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1、英语论文开题报告范文模板 本页是最新发布的英语论文开题报告范文模板的详细文章,觉得有用就收藏了,重新了一下发到这里。 开题报告是开题者在确认主题之后,对论文初步确定内容的撰写,下面是搜集的论文开题报告范文,欢迎阅读查看。 论文题目:英语构词特点 On the Characteristics of the English Computer Lexis Introduction Owing to changes in global politics,economy,and development of science and technologies,English vocabulary enla

2、rges faster than ever before.This is especially true when the puter appeared.Since the world entered the 21st century,puter develops rapidly and tremendously.It es into our daily life in different aspects.To face the puter age,it is important to understand the characteristics of the English Computer

3、 lexis. The paper has an aim to analyze the characteristics and situation of the puter lexis.and to show its translation style and professional attribute and usage characteristics of puter English. In this thesis I will describe the development and situation of the puter lexis first,and then expatia

4、tes the characteristics of these terms,which consist of shortening words,pounding words,affixed words and old words obtaining new meanings,based on some English lexical theories from word-formation perspective.In the last part some development tendencies of the lexis are summed up: more colloquial,l

5、ess borrowing and analogy being used frequently.The study method of this thesis fills a gap in the achievements of puter lexical study and also helps learners to mand these words efficiently.At the end of the thesis,some inclusive development tendencies of these terms and the main purpose of this th

6、esis are illustrated. Research Questions Question 1:What is English Computer Lexis and what characteristics does it have? Question 2:What are the ways of word-formation about puter vocabulary and what is the difference pared with traditional word-formation? Question 3:What is the application fields

7、of puter lexis and how can we understand the characteristics of cmputer lexis efficiently? Literature Review The advent of puter was in the 1940s.Its development was only in its embryonic phrase,but already many now-familiar elements of putational terminology were falling into place,analogue and dig

8、ital;bit,data and memory;language and program;punchcard and imput.In the 1950s,puters were starting to move out of university laboratories into mercial establishments.Yuan Hongjie(xx) has argued that artificial in _igence,information technology,and data processing had their beginnings and terms like

9、 bootstrap and modem,on line and real time,print-out and RAM and FORTRAN entered English.The 1960s saw the greatest lexical advances in puter science.Yang Lin(xx) has held that as puteracy spread and one by one various aspects of our lives became puterized,we would learn the significance of bytes,ch

10、ips,cursors,databases,mice and software.We could format and aess to puters,fluent in ASCII,BASIC,and Cobol.And for our leisure moments,there were puter games.In 1970s,the puter continued its march towards the center of our lives,bringing amounts of new terminology: floppy disk and hard disk,micropro

11、cessors and window and the dreaded virus.We acquired personal puters or word processors and to print results of our labors,the dot matrix,the daisy wheel,and later the laser printer.We could municate via the Ether and have barely heard of hacking and the need of data protection.In the 1980s,cyberspa

12、ce infiltrated the interstices of the everyday world.Computer technology leaped ahead,enriching the English language.Only an ageing minority were not,it seemed,puterate,and able to cope with booting,down loading,and dragging.It was the decade which saw the beginning of the Inter and information high

13、way,of e-mail,of domains and newsgroups.。In 1990s cybernauts and ties surfed the ,to be in the swim you had to have your own website or homepage,you would hope to avoid the spam and mail bombs,but the main fear is millennium bug.From the historical review we can see how puter changes our lives and o

14、ur language. As Zhang Minfang(xx) analysed: First,the introduction consists of three parts.The first briefly reviews the theory of language and language study,pointing out the aim of this study.The second give the definition of puter English words in three aspects: strings of letters and words used

15、in programming and processing,technical terms,and casual expressions used by puter enthusiasts.The third describes the language change under the effect of puter technology.The puter technology has swept into the English vocabulary and given birth to a wide array of new words and phrases puter Englis

16、h words.Second,Word Formation of Computer English Words Computer English employs different word formation devices to form large amount of puter English words.By studying these morphological rules of word formation,the characteristics of puter English words can be realized.The major methods of word formation in put


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