七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas Section B(2a-2c)导学课件 新人教版

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1、精选,1,Unit 6Do you like bananas?,精选,2,B 知识综合运用,Unit 6Do you like bananas?,精选,3,Section B (2a2c),.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1. Look at that _(星). Its so bright. 2. Reading in bed is not a good _(习惯) 3. They like eating some _(冰激凌) after running. 4. Whats your last _(问题)? 5. My brother is _(肥胖的), but Im thin.,A 教材

2、要点回归,star,habit,ice-cream,question,fat,精选,4,.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. My cousin eats lots of _(health)food every day. 2. The question is about her _(eat) habits. 3. What do you _(like) for breakfast? 4. That idea sounds _(real) cool! 5. I dont eat ice-cream because I dont want _(be) fat.,Section B (2a2c),

3、healthy,eating,like,really,to be,精选,5,B 知识综合运用,.单项填空 ()1. They like eating_ food so they are strong(强壮的) Ainteresting Bhealthy Crelaxing Dboring ()2. Linda has a _ eating habit and she eats _ Agood; good Bwell; well Cwell; good Dgood; well,D,Section B (2a2c),B,精选,6,()3. I eat_ egg and_ fruit for bre

4、akfast. Aa; a Ban; an Can; some Dsome; some,Section B (2a2c),C,解析 egg为单数可数名词且以元音音素开头,故其前用不定冠词an; fruit在句中作不可数名词,其前用some 修饰,表示“一些”。,精选,7,()4. Does she have a good _ habit? Aeating Beats Cto eat Deat ()5. Bananas, apples, pears and strawberries are _ Asalad Bfruit Cvegetables Ddrinks,Section B (2a2c),

5、A,B,精选,8,()6. I like apples, _ I will buy some. Aso Bbut Cor Dto ()7. Lets _ to school, OK? Arun Bruns Crunning Dto run,Section B (2a2c),A,A,精选,9,()8. Ann eats two_ and drinks some _ for breakfast. Ahamburgers; oranges Bhamburger; orange Chamburger; oranges Dhamburgers; orange,Section B (2a2c),D,精选,

6、10,()9. People have _ in the middle(中间) of the day. Abreakfast Blunch Csupper Da dinner ()10.I like hamburgers for breakfast. _ you? I like rice and vegetables for it. A. What do B. Do you like C. What about D. Does,Section B (2a2c),B,C,精选,11,.按要求完成下列各题,每空一词 1He likes salad very much.(改为否定句) He _ _

7、salad at all. 2She likes chicken and rice(对画线部分提问) _ _ she _?,Section B (2a2c),doesnt like,What does like,精选,12,3They eat eggs, bananas and apples for breakfast.(对画线部分 提问) _ _ they _ for breakfast? 4My parents like vegetables.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ _ parents like vegetables? Yes, _ _ 5My sister really l

8、ikes ice-cream(对画线部分提问) _ _ your sister really _?,Section B (2a2c),What do eat,.Do your,they do,What does like,精选,13,.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1她每天都吃健康食品。 She eats _ _ every day. 2他有良好的饮食习惯吗? _ he _ a good _ _?,Section B (2a2c),healthy food,Does have eating habit,精选,14,3午餐她喜欢吃什么? _ _ she like to eat _ _? 4“你

9、喜欢梨吗?”“不,我不喜欢。” _ you like _? No, I _,Section B (2a2c),What dose,for lunch,Do pears,dont,精选,15,.补全对话,方框中有两个多余选项 A:1._ B:You mean(指的是) the running star? A:Yes, the running star Sandra. B:Yes. I know a lot about her. 2._ A:Oh?What does she have for breakfast? B:She likes eggs, bananas and apples.,Sect

10、ion B (2a2c),精选,16,A:3._ B:She likes bread, salad and oranges for lunch. A:And dinner? B:4._ A:5._ B:Yes. She likes ice-cream for that.,Section B (2a2c),精选,17,AWhat about lunch? BDoes she have dessert(甜食)? CWhat does she have for supper? DDo you know Sandra Clark? EShe has chicken and tomatoes. FSor

11、ry, I dont know. GShe eats lots of healthy food.,Section B (2a2c),【答案】15DGAEB,精选,18,Section B (2a2c),.用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文 Kate Smith 1._ a student. She 2._ a brother, Jack Smith and a 3._, Jenny Smith. They 4. _ sports every day. Kate likes baseball. Jack likes soccer. What 5.,they, healthy, be, play,

12、 eat, like, but, have, sister, about,is,has,sister,play,精选,19,_ Jenny? Oh, she 6._ baseball, too. Their mother gives 7. _ lots of 8._ food every day. Kate and Jenny like 9._ broccoli very much, 10._ Jack doesnt.,Section B (2a2c),about,likes,them,healthy,eating,but,精选,20,.任务型阅读 A Mrs. Black has four

13、sons. Dick is six years old. David is five. The other two are Dean and Denis and they are four. The boys dont go to school. They play soccer every day. 1._ Mrs. Black has to wash clothes for them. Today is Sunday. Mrs. Black is washing clothes for her sons. Dean comes in and asks her, “2._”,Section

14、B (2a2c),精选,21,“It is on May 15th,” says Mrs. Black, “and its next month.” “Will we have a birthday party, Mom?” “Of course,” she says. “3._” “What present(礼物) do you want for your birthday?” asks the little boy. “4._” “Oh, I see. Then I will have another(另一) four brothers! And we can play soccer together,” the boy says happily(高兴地),Section B (2a2c),精选,22,根据短文内容,完成下列任务。 任务一:把AD四个句子填入文中空缺处。,Secti


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