高中英语 Unit 8 Adventure Communication Workshop and Culture Corner检测 北师大版必修3

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1、Communication Workshop and Culture Corner课后篇巩固探究一、根据句意和首字母提示补全句子,使句子完整正确1.Which t do you prefer when travelling,by air or by train?答案:transport2.We change our behaviour by o the behaviour around us.答案:observing3.His main d is that he lacks job experience.答案:disadvantage4.Several senior members of th

2、e s have applied for early retirement.答案:staff5.If cancers are found early theres a high chance of s.答案:survival6.The citys bomb s were being prepared for possible air attacks(空袭).答案:shelters7.The idea that you should treat others as you would like them to treat you is a fine p of life.答案:philosophy

3、8.Theres no l to what you can do if you try.答案:limit二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Our maths teacher wanted you to do your homework again.I can just imagine him (say) that.答案:saying2.She as well as her mother (teach) English in a high school.答案:teaches3.Doing it like this means (waste) time.I didnt mean (do) it.答案

4、:wasting;to do4.Illegal hunting is threatening the (survive) of the species.答案:survival5.The foreigners are (amaze) by the (amaze)achievements that the Chinese have made recently.答案:amazed;amazing6.Neighbors (shock)that such an attack could happen in their area.答案:were shocked7.If we dont start out

5、now,we must risk (miss) the train.答案:missing8.His words were very (excite).Everyone got (excite) at the bright future described in his speech.答案:exciting;excited三、根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子1.The highest building (就坐落在) the center of the town.(locate)答案:is located right in2.The Rocky Mountains(落基山脉)(

6、是的栖息地) bears and mountain lions.(home)答案:are home to3.Its better (给他们提供机会) to make a living than to give them money.(offer)答案:to offer them the chance4.Learning (如何成为) a parent takes time.Its a skill you learn as you go along.(become)答案:how to become5.(为了使成为可能) to complete the schedule ahead,they ha

7、ve been working all day and all night.(make)答案:To make it possible四、完形填空Three kids to go until my turn to dive(跳水).At the front of the line,a girl in a pink swim suit is 1 and climbs onto the diving board.Will she change her 2,like I did last week,I wonder?Encouraged by the teacher,the Pink Girl 3.O

8、nly two kids to go.I feel very 4.You dont have to do this,I tell myself.5 next week is the pool party,my brain 6.You will be the 7 one who cant go on the diving board.As I am thinking,another girl dives into the 8.Then its my little brother Travis turn.I 9 my eyes,and then open them just in time to

9、see him jump off the 10.He comes out of the water and smiles.I cant help 11,too.Nothing scares that kid.Then I realize its my 12.I climb onto the diving board.13 are diving at the other end of the pool.Everywhere,everyone is 14.Except me.“What are you 15?”asks the kid after my turn.I step forward.Th

10、en I 16 Travis standing by the pool.“You can do it!”he shouts.Thats what Ive 17 told him when he was 18 to tie his shoes or write his name.I take a deep breath and step out into nothing.My body 19,and then I feel the water.I swim in the water for a while before I pull myself to the 20,where my face

11、finds the sun.I DID IT!1. A.slowB.rightC.readyD.tired答案:C解析:根据句子后半句可知,这位穿粉红色泳衣的女孩已经“准备好(ready)”了,爬上了跳水板准备跳水。2.A.answerB.mindC.planD.role答案:B解析:根据下文作者内心的挣扎可推测,作者上周临阵脱逃,所以此时她在想这个女孩会不会像她自己上周那样改变“主意(mind)”。3.A.climbsB.jumpsC.kicksD.walks答案:B解析:根据下句“Only two kids to go.”可知,穿粉红色泳衣的女孩在老师的鼓励下“跳(jumps)”了下去。4


13、是“唯一(only)”不敢上跳水板的人。8.A.seaB.riverC.lakeD.pool答案:D解析:本文多次出现的“pool”提示了本题答案。9.A.closeB.wipeC.coverD.hurt答案:A解析:根据本空后的“then open them”可知,当轮到弟弟时,作者由于紧张而“闭上了(close)”眼睛。10.A.roofB.lineC.boardD.ladder答案:C解析:本文多次出现的“diving board”提示了本题答案。11.A.dancingB.smilingC.openingD.stopping答案:B解析:根据本空后的“too”可知,弟弟笑着从水里钻出来

14、,作者也忍不住“笑了(smiling)”。12.A.wayB.hopeC.mistakeD.turn答案:D解析:前面三个孩子都跳过了,现在“轮到(turn)”作者了。13.A.ParentsB.KidsC.ClassmatesD.Teachers答案:B解析:根据作者对她前面三个跳水者的描述及下文的“the kid after my turn”可知,在这里跳水的都是“孩子(Kids)”。14.A.movingB.laughingC.studyingD.changing答案:A解析:作者爬上跳水板后发现泳池对面的孩子在跳水,而自己由于紧张一动不动,所以她觉得所有人都在“动(moving)”,除了自己。15.A.looking forB.waiting forC.paying forD.caring for答案:B解析:作者后面的孩子等得不耐烦了,所以他问作者在“等(waiting for)”什么。16.A.imagineB.rememberC.seeD.watch答案:C解析:作者往前走了一步,“看见(see)”弟弟Travis站在泳池旁边。17.A.neverB.seldomC.sometimesD.always答案:D解析:当弟弟“学着(learning)”系鞋带或者写名字



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