【创新设计】高考英语一轮复习 Module 2 Unit 4 Cyberspace 课件 北师大版

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1、Module 2 Unit 4Cyberspace,重点单词,1likely adj.有可能的;有希望的 精讲拓展 It is/was likely that.有可能 It is/was likely(for sb.)to do sth.某人可能做某事 sb./sth.be likely to do sth.某人/某物可能 It is possible that.有可能 It is possible(for sb.)to do sth. 某人可能做某事 It is probable that.有可能,典型例句 It is likely to rain at any moment.随时都可能会下

2、雨。美国传统 Something is likely to happen at any time.随时都有可能发生什么事情。朗文当代 It is likely/possible/probable that the flight will be canceled because of the heavy fog. 由于大雾,航班将可能被取消。朗文当代,即学即用,The test is_to be difficult. Alikely Blike Cpossible Dprobable 解析:likely的逻辑主语可为sb./sth./it,C、D的逻辑主语只能为it。句意为:这次测试可能很难。

3、答案:A,2affect vt.影响,(疾病)侵袭;感染;感动 精讲拓展 have an effect onaffect影响 affect sb.to tears把某人感动得流泪 take effect开始实行,开始生效 come/go into effect生效;实施 in effect(指规则,法律等)有效;实际上 influence vt.常指对人的潜移默化的影响,典型例句 Smoking affects health.吸烟影响健康。朗文当代 She was deeply affected by the news of his death. 他去世的消息让她深感悲痛。朗文当代 The m

4、ovie affected us deeply.这部电影深深地打动了我们。美国传统,即学即用,What you have done will not have_your fame. Aa good effect in Ba good affect on Ceffected Da good effect on 解析:句意为:你所做的一切将不会对你的名声有好的影 响。affect为动词,effect为名词。have an effect on对 有影响。 答案:D,3offer vt.(主动)提出,提供,奉献;出(价);开(价) n提供,主动提议 精讲拓展 offer sb.sth.offer st

5、h.to sb.向某人提供某物 offer to do主动提出做某事 offer sb.sth.for money出价向某人销售某物 offer sb. money for sth.出价向某人买某物 accept/take an offer(of sth./to do sth.)接受(做)的提议 make an offer to do主动提出做某事 supply/provide sb.with sth. supply sth.to/for sb. provide sth.for sb.,典型例句,Theyve offered us $ 50,000 for the house. 他们已向我们出

6、价五万元买这所房子。朗文当代 The new apartment offers many advantages over our old one. 与我们的老公寓相比,新公寓有诸多优点。美国传统 They offered him a very good job. 他们为他提供了一个很好的工作。朗文当代,If you like I can do some shopping for you. Thats a very kind_. Aoffer Bservice Cpoint Dsuggestion 解析:句意为:“如果你喜欢我可以给你买些东西 来。”“那是很不错的提议。”offer为主动提供帮助

7、。 答案:A,即学即用,4harm vt.&n.伤害,损害 精讲拓展 harm sb./sth.对某人/某物有害 do/cause harm to sb./sth.do/cause sb.harm mean no harm(to.)(对)没有恶意 do more harm than good弊多利少 be harmful to对有害处,典型例句 They were accused of doing him bodily harm. 他们被控对他造成了人身伤害。朗文当代 He means no harm by saying what he thinks. 他想到就说,并无恶意。朗文当代 Ther

8、e was no harm meant in their careless mistake. 他们不小心犯了错误,并无恶意。美国传统,Harm will be_the environment,if we keep_it. Adone to;destroying Bdone to;destroy Cdone to;damage Ddone;destroying 解析:do harm to“对有害”,harm作主语,谓语 用被动形式,keep后接动名词作宾语。 答案:A,5.fashion n时髦,时尚 精讲拓展 come into fashion成为时尚 follow the fashion赶时

9、髦 be in fashion流行,入时 be out of fashion不再流行,过时 典型例句 Dont throw your old clothes away,they might come back into fashion in a few years. 别把旧衣扔掉,说不定过几年这些衣服又会流行起来。 朗文当代 Some styles never go out of fashion. 有些款式永远不会过时。朗文当代 Simple black dresses are always in fashion. 简洁的黑裙永远不会过时。美国传统,即学即用,完成句子 She paints _

10、 _ _ _ (模仿)her teacher. Its not like him_ _ _ _ (赶时髦),After the fashion of,to follow the fashion,6know vt.知道,了解 精讲拓展 be known as被认为是;作为而出名 be known for因而著名 be known to为所了解,熟知 make sth.known把某事公布 make oneself known自我介绍,典型例句 I know what the answer is.我知道答案。美国传统 Were sure youll be well known as an arti

11、st. 我们相信你会成为一位著名的艺术家。朗文当代 He is known to all in our city.他在我市家喻户晓。朗文当代 Zhang Yimou is known for his films. 张艺谋因其电影而著名。,即学即用,John has written some short stories,but he is_known for his plays. Athe best Bmore Cbetter Dthe most 解析:句意为:约翰已写了一些短篇小说,但较出名的还是 戏剧。把小说与戏剧进行了比较,因此用比较级。better是 be well known中well

12、的比较级。 答案:C,7suggest vt.建议;暗示 精讲拓展 suggest sth.建议某事 suggest sb./sb.s doing sth.建议某人做某事 suggest that sb.(should)do建议某人做某事 ask for/call for/invite a suggestion征求建议 at/on sb.s suggestion根据某人的建议 典型例句 All the evidence suggests(that)he has stolen the money. 所有的证据都表明他偷了钱。朗文当代 I suggest going in my car.我建议坐我

13、的车去。朗文当代 I suggest(that)we wait a while before we make any firm decisions. 我建议我们在作出任何明确而肯定的决定之前先考虑片 刻。剑桥高阶,即学即用,The suggestion that the mayor_the prize was accepted by everyone. Awould present Bought to present Cpresent Dpresents 解析:suggestion后接同位语从句、表语从句时,从句用虚 拟,即从句的动词用原形或should动词原形。句意为: 市长颁奖的提议是人人

14、可以接受的。 答案:C,8.focus vt.&vi.(使)聚焦;(使)集中;集中(注意力)于 精讲拓展 focus ones attention/thought/efforts on 集中注意力/思想/努力于 focus.on focus nfix.onconcentrate.on聚焦于,关注 focus n(pl.focuses/foci)焦点,中心,焦距 典型例句 Public attention at the moment is focused on the problem of environmental pollution. 当前公众关注的焦点是环境污染问题。朗文当代 She al

15、ways wants to be the focus of attention. 她总想成为注意力的焦点。朗文当代 When the kitchen is finished Im going to focus my attention on the garden and get that sorted out. 等厨房弄完,我会集中精力把花园整理干净。剑桥高阶,即学即用,Teachers tell us to_our attention_what they say in class. Afixing;on Bfocus;on Cconcentrate;to Ddepend;on 解析:句意为:老师要我们注意他们在课堂上讲的东西。 depend on依靠,不定式后要接动词原形,C项介词to错。 答案:B,9view n景色,风景;想法,意见,态度,视野v看待, 把视为 精讲拓展 in full view(of sb./sth.)在眼皮底下,完全看得见 in view of sth.鉴于,考虑到 in ones view依某人看 be in view在视野中 come into view出现在视野中 on view在展出,在陈列 view.as.把视为 典型例句 I view his action as a



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