她是诚实的。 3. Tea is generally served at 3 oclock. 一般是三点钟供应茶水。 4.The windows were shut tight against the rain. 为防雨窗子关得很紧。 5.Our officers were equipped with up-to-minute computers. 我们办公室装备了最新式的电脑。 6. He was accused of neglecting his duties. 他被指控渎职。,(二) 行为动词是不及物动词,1.Traffic accident usu

8、ally happened when people are not careful enough. 发生交通事故往往是人们大意的时候。 2. In summer the temperature sometimes rises as high as 39 C. 夏天温度可达39度。 3. Sound travels at 340 metres per second in air. 声速每秒340米。 4. The road extends for two miles. 这条路延伸2英里。 5. One cant succeed unless he tried. 人要努力才能成功。,三、There

9、 be 句型,1.There must be reasons for his late. 他来晚了必有原因。 2.There will be much work to be done. 将有许多工作要做。 3.There have been great changes in the city since last year. 去年以来这座城市变化很大。 4.There are likely to be more difficulties than I imagine. 困难可能比我想象的要多。,There be,5.There being nothing else to do, we went

10、 to the library. 没有别的事可做,我们就去图书馆。 6.He has read all the reference books there are on the subject.(there be作定语从句) 他已阅读了所有论述这个题目的参考书籍。 7. Where there is life, there is hope. 哪里有生命,哪里就有希望。,第二部分 句子的种类,陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句 一、简单句 简单句的五种基本句型: 1。 主语 + 谓语 2。 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 3。 主语 + 联系动词 +表语 4。 主语 + 谓语 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语

11、5。 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语,听写或默写句子,加以巩固。落实在笔头上!,简单句的五种句例,We breathe. 我们呼吸。 2. The task includes sweeping the floor and cleaning the windows. 任务包括拖地板和擦窗子。 3. The direction is changeable. 方向是可变的。 4. My father bought me a computer. 父亲给我买了一部电脑。 5. Youll have tea served. 会提供茶水给你的。,陈述句,1. The early bird catc

12、hes the worm. 勤能补拙。 2. Safety comes first. 安全第一。 He did not seem to be ready. 他似乎没有准备。 4. This will never do. 这绝行不通。 5. He spent a large part of his youth in Beijing. 他在北京度过他的大部分青春年华。 6. We offer them their own room and access to the Internet. 我们提供给他们自己的房间并能上网。,祈使句,Do it as you are told. 照告诉你的去做吧。 2

13、. Be prepared! Have some low-risk conversation openers ready. 有备无患!准备好几句不太会出错的开场白。 3. Remember to imitate the sentence. 记住要模仿这个句子。 4. Imagine life without hot water. 设想一下没有热水的生活。 5. Hope you are well. 希望你身体健康。 6. Dont expect to succeed overnight. 不可指望一蹴而就。,高考试题: 7. Leave it with me and Ill see what

14、I can do. 把它留给我,看看我能做什么。 8. Take things as they are and youll enjoy every day of your life. (如能做到)随遇而安,你会每天都生活得很快乐的。 9. Help others whenever you can and you will make the world a nicer place to live in. 能帮助别人时尽力去帮,这样你就能生活在更加美好的世界里。,感叹句,What awful weather today! How awful it is today! How difficult t

15、he problem is! What a stupid suggestion! What beautiful clothes she wears! What a pleasure it is to see the sun! How lovely! How blue the sky is !,疑问句,一般疑问句 Shall we go for a walk? 特殊疑问句 What do you want when you grow up? 选择疑问句 Do you want fried or boiled egg? 反意疑问句 We forgot to bring our tickets, b

16、ut please let us enter, will you?,主谓一致,1.There are a great many angles to this matter. 看事情有许多角度。 2.There is no environmental damage. 环境没有被破坏。 3.The number of passengers does not agree with the idea. 相当数量的乘客不同意这个主意。 4.The number of cars is below 50. 小汽车的数量不到50辆。 5. A number of young men have gone abroad. 许多年轻人去了国外。,6. Some of the visitors are leaving. 一些来访者要走了。 7. One of the girls has seen the stranger before.


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