高考英语 Module_1__My_first_Day_at_senior_high 外研版

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1、高考英语 Module_1_My_first_Day_at_senior_high 外研版Module 1 My first Day at senior high (school) (1) At senior high school 高中 senior 年长的;资历较深的,地位高的;高年级的(美) Eg): senior engineer 高级工程师 They are senior students. 他们是高年级学生 At junior high school 初中 junior 年少的;资历较浅的,地位较低的 Eg): junior officers 下级军官 my junior brot

2、her 我的弟弟 He is my manager, though he is junior to me. 他是我的经理,尽管他资历比我浅。 (2). 学科名词; maths (mathematics)数学; physics 物理; chemistry 化学; biology 生物 geography地理; history 历史; Chinese 语文; Japanese Russian PE (Physical Education) IT (information Technology) science subject(s) 理科; academic subject(s) 文科 How ma

3、ny of the subjects are science subjects ? Which are your three favourite subjects ? Reading and vocabulary 1. far from +地点 远离。;离。很远far from +n./doing/adj. 远非;完全不;绝非 eg: the market isnt far from here. Its only half an hours bicycle ride. Far from helping the situation, youve just made it worse. 你非但对情

4、况没有什么帮助,反而弄得更糟。 He is far from a fool.他绝不傻 2. thought nc. 想法,看法,主意 (pl.)思想 nu. 考虑,沉思 Eg: I dont like the thought of your walking home alone.我不想让你一个人步行回家 Before you begin to make a speech, you should collect your thoughts. 演讲开始前,你应当思想集中 He sat, deep in thought. 他坐着,陷入了沉思。 Sit sat sat 3. enthusiastic

5、adj. 热情的,热心的,满腔热忱的 enthusiasm n.热心,热情,热忱 be enthusiastic about . 对。狂热,痴迷,迷恋 eg; Im proud to have so many enthusiastic supporters. 我很自豪有这么多热心支持者。 You dont sound very enthusiastic about the idea.你好像对这个想法不三感兴趣。 She was even less enthusiastic about going to America.好对去美国更不感兴趣。4. amazing adj. very surpri

6、sing 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜(惊羡,惊叹)的It is amazing that/how 真是令人惊奇。Eg: It is amazing how quickly people adapt to environment. 人们适应环境之快真是惊人。5. method nc. 方法,办法,措施 with this method 用这种方法Eg; I think we should try again using a different method. 我想我们应该用一种不同的方法再试一次。 6. nothing like +n./pron.代/doing sth/ clause 7. bore

7、d adj.(对某人、事)厌倦的;厌烦的 boring 令人厌烦(倦)的;没趣的 Bore vt.使厌烦; boredom nu.厌烦,厌倦;无聊 born adj.出生的;出世的 Be bored with. 对。厌倦 Bore sb. with以。使某人厌倦 Be bored to death 厌烦得要死 I was bored to death! 我真的腻烦死了! Bore sb. by doing sth 做某事使某人厌倦 Eg: the children quickly got bored with staying indoors. There was a bored express

8、ion on her face 她脸上有一种厌烦的表情。 He bored us all by talking for hours about his new house. 他连贯几个小时大谈他的新房子,使我们大家都厌烦透了。8. introduce vt. 把。介绍给。;引进,推进 introduction nc/u. Introduce oneself 自我介绍 introduce A to B 把A介绍给B Introduce sth. Into.把某事物传入或引入。 Eg; Tobacco was introduced into Europe from America. 9. emba

9、rrassed adj. 尴尬的;害羞的 embarrassing adj.令人害羞的(难堪的)embarrassment n. ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞愧的,尴尬的 be embarrassed about/at 因。而尴尬/害羞 be embarrassed to do sth. 窘迫(尴尬、害羞地做某事 eg: shes embarrassed about her height. He felt embarrassed at being the focus of attention 他困自己成为众人的中心感到害羞 这个女孩在公众面前演讲感到不自在。_ The girl felt

10、 embarrassed about making a speech in public10. previous adj.(仅用于名词前)先前的,以住的 prevision n.预知;预感,先见 previous to +n/ pron./doing 在。之前 eg: No previous experience is necessary for this job. 这一工作无需以往经验。 Previous to this, shed always been well. 在这以前,她身体一向很好。11.description ncu. 描写,形容,说明;常与of 搭配用, a/the desc

11、ription of sb./sth. Eg: please give me a brief/full description of the accident. 请简短地、详细地叙述这次意外事故给我听。 I found the play boring beyond description 觉得这部戏乏味得无法形容。 Beyond description 无法形容的(地);难以描述的(地) Give a detailed/general description of .对。做详尽的、概括性的说明My name is Li Kang. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city

12、not far from Beijing. It is the capital city of Hebei Province. Today is my first day at Senior High School and Im writing down my thoughts about it. My new school is very good and I can see why. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. Every room has a compute

13、r with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them. The screens also show photographs, text and information from websites. Theyre brilliant !The English class is really interesting. The teacher is a very ent

14、husiastic woman called Ms Shen. Were using a new textbook and Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High School. She thinks that reading comprehension is important, but we speak a lot in class, too. And we have fun. I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shenclass! Today we introduced ourselves to each other. We did this in groups. Some students were embarrassed at first but everyone was very friendly and it was really n


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