2021年高考[英语]一轮复习考点3 Module 6 Old and New(教师版)

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1、2021年高考考点扫描高考一轮考点扫描真题剖析逐一击破2021年高考英语一轮复习考点扫描18解析版 Book 3 Module 6 Old and New基础盘点自测自评重点词汇扫描阅读单词快速排查本模块阅读词汇并在不认识的词汇前划1.canal n运河 2.civil adj. 民用的;国内的 3.cliff n. 悬崖;峭壁 4.dam n. 坝;堤;水闸 5.gorge n. 峡谷 6.structure n. 建筑物;结构 7.terminal n. (机场的)集散站;终点站;候机厅 8.relic n. (常作复数)(历史的)遗迹;遗物 9.site n. 场所;遗址 10.gene

2、rate vt. 发(电) 11.global adj. 全球的 12.ridiculous adj. 荒唐的;可笑的 13.enormous adj. 巨大的;庞大的 14.crash vi. (飞机)失事;坠毁 核心单词1.date vi. 始于 (某一历史时期) 2.poem n. 诗;诗歌 3.remove vt. 迁移;搬迁【会应用】根据汉语提示完成下列各句1.The needle treatment dating(始于) from the ancient times has cured many diseases.2.The rescue workers removed(搬开) t

3、he bricks and stones with hands in search of any survivors in the earthquake. 拓展单词1.accommodate vt.容纳(乘客等)accommodation n.住宿2.construct vt.建造;建设construction n.建造;建设;建筑3.history n.历史historic adj.有历史意义的historical adj.历史的;有关历史的4.narrow adj.狭窄的 v.变窄narrowly adv.狭窄地;勉强地5.freeze v.结冰freezing adj.冷冰冰的;极冷的f

4、rozen adj.冷冻的; 冻坏的6.fog n.雾foggy adj.有浓雾的【语境活用】用所给词的适当形式填空1.The bridge is under constructionThat means it is being constructed(construct)2.It was so freezing that the cold weather froze the lake.And I was absolutely frozen(freeze)3.My car finally came to a narrow road, some part of which narrowed to

5、 only 5 meters in width.At the moment, another car ran in our direction.It was running so fast that it narrowly missed hitting mine.How dangerous it was! (narrow)4.Its said that fog is harmful to our health, so we should wear masks on foggy days.(fog)5.If you cant find any accommodation(s) elsewhere

6、, here is a room which can accommodate up to five people.(accommodate)重点短语1.date from起源于2.dream of/about 梦想;渴望3.hold back 阻止e true (梦想等) 变成现实5.make sense 有意义;有道理6.bring an end to 结束;终止【语境活用】用左栏短语的适当形式填空1.date from the Ming Dynasty始于明朝2.dream of/about starting my own company梦想自己创业3.hold back ones ang

7、er 压住怒火4.bring an end to the violence 终结暴力事件5.The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite.重点句式句型1:It takes (sb.) some time to do sth.(某人)花费多长时间做某事。教材原句It took six years to build and cost US$20 billion. 它花费了6年的时间才建成 ,耗资200亿美元。句型仿写他花了很长一段时间才学会成为一名专业艺

8、术家所需要的技能。It took him a long time to acquire the skills he needed to become a professional artist.句型2:Is it possible(for sb.) to do.?(某人)有可能做某事吗?教材原句 Is it possible to see the relics now that they have been submerged?既然这些遗迹都已被淹没 ,还有可能再看到它们吗?句型仿写下次你有可能搭乘早一点的公交车吗?Is it possible for you to take an earli

9、er bus next time?知识主线串记Part 1Part 2Last year, the workers tore down an old building dating from 100 years ago and built an enormous hotel, which was able to accommodate up to 5 ,000 guests.It took the workers eight months to complete it.Some citizens think its a good thing for the city.However, in m

10、y opinion, the government should protect the old valuable buildings because these precious traditional buildings are parts of the city landscape.The city government once held a discussion on whether to remove the old temple and build a park there.Some people thought it made sense to do so because th

11、ey thought only in this way could their dream of improving life come true, while others tried to hold it back because they thought this old temple deserved protecting.The officials tried to narrow the disagreements between the two sides, but their efforts were in vain.As neither side wanted to give

12、in, they had to bring an end to the discussion.拓展速记1.“冷暖”知多少freezing adj.冷冰冰的icy adj. 冰冷的cold adj. 寒冷的hot adj. 热的cool adj. 凉的warm adj. 温暖的2.“诗歌”家族poem n诗;诗歌poetry n. 诗歌(总称)rhyme n. 韵律诗poet n. 诗人poetic adj. 诗歌的3.表示天气情况的常见词foggy adj.有浓雾的rainy adj. 下雨的snowy adj. 下雪的cloudy adj. 多云的windy adj. 有风的 随堂检测基础过

13、关 I.单句语法填空1On Monday mornings it usually takes me an hour to drive(drive) to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.2We neednt have hurried all the way to the airportthe flight was called off because of the foggy(fog) weather.3The other day we paid a visit to an ancient church building i

14、n Rome, dating(date) back to the 12th century.4A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, killing all four people on board.5After the flood ,the first thing the local government did was to provide accommodation(accommodate) for the homeless families.6To their relief ,their students narrowly(narrow) escaped from the shaking building.7You cant be careful enough to drive on the frozen road in freezing weather.(freeze)8The project under construction(construct) in the city will be completed at the end of 2021.9When he heard the sa


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