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1、听力词汇经典45例1.表示同意的词组You can say that again.You may well say soYou said it.Well said.So be it.I see eye to eye with you.I dont wonder.No wonder.So does it.As far as I know.No problem.Is ice cold?Does a fish swim?Does a bird fly? Behind you.2.表示不同意的词组You dont say so.Says who.Who says so?Thats not saying

2、 very much.And I do?3.a far cry from 相差甚远4. and how 的确5. anything but 绝对不6.account for 解释7.after all 到底8.allergic to 对过敏9.at sbs service为某人服务10. around the clock 昼夜不停11.as far as I know 就我所知12.at home with 对.很熟悉13.back out 退出,不履行14.be cut out for 天生适合做15.be addicted to 对成瘾16.be attached to 对有感情17.ba

3、ck up 积累,支持18.be burned up 生气19. be head and shoulders above 胜过许多20.be in the dark 蒙在鼓里21.break new ground 有了新的突破22.between you and me 你我之间,保密23.call it a day 就此结束e what may 不管怎样25.dirt cheap 非常便宜26.do without 没有也行27.for nothing 免费28.get of on the wrong foot 开始就错了29.get away with逃脱惩罚30.get going 赶紧行

4、动;get moving 31. go jogging 去跑步32.go to ones head 自负33.got the time?几点了34.graon about 抱怨35.have a way with 专门能对付,擅长36. hit the spots 非常好37. in case 万一38.in next to no time 立刻,马上39.in the red 赤字反义:in the black 40.look on the bright sides of things 看事物的积极面41.no kidding不开玩笑,说真的42. Its on the tip of my

5、tongue. 一下想不起来了。43. Thats easer said than done. 说起来容易做起来难44.There is nothing to it. 没什么,很容易45. with flying colors非常成功地,出色地 写作常用核心关键词汇1.人畜共患病zoonosisanthropozoonosis.人兽共患病,霍乱(传染病)cholera,acute gastroenteritis;aloe lu n. 芦荟, 芦荟叶汁 2.虫媒insect pollination,entomophil;虫媒传染病insect-borne /arthropod-borne inf

6、ectious disease:vector-borne infectious diseases:malaria,dengue fever, schistosomiasis,and viral encephalitis/yellow fever疟疾、登革热、血吸虫病;肾病综合征:nephrotic/renal syndrome;3.epidemic hemorrhagic fever 流行性出血热;arthropod-borne virus encephalitis 节肢动物传播的病毒性脑炎;4.爆发流行:break out, burst out,explode; an epidemic ou

7、tbreak of,outburst ,explosion5.传染:infect/infection/ infectious,catching,communicate/communicable, contagion/ contagious, transmission/transmittable; communicable可传达的, 会传染的,医 有传染性的; communicative a. 健谈的, 爱说话的, 交际的6.传播途径route of transmission, bird flu transmits by air/wind;person to person transmissio

8、n7.传播,散布:diffuse,prevalence,spread,transmit,disseminate,propagate/ propagation 8.污染pollution/ pollute,contamination/contaminate 9.福祉 well-being, happiness;衰老grow old;aging;consenescence;senility;senile10.sensual肉欲的, 色情的, 世俗的, 感官的, 感觉论的 11.from bad to worse每况愈下;akin to=similar to 相似的;Purulent脓的,化脓的 d

9、octor-patient communicationcommunication between doctors and patients;history, complain of, complaint, examine;Sanlu scandal三鹿事件; food safety/security;12.婴幼儿保健the baby and child /Infant health care13.Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.做最好的打算,最坏的准备。14.下降、减少 reduction,decrease,decline,diminution

10、, drop,descend,go / come down,fall;上升、增加rise; go up; ascend;increase; 16.禽流感 H1N1 flu bird flu/avian flu;食品安全 food safety; 抗氧化药物和食品 anti-oxidation drugs and foods;AIDs;抗抑郁药物 anti-depression drugs;人工心脏 artificial heart; 公共卫生突发事件public health emergencies; 应急反应 immediate response to;关注民生 concern(focus

11、on, pay attention to) peoples livelihood/well-being;城乡卫生体系urban-rural medical and health system17.预防保健Disease Prevention and Health care,服务体系service system;讲究卫生pay attention to hygiene;个人和环境卫生personal and environmental hygiene18.孝敬的filial piety filial piety to,treat their parents with filial respect

12、19.lite清淡的;protein-complemented diet蛋白添加饮食;tuna金枪鱼(肉), 金枪仙人掌;green beans青豆,绿蚕豆;kidney bean四季豆;mung bean 绿豆preventive initiatives=preventive measures预防的措施20.a flash in the pan 昙花一现,昙花一现的人物,一时的成功 21.过劳死 karoshi; death from overwork 22.长期以来 for a long time ; over the years22.养生preserve ones health; nou

13、rishing of life; keep in good health23.更年期和老年期妇女卫生保健服务health care services for peri-menopausal and old women;hygienic health care of menopausal women24.承担主要责任:assume the primary responsibility for25.分类 be divided intofall into three categoriesbe grouped according to their origin, into three classes.

14、be categorized according to/be roughly classified into three kinds.26.国际护士协会(ICN=international council of nurses);基本职责=basic/ fundamental/essential/elementary duties/responsibilities/obligations;基本原则fundamental principle/ rule,basic rule or principle; 27.抗旱能力drought resistance capacity;cold resistan

15、ce capacity抗寒能力28.激烈运动strenuous exercise;vigorous activity;月经期menstrual period 29.生活的节奏the tempo/the pace of life; a life of quick /fast pace30.民众the (general) public,the masses of the people,the common people;合作者co-worker; collaborator; copartner; coagent; 31.大规模流行 large-scale transmission,become a pandemic,massive attack/outbreak32.死亡人数death toll,deaths,the number of people killed in/dying fromThe death toll is expected to rise. The death toll continues to rise.There have been more deaths from drowning.


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