【创新设计】高考英语一轮复习 Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others课件 北师大版

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1、Module 5 Unit 1Getting along with others,重点单词,1admit vt.吸收某人参加 Dont be afraid to admit your mistake.不要怕认错。,即学即用,用admit的适当形式填空 Tom _(承认偷了)the car. 答案:admitted having stolen Open the window to _ some fresh air. 答案:admit Such people shouldnt _ the Party. 答案:be admitted to The hall _ 3,000 people. 答案:ad

2、mits Now that he _ that he had broken the window, you should have forgiven him. 答案:admitted,2. swear vt.&vi.(swore,sworn)发誓,宣誓;咒骂 【用法拓展】 swear at sb./sth.咒骂,诅咒,说脏话 swear revenge on sb.发誓要向某人报仇 swear(not) to do sth.发誓(不)要做某事;郑重承诺/保证(不) 做某事 swear(to sb.)(that)从句 诅咒发誓地说;肯定地说 I could have sworn(I am sur

3、e)我敢肯定 swear on sth.(尤指在法庭上)宣誓,起誓 swear by sb./sth.以名义发誓,对发誓 swear sb. in/swear sb. into sth.使某人宣誓就职;使某人宣 誓忠于某组织/国家等(常用被动语态) swear to sth.断言,肯定;保证某事,When the taxi driver started to swear at him,he walked off. 当出租车司机开口骂他的时候,他干脆走开了。剑桥高阶 In some countries,witnesses in court have to swear on the Bible.

4、在有些国家,出庭证人必须手按圣经宣誓。剑桥高阶 She made him swear not to tell anyone. 她要他发誓不告诉任何人。 I swear to God I had nothing to do with it. 我可以对天发誓,这跟我一点关系都没有。 The new prime minister was sworn into office. 新首相宣誓就职。,即学即用,Following Christianity,witnesses have to _ on the Bible to tell the truth. Aswear Badvocate Cplot Dr

5、egister 解析:句意为:按基督教的习俗,证人必须手按圣 经发誓要说实话。swear 宣誓,发誓;advocate提 倡,鼓吹;plot n情节;小块土地;vt.密谋,策划; register登记,注册。 答案:A,3forgive vt.(forgave,forgiven)原谅,宽恕 【用法拓展】 forgive sb./sth.原谅某人/某事 forgive sb.sth.原谅某人某事 forgive sb. for 原谅某人做过某事 forgive and forget不念旧恶,不计前嫌 对不起,请原谅 forgiving adj.宽宏大量的,宽容的,【易混辨析】 forgive/e

6、xcuse/pardon (1)forgive与pardon有时可通用,但forgive除了表示免予惩罚和追究之外,往往还含有进一步的“不记旧账,从心里宽恕”等意思。还可用于forgive sb./sth.或forgive sb. for(doing)sth.原谅、宽恕某人做某事。 (2)excuse原谅,语气较轻,宾语一般是过错、疏忽或犯过失的人,常用于口语中。除excuse sb. for(doing)sth.外,还可用于excuse oneself for(doing)sth.为自己(干)辩解。 (3)pardon原意为“赦免”,在普通用法中也有“免予惩罚或追究”之意。只用于pardon

7、 sb.for(doing)sth.饶恕某人(干)某事。,I dont think shes ever quite forgiven me for getting her name wrong that time. 我认为那次把她的名字弄错后她一直都没完全原谅我。 剑桥高阶 Shed forgive him anything.她会原谅他的任何事。 He forgave her for what she had said to him.他原谅她对他所说过的那些话。 Ill never forgive you for what you said to me last night. 你昨天夜里竟然对

8、我说了那些话,我永远不会原谅你。 She had not inherited her mothers forgiving nature. 她没有承袭她母亲的宽厚天性。,即学即用,单项选择 I didnt mean to keep you waiting here for a long time.But there are several traffic jams on the way.Can you _ me? Aforgive Bbehave Cinterrupt Dapologize 答案:A My advice is that its best to _.In this way it i

9、s easier to get along with others. Areason and effect Bforgive and forget Cforgive and blame Dpardon and excuse 答案:B,完成句子 _ _ _ _(请原谅我打 岔),but I dont really agree with that. 答案:Forgive me for interrupting I cant _ _(原谅自己)for not being able to look after her at that time. 答案:forgive myself,4stand vt.

10、容忍,忍受;经受,遭受 【用法拓展】 stand vt.忍受(某事物);容忍(某人的行为);经受得起 不用于被动语态,尤其用于否定句和疑问句中,与 can/could连用;不用于进行时态,后跟名词、代词、动名 词或不定式。即:stand Our tent wont stand another storm like the last one. 我们的帐篷经受不起像上次那样的风暴了。剑桥高阶 She couldnt stand to be told what to do.她不容别人指使她. I cant stand him interrupting all the time. 他老是插嘴,真让我受

11、不了。,Modern plastics can _ very high and very low temperature. Astand Bhold Ccarry Dsupport 解析:句意为:现在的塑料能忍受高温和低温。Stand 承受,经受,经得起;B项“支撑,举办”等;C项“运 载”;D项“支持;养活”,根据题意选A项。 答案:A,即学即用,5. apologize vi.道歉 【用法拓展】 (1)apologize to sb.向某人道歉 apologize for sth.为某事道歉 apologize to sb. for sth./doing sth.为某事向某人道歉 (2)a

12、pology n道歉;谢罪,认错 make/offer an apology to sb. for sth./doing sth.为某事向某 人道歉 offer sb.an apology向某人道歉 accept sb.s apology接受某人的道歉 owe sb. an apology应向某人道歉 Did he apologize to you for being late? 他为迟到的事向你道歉了吗?美国传统,即学即用,完成句子 He apologized _ me _ his breaking the glasses. 他因打坏了玻璃杯向我道歉。 答案:to;for I _ an ap

13、ology _ the chairman _ being late. 我因迟到向主席道歉。 答案:made;to;for I must _ her an _ _ not going to her party. 我因没参加她的聚会必须向她道歉。 答案:offer;apology for The headmaster told the boy _ _ _ the angry teacher,but he refused to. 校长告诉这男孩去给老师道歉,但他拒绝了。 答案:to apologize to,6.doubt vt.&n.怀疑,疑问,疑惑 【用法拓展】 sb. dont doubt t

14、hat.不怀疑 sb. doubt whether/if.怀疑是否 sb. have no doubt that.不怀疑 sb. have some doubt whether(不用if).怀疑是否 There is no doubt 毫无疑问 beyond doubt/without doubt无疑地;确实地;肯定地 be doubtful about doing sth.拿不定主意做某事,【特别提醒】 当doubt作动词且用于肯定句时,用whether/if引导宾语从句;当doubt用于否定句时,用that引导宾语从句。 You can complain,but I doubt wheth

15、er/if itll make any difference. 你可以抱怨,但我疑惑抱怨将是否有作用。 There is no doubt that he will win the game. 毫无疑问他将赢得这场比赛。 I doubt that well arrive on time. 我看我们可能无法准时到达。美国传统 This meeting has been,without/beyond doubt,one of the most useful we have had so far. 这无疑是我们迄今为止最有用的一次会议。 No doubt youll see him there. 你肯定会在那里看见他的。美国传统,即学即用,Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found. Awhich Bthat Cwhat Dwhether 解析:句意为:一些研究者认为,毫无疑问,人们将会 找到治疗AIDS的方法。由句意可知,a cure for AIDS will be found应是同位语从句,充


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