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1、备战2021高考英语原汁原味外刊热点话题阅读特辑day8: Street economy: The warm glow of a civilized city地摊经济:文明城市里温暖的烟火气课前导读: “夜市直至三更尽,才五更又复开张。如耍闹去处,通晓不绝。”这是宋代的孟元老在其著作东京梦华录中记载的夜市场景,繁华之象可见一斑。中国的夜市文化由来已久,在小摊小贩们搭起的一方天地里,不论是从前还是现在,也不论是文人墨客还是市井之家,都能在其中一睹纷繁世相,一品那人间烟火。Market traders and street vendors(小贩)are making a comeback acro

2、ss China, and this time they find themselves equipped with a new set of digital skills essential to directing the vast consumer market. To make mom-and-pop retail stands active, the countrys leading e-commerce platforms are lending a helping hand, offering a series of services from inventory support

3、 to accessible financing backed by technologies to finally promote domestic(国内的)spending and employment.Domestic wholesale site is among the first group of tech players with such offerings. At the heart of the action plan is an effort to link street vendors directly with factories, effectively avoi

4、ding middlemen and saving time and costs. “The large number of small-scale merchants on the site has managed to gain the upper hand in price negotiations, while manufacturers are more willing to mass-produce goods as the economy of scale serves to reduce costs, thus creating a win-win situation,” ge

5、neral manager Wang Hai said. On the financial front, 1688s parent Alibaba Group is offering interest-free loans worth a total of 70 billion yuan ($9.8 billion), with which qualified merchants can purchase goods in quantity. Risk assessment for each applicant is conducted by sister service Mybank.Mea

6、nwhile, e-commerce giant JD.com has promised to secure quality goods worth more than 50 billion yuan and is offering each stall keeper up to 100,000 yuan worth of interest-free loans for the purpose of filling their inventory. To stabilize employment, JD decided to add a number of job positions that

7、 either require flexible working hours, allow working from home or are designed to promote startup businesses. For posts related to logistics, delivery, warehouse management and packaging, people from poverty-stricken areas should be employed first.“The novel coronavirus outbreak will accelerate the

8、 digital transformation of the real economy, and individual traders and smaller stores are no exception,” said Xu Lei, CEO of JDs retail unit. “We have the ability and, more important, the responsibility to inject vitality(活力)into these entities, thus contributing to the economic rebound and stabili

9、zing employment.”报刊词汇预习:1. inventory /nvntri/ n. 库存 inventory control 库存管理2. middleman n. 中间商3. negotiation /nien/ n. 谈判;协商 They began another round of negotiations today. 他们今天开始了另一轮的谈判。4. stall /stl/ n. 货摊 fruit and vegetables stalls 水果蔬菜摊5. logistics n. 后勤/ldstks/ The skills and logistics of getti

10、ng such a big show on the road pose enormous practical problems. 一个这样的大型节目进行巡演在技术和后勤方面都会面临大量实际问题。6. coronavirus n. 冠状病毒7. entity n. 实体/entti/ The unit has become part of a larger department and no longer exists as a separate entity. 这个单位已附属于一个大的部门,不再作为一个实体独立存在。8. rebound n. 复兴 economic rebound 经济回暖【

11、语块】1. make a comeback 再度流行2. mom-and-pop retail stand 家庭经营的小零售店3. gain the upper hand in price negotiations 在价格谈判中占优势4. the economy of scale 规模经济5. create a win-win situation 创造一个双赢局面6. offer interest-free loans 提供免息贷款7. risk assessment 风险评估8. flexible working hours 灵活的工作时间9. poverty-stricken areas

12、贫困地区报刊词汇练习:1. _ /nvntri/ n. 库存 _ 库存管理2. _ n. 中间商3. negotiation /nien/ n. 谈判;协商 They began another round of _ today. 他们今天开始了另一轮的谈判。4. _ /stl/ n. 货摊 fruit and vegetables _ 水果蔬菜摊5. logistics n. 后勤 /ldstks/ The _ of getting such a big show on the road pose enormous practical problems. 一个这样的大型节目进行巡演在技术和后

13、勤方面都会面临大量实际问题。6. _ n. 冠状病毒7. _ n. 实体/entti/ The unit has become part of a larger department and no longer exists as a separate entity. 这个单位已附属于一个大的部门,不再作为一个实体独立存在。8. _ n. 复兴 economic _ 经济回暖【语块】1. make a _ 再度流行2. mom-and-pop_ 家庭经营的小零售店3. gain the upper hand in _ 在价格谈判中占优势4. the economy of_ 规模经济5. cre

14、ate a _ situation 创造一个双赢局面6. offer _ loans 提供免息贷款7. risk _ 风险评估8. _working hours 灵活的工作时间9. _ areas 贫困地区【长难句】1.To make mom-and-pop retail stands active, the countrys leading e-commerce platforms are lending a helping hand, offering a series of services from inventory support to accessible financing backed by technologies to finally promote domestic(国内的)spending and employment.【解析】句子主干为“_”。“To make mom-and-pop retail stands active”为动词_短语,作_状语;“offering s



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