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1、湖北省2012高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解(42)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A. You have probably read the books. You have probably seen the movies. But have you heard the music? The latest Harry Potter news is that bands form to play what is called “wizard rock” or sometimes just “wrock”.The new kind of music b

2、egan when Joe De George and his brother Paul decided that the characters from Harry Potter would make a great band. Ron on guitar, Hermione on bass, Hagrid on drums and Harry singing up front would make for an excellent group. In one day, the brothers wrote, rehearsed and performed six songs about l

3、ife at Hogwarts. After the first performance, Paul decided that “we are Harry and the potters.” Wizard rock is pretty much what it sounds like: rock “n” rock inspired by and set in the world of Harry Potter. The De George started a trend. Today there are dozens of wizard-rock bands: the Whomping Wil

4、lows, the Remus Lupins and the Moaning Myrtles to name a few. Rockers dress like Hogwarts students and play at conventions and festivals. People who like Harry Potter think wizard rock music is totally awesome. The songs can be funny, but the music is not a joke. Just ask the De George brothers. The

5、yve played more than 500 shows in 49 states and their hit songs are inspired by characters from Harry Potter: “Save Ginny Weasley” and “Voldemort Cant Stop the Rock!” The themes of their music are the same as those of Rowlings books: love and friendship, upset and struggle. Wizard rock is just one m

6、ore by-product in the Harry Potter craze. Two years after J.K. Rowling published her last book in the series, Potter popularity continues to grow. There are Potter conventions and Potter clubs that try to get kids and grow-ups to help fight hunger, for example. And the fact that they may do it while

7、 humming “Wizard Chess” or “Platform 9” makes those meetings fun.1. What is the text mainly about? A. Harry Potter. B. Harry Potters music. C. Wizard rock. D. Joe and Pauls band.2. The underlined word “awesome” in Pa4 probably means _ in the text . A. amusing B. serious C. considerate D. inviting3.

8、Which of the following is true about wizard rock? A. Its no different from rock “n” rock. B. Its sung in the films Harry Potter. C. Its a funny business. D. It follows the themes in Rowlings books.4. According to the last paragraph, we can learn that _ . A. Harry Potter has had great effects in many

9、 aspects B. Harry Potter is very popular in the world C. Wizard rock is Harry Potters only by-product D. Potters clubs have helped the hungry B.A federal judge sentenced Bruce Jones to 12 years in federal prison for fraud (诈骗罪). Over a 10-year period, Jones had managed to cheat thousands of people t

10、hroughout the state out of almost $10 million. He advertised his fantastic ideas on TV. For some reason, Jones said, TV seems to break the ice. Even though you are a total stranger to the viewer, once he sees you on TV in his home, he feels like he knows you. You enter his living room and become a t

11、rusted friend. Jones had an imagination that wouldnt quit. One time he showed viewers an official government earthquake report which proved that the western half of California would collapse into the sea within three years. For $100, he said, Jones would insure your house and property for full value

12、. Thousands of people who saw that TV ad sent him a hundred dollars each. In another TV ad, Jones claimed that he had come to an agreement with the federal and state government for exclusive(独享的)air rights. He told viewers that, for only $100, they could own the first 10 miles above all their proper

13、ty. You would be able to charge any commercial plane that flew over your property $100 per crossing. You would also be able to charge government rockets, satellites, space shuttles, and space stations $100 for each and every violation of your air rights. Another time, Jones claimed to have invented

14、a product that gets rid of calories. He showed the viewers a spray can of NoCal. He said that by simply spraying NoCal on your food, a chemical interaction would cause all the calories in the food to simply disappear within about 10 seconds. The NoCal was only $10 a can. As usual, Jones received tho

15、usands of checks in the mail. The judge told Jones that he should be ashamed of himself. Jones responded that he was very ashamed of himself, and that when he got out of prison he hoped to become a TV adviser to help people avoid getting cheated. He told the judge that he was already developing an instructional CD that, for merely $100, would save people thousands of dollars in scams(骗局). The judge nodded, and then changed Jones sentence from 10 years to 12 years. 5According to Jones, he could successfully cheat many people mainly because . A


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