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1、 The Witches of Pendle潘德尔的巫师潘德尔的巫师 简 介 17 世纪的时候,英格兰有许多人相信巫术。巫师可能是一个老太婆,或是一个年轻 女子有时甚至会是一个成年男子或小男孩。 不过,巫师通常都是女人。 人们都害怕巫 师,因为巫师仅凭一句诅咒就能使人丧命。 1612 年,在兰开夏郡的潘德尔山附近住着一个名叫詹妮特迪瓦斯的小女孩。 那时她 刚 9 岁,因家里穷时常饿肚子,长得很瘦弱。 她缺衣少鞋,有时一连几天吃不上饭。 生活 对于她来说十分艰难。 詹妮特的外祖母老德姆代克是一个巫师。她的母亲伊丽莎白和她的姐姐艾丽森也都 是巫师。 就连她可怜兮兮、 傻头傻脑的哥哥詹姆斯也是巫师不

2、管怎样,村民们是这样 认为的。 本书以女主人公詹妮特的口吻来讲述她一家人的故事。 故事从1634 年讲起,当时詹 妮特被关押在兰开斯特城堡监狱里 作者罗伊娜艾金耶米是英国人,曾在非洲生活多年,现在在剑桥市工作、生活。她 的这一有关潘德尔巫师的故事取材于发生在兰开夏郡的真实事件。 1 THE PEDLAR 1 THE PEDLAR The spring of 1634 arrives, butin the prison of Lancaster Castle it stays coldThetwenty women in the prison are dirty, hungryand cold

3、There are no beds or chairsand so they sleep on the cold floorThereare no windows,so it is al-ways darkThewomen want to get out of the prison;theywant to go homeSometimes the guardsopen the big,old door and put some breadand water on the floor Then they closethe door again My name is Jennet Device,

4、andI am one of the twenty women in prisonDayafter day, I sit on the cold floor andwaitI want to feel warm again;I want to see the sky again, andPen-dle Hill, the beautiful hill near myhome But I am in the dark prison ofLancaster Castle, and I sit on the coldfloor and wait One day, somethinghappens T

5、he guards open the big,old doorJennetDevice!a guard callsComehere at once,witch!Somebodywants to see you I get up slowly because Im very cold and I walk across thedark room to the door Perhaps it ssomeone from Read Hall!Perhaps Im goinghome! Jennet Device,bequick!the guard calls again 第 1 页 共 27 页 原

6、版英语阅读网 Someone is standing at the door with the guardJennet,hesays quietly I see him then: atall man with brown hair and tired blue eyesHeis not from Read HallIt is Mr Webster,fromthe church at Kild wickMy legs stopmoving and suddenly I want to sit down Come on, come on,the guard says angrily He beg

7、ins toclose the door Come out here for a minute, Jennet,Mr Webster says quietlySit down andeat something I sit down at a little table near the doorMrWebster gives me some bread and some meat and I begin to eat hungrily Ten minutes,theguard saysAfter ten minutes,shegoes in again Thank you,MrWebster s

8、ays How is everyone at Read Hall?Iask at last Mr Webster smilesEveryoneis well I was there yesterday I close my eyes for a minuteMr Webster, it s not trueImnot a witch, you know I know,Jennet,MrWebster saysLast week, Ibrought Edmund Robinson and his father into my church, andasked them about the boy

9、s story Manypeople believed Edmund s story,but somepeople didn tEdmund Robinson is goingto London tomorrow with his father, anda judge is going to ques-tion them The guard comes back and begins to open the door Time! he says Mr Webster stands upGodis here with you,JennetNeverforget thatYou can be ha

10、ppy,whenGod is with you I stand up too, andtake the bread from the table Yes,Mr Webster Godis with me; I believe thatBut happy?How can I be happy? I go back into the dark prison, andthe guard closes the door behind meThewomen run to meBread!Giveus bread!they cry Quickly, I put thebread in my shirtI

11、dont want to loseitI walk across the room and sit downon the floor I am crying,butI feel a little better Edmund Robinson,of Newchurch, isonly ten years old Edmund told liesabout me and about many women: he saw usat a witches meeting at a house called HoarstonesItsnot true,but many people believed hi

12、mWhatis he going to say in London? The truth? 第 2 页 共 27 页 原版英语阅读网 Or more lies But now, in theprison of Lancaster Castle, I want totell my story It is a story about richmen and angry villagers;about old womenand hungry children It is a true story,and it happened to me I was born in 1603 Myfamily wa

13、s always very poor, and aftermy father died, we were poorerIn winter, Iwas often ill and I was always cold and hungry Insummer, I was sometimes ill and I wasoften cold and hungryWe lived somemiles from the village of New church, inan old house called Malkin Tower It wasdirty and coldThe rain came in

14、 throughthe windows and there were no doors Tothe west, was the big hill called PendlePendleHill was beautifulI loved Pendle Hillbecause it sat quietly all year and watched me My story begins on the eighteenth day of March in the year1612 I was nine years old, andmy life began to change on that dayM

15、ymother and my grandmother were ill and they sat on the floor,withtheir dogs,near the little fire My sister Alizon wanted to go outImgoing to look for bread,she said My brother James sat near the fire,hismouth openGo and look for bread,hesaidGo and look for breadJamesoften said things again and agai

16、n Alizon ran out of the house and I followed her Go and look for bread!Jamescalled Alizon began to go east, upthe hill and past the big trees be-hind Malkin TowerAlizonwalked fast She was eighteen years oldand she was tall with long,dirty brownhair and a white,hungry face Itwas cold, but there was no rain Alizonwore a coat and some shoes, but I had nocoat and no shoes Please wait a minute!I called to my sister I want to


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