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1、九年级英语寒假专题动词不定式的用法北京实验版知识精讲九年级英语寒假专题动词不定式的用法北京实验版【本讲教育信息】一、教学内容动词不定式的用法二、教学目标帮助同学们系统复习动词不定式的构成及用法三、教学难点动词不定式作表语和宾补四、重点知识讲解动词不定式在句中可充当主语、表语、宾语、宾补、定语和状语等。(一)作主语1. 动词不定式作主语可位于句首。例如:To learn a skill is very important for everyone in society.2. 也可使用it作形式主语,而将动词不定式置于句末。例如:It is necessary for young students

2、 to learn a foreign language.3. 动词不定式作主语的常用句型有:(1) It isadj./ n. (for sb.sth.) to do sth.用于此句型的形容词有:easy, hard, difficult, possible, important, impossible, necessary, good, bad, exciting, interesting, surprising等。例如:It is interesting to play this game.It is necessary for you to change your job. It w

3、as impossible for them to complete the task in such a short time.中考链接:Is _ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship? A. now B. man C. that D. it(2) It isadj.of sb.to do sth. 该句型中只能使用描述某人的品德、特征的形容词,如:kind, nice, wise, silly, polite, impolite, friendly, foolish, clever等。例如:It is friendly of the fami

4、ly to try to make me feel at home in their house. It was silly of you to give up such a good chance!(3) It take(s) sb.some timeto do sth. 该句型意为“做某事花费某人多长时间”。例如:It took us half an hour to ride to the town by bike. (二)作表语动词不定式作表语常用于以下结构:My wish/ job/ aim/ goal is及The next step/ measure is 等。例如:Your jo

5、b is to type the papers in the office.The next measure is to stop the river from being polluted.(三)作宾语动词不定式作宾语的动词有:agree, choose, decide, hope, fail, wish, refuse, expect, manage, plan, intend, pretend, promise, offer, afford, demand, arrange等。 例如:They decided to build a highway between these two ci

6、ties.She offered to help me when I was in trouble.think, consider, feel, make等动词可用于“动词+ it +adj. / n. + to do sth.”句型,其中使用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语动词不定式置于句末。例如:I think it necessary for us to have a good rest after the long walk.She felt it her duty to help the old woman.(四)作宾补可后接动词不定式作宾补的动词有:advise, allow, as

7、k, hear, order, see, tell, want, wish, watch等。例如:She advises us to have a discussion about it.The doctor advised her not to eat too much sugar.I wish you to go to the meeting with me.hope, demand, suggest等动词不能后接动词不定式作宾补。例如:I hope my son will be back soon.She suggests that we (should) have a discussi

8、on about it.在主动结构中,下列动词后作宾补的动词不定式应省略to:“五看”(see, watch, notice, observe, look at) “三使”(make, let, have)“两听”(hear, listen to)“一感觉”(feel)。例如:Who made him work all night long?但是,改为被动结构后,应补出省略的to。例如:He was seen to break the window.(五)作定语动词不定式作定语,应位于所修饰词语之后,即:作后置定语。例如:Have you got anything to eat? 下列名词后常

9、接动词不定式作定语:ability, attempt, chance, courage, decision, effort, failure, promise, way, wish等。例如:But she gave up the chance to go abroad.由only, first, last, next以及序数词或形容词最高级修饰的名词后,也常接不定式作定语。例如:Who was the last one to leave the classroom last night?(六)作状语动词不定式作状语,可表示目的、原因、结果或条件。例如:We went there to see

10、our grandparents.(目的)I am very sorry to hear that.(原因)She hurried home only to find her father dead.(结果)To look at the picture, you would like it.(条件)作目的状语,还可以使用in order to或so as to。例如:The boy worked so hard in order to make up for the lost time.作结果状语还可以使用enough to, tooto, soas to, such as to等结构。例如:

11、He got up too late to catch the early bus.She was in such a hurry as not to notice me. 她如此匆忙,以致没有注意到我。【典型例题】(一)用括号中的动词的适当形式填空1. If he doesnt know how _ (use) the recorder, youd better _ (show) him.2. He is the last one _ (leave) the office every day.3. Its bad manners _ (shout) in public.4. The boy

12、is old enough _ (dress) himself.5. She is too ill _ (go) to school.(二)根据中英文提示完成下列各句1. It took me much time _(算出这些难题)yesterday.2. The boss made the workers _(一天工作十小时).3. I dont know _(在会上说什么).4. Can you tell me _(在哪里能买到这本书)?5. _(在何时何地召开这次会议)hasnt been decided yet.(三)单项选择1. Im sorry _ you enough help.

13、A. have given B. of not giving C. not to have given D. to have given2. Some students from Grade 9 _ do some _ for the old.A. volunteered to; clean B. volunteered; cleaningC. volunteered to; cleaning D. volunteered; clean3. The young man was often seen _ by the lake.A. to draw B. to drawing C. draw D

14、. drew4. Tom is _ to make a living by himself.A. very old B. too young C. too big D. too strong5. I find _ him all about it.A. necessary to tell B. that necessary to tell C. necessary it to tell D. it necessary to tell6. The old man seems _ in a great hurry.A. be B. to be C. being D. to being7. I _

15、the same neighborhood with the lovely girl.A. happened living in B. happened to live in C. was happening living in D. was happening to live8. Its time for supper now. Lets _ it.A. stop to have B. stop having C. to stop to have D. to stop having9. You are not expected _ such long hours.A. to work B. working C. wo


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