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1、学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 小学英语二年级下册期中测试卷1. ()2.()A. b v sA. pinkB. w a hB. brownC. p r qC. black3.()A. M N LB. G S PC. E Z I4.()A. softB. touchC .hard5.()A. hearB. bicycleC. can一、听一听,选出你听到的字母组合或单词。(念两遍)10 分装二听一听,圈出你听到的图片。(念两遍)20 分1. a. b. 2. a. b. 2.3. a. b.4. a. b.5. a. b. 6. a.b.7.a.b.8.a.b.线9.a.b.10. a.b.三

2、 听听小朋友们分别收到了什么礼物?用线连起来。(念 2 遍)12 分1.2.3.4.a.b.c .d.四.听听,判断下面的图,相符的打“”,不符的打“”.(念2 遍)18 分.1. 2. ()()3. 4. ( ) ( ) 5. 6. ( ) ( )五、听一听,在括号内勾“ ”出正确的图。念两遍。(14分)1、ab2、ab ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3、ab4、ab( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5、a b6、 a b( ) ( ) ( ) ( )7、a b ( ) ( )六、仔细听,用 1-8在括号内排序。念两遍。( 16 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (

3、) 1、 a、 2、b、3、 c、 4.d、 八 、 听一听,然后将动物涂上相应的颜色。念两遍。( 6 分 ) 1、2、3、 一1. wah2. pink3.EZI4. soft5.canKeys:bacac二1. What can you see ?I can see two pears.2. Alice, what can you see ?I can see a bear.3. - Touch this bag. Is it hard ?- No, its soft.4.I can see two rabbits. what color are they?- Theyre white.5

4、. - Give me a pencil case, please. OK.6. -Can you hear a car ?- No, I can hear a bicycle.7.Can you hear a s hip?-No, I can hear a train. 8.what can you hear ?-I can hear a plane.9. Its ha rd. Its a ball.10. I can see seven books.Keys: 15baaab 610babab三1.Alice, a gift for y ou. Its a peach. Thank you

5、.2.Hi, Danny. A gift for you . Thank you. Wow, its a watch.3.A gift for you, Kitty .like it .- Is it soft ?-Yes.- Wow, its a doll. I4.Hi,Tom. Touch a nd guess. Is it hard ?- Yes.- Its a pencil .Keys :1. Alicea peach2. Dannya watch3. Kittya doll4. Toma pencil四 1. I can see a bird and two bees. Its be

6、autiful .2.Kitty,happy birthday. A gift for you .- Thanks, Mum and Dad.3. Touch this bag. Is it soft.- No, its hard .4.Mi ng can hear a bird .5. - - What can you see, Danny ?- I can see a bus and many cars.6. I can see four rabbits. Theyre white.Keys : 1.2. 3.4.5. 6. 来源五、1-5b a b b b 6-7a b六、上面 4-8-6-7下面 3-5-2-1七、1-4d a b c八、1、black2、yellow and brown 3、brown


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