山东省201X年中考英语总复习 第11课时 八下 Units 7-8课件

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1、第11课时 八年级下册Units 78,考点一 population的用法 【课文原句】 China has the biggest population in the world. 中国是世界上人口最多的国家。(八下P50),(1)当population作主语且强调整体人口时,谓语动词常用 单数形式。 The worlds population is growing faster and faster.世界人 口增长得越来越快。 (2)当主语是“人口的百分之几、几分之几”时,谓语动词常 用复数形式。 Three quarters of the population are farmers.四

2、分之三的 人口是农民。,(3)表示人口的“多”或“少”,用large或small。 The population of China is very large.中国人口众多。 (4)提问有多少人口,常用“What is the population of.?” 句式。 Whats the population of this town?这个城镇有多少人口?,(5)表示“某地有多少人口”时,常用“.has a population of.” 句式。 India has a population of more than one billion. 印度人口不止10亿。,1(2018山东日照五莲一模

3、) is the population of China? Its about 1.4 billion. I think its becoming AWhat; more and more BHow many; larger and larger CWhat; larger and larger DHow much; smaller and smaller,考点二 one of的用法 【课文原句】 Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world?你知道中国是世界上最古老的国家 之一吗?(八下P50),(1)

4、one of可数名词复数或人称代词宾格,表示 “中的一个”。 one of us我们中的一个 one of my friends我朋友中的一个,(2)one of形容词最高级名词复数 Betty is one of my best friends.贝蒂是我最好的朋友之一。 I think Jackie Chan is one of the most popular actors. 我认为成龙是最受欢迎的男演员之一。,(3)当one of短语作句子主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数。 One of them is my best friend. 他们中的一人是我最好的朋友。 One of the a

5、pples has gone bad.其中一个苹果坏了。,2(2018甘肃定西临洮月考)Paris is one of cities in the world. Amore beautiful Bbeautiful Cthe more beautiful Dthe most beautiful,3(2018天津红桥三模)How do you like the film Lost In Thailand? Its one of films that I have ever seen. Ainteresting Bmore interesting Cmost interesting Dthe mo

6、st interesting,考点三 feel free/tour的用法 【课文原句】 Feel free to ask me anything on todays Great Wall tour请随意问我关于今天在长城旅游的任 何事情。(八下P50),(1)“(Please) feel free to.”常用于英语口语中,意为“随 便;欢迎”,表示很随意地去做某事。feel free 还可意为“感觉自由”。 Please feel free to ask any questions.请随意提问。 Feel free to visit my house!欢迎随时来我家! They live i

7、n a free country, but they do not feel free. 他们生活在一个自由的国家,但却感觉不到自由。,(2)tour既可作名词,也可作动词,意为“旅行;旅游”。 tourist名词,意为“旅行者;观光者”。 They went on a tour round the world last year. 去年他们周游了世界。 We are touring Italy for our holidays this year. 今年我们假期要去意大利旅行。 There are a lot of tourists coming here for vacation. 有许多

8、观光者来这儿度假。,【辨析】 tour, travel与trip,考点四 protect的用法 【课文原句】 The main reason was to protect their part of the country.主要原因是为了保卫他们那部分国土。 (八下P50),(1)protect是及物动词,意为“保护;防护”。protect sth. 保护某物 (2)protect sb./sth. from sth./doing sth. 保护某人/某物使其不受 Protect your eyes from the sun. 不要让阳光伤害你的眼睛。,考点五 as的用法 【课文原句】 As

9、you can see, its quite tall and wide.正如 你们所能看到的,长城非常高,也非常宽。(八下P50),(1)上句中,as作连词,意为“正如;如同”。 As you know, Jane is leaving soon.正如你所知,简马上 就要离开了。 (2)as作介词,表示“作为;当作”。 As a party member, I must be strict with myself. 作为一名党员,我必须严格要求自己。,(3)as作连词,意为“像;按照”,引导方式状语从句。 You must do everything as I ask you to. 你必须

10、按照我的要求做任何事情。 (4)as作连词,意为“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句。 He came just as I reached the door. 当我刚走到门口的时候他来了。,(5)as作连词,意为“因为”,表示原因,引导原因状语从句。 You must hurry up as there is little time left.你必须快点儿, 因为没有时间了。,4(2016甘肃白银中考)Chinese will be widely used a foreign language around the world. Ain Bfor Cas Dby,考点六 be基数词n.adj.(lo

11、ng/wide)的用法 【课文原句】 It is 8,844.43 meters high and so is very dangerous to climb.它8 844.43米高,所以登山很危险。 (八下P51),表示事物的长、宽、高、深、远等的基本结构为:be基 数词名词形容词(long/wide/high/deep/away等),在句中 作表语或后置定语。 The bridge is 150 meters long.这座桥长150米。,考点七 take in的用法 【课文原句】 It is also very hard to take in air as you get near th

12、e top.当你接近顶部,呼吸也很困难。(八下P51),take in意为“引入;吞入(体内)”。 They often drive to the countryside to take in the fresh air there.他们经常开车到乡村去呼吸新鲜的空气。,考点八 succeed的用法 【课文原句】 The first Chinese team did so in 1960, while the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975.1960年,中国登山队第一次登顶成功,而来自日本的 田部井淳子在197

13、5年成为第一个成功的女登山者。 (八下P51),(1)succeed“实现目标;成功”,常用搭配为succeed in doing sth.“成功做某事”, succeed in sth.“在某方面成功”。 Very few people succeed in losing weight and keeping it off. 很少有人能减肥成功并一直保持不反弹。 She succeeded in politics.她在政界很有成就。 (2)successful为形容词,意为“成功的”;success是名词, 意为“成功”。,5(2016甘肃天水中考)What do you think of

14、the speech given by Chairman Xi in the UN? Its very exciting. His speech getting foreign friends appreciations. Asucceeded in Blooked down Cgave up Dcame about,考点九 come true和achieve的用法 【课文原句】 The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.这些登 山者的精神告诉我

15、们:永远不要放弃尝试实现我们的梦想。 (八下P51),achieve作动词,意为“实现;完成”。 achievement 作名词, 意为“成绩”。 You will never achieve anything if you spend your time that way.你若那样消磨时间,就永远不会有所成就。 For his great achievement, Mo Yan received the Nobel Prize for Literature.莫言由于他的伟大成就获得了诺贝尔文学奖。,【辨析】 achieve和come true的“实现”目标,考点十 any other的用法

16、【课文原句】 Its 8,844.43 meters high. Its higher than any other mountain.它8 844.43米高。比其他任何一座山 脉都高。(八下P52) any other意为“其他任何一个”,指在同一范围内除了某人 或某物以外的其他人或事物,其后跟单数名词,也可以说 “any of the other复数名词”。,Tom runs faster than any other student(或any of the other students) in his class.汤姆跑得比他班上的其他任何学生 都快。 Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. 上海比中国的其他任何一个城市都大。,【注意】 若相互比较的人或物不在同一范围或不属于同 一类别,就不用other。 Shanghai is larger than any city in India.上海比印度的任 何城市都大。,考点十一 weigh/time的用



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