八年级英语寒假作业5(无答案) 人教新目标板

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1、内蒙古呼和浩特市2013年八年级英语寒假作业5(无答案) 人教新目标板根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1. I called her twice , but she didnt answer the p_.2. The violin is a very popular i_.3. I think great changes will take place in the 22nd c_.4. -Have you heard of the famous music The Blue Danube by the Strauss? -Of c_ I have.5. My e_ brother has ne

2、ver been to America .6. Mary always speaks in a l _ voice.7. This is my o_ guitar .I bought it last month.8. He is a famous f_.用所给词的适当形式填空1 Do you like _ (west) classical music ?2 the old man _ (enjoy) pop music twenty years ago.3 the plane landed _ (slow) just now .4 Tony doesnt like _ (noise) musi

3、c, and he likes quiet music .5 What type of music does Betty like _ (good) ?6 A large group of _ (music) are playing the violin .7 When you cross the road , you must walk _ (careful)8 The boys shouted _ (loud) , “Come on!”9 Lucy is five years old . She is _ (young)than me .10 He has already _ (get)

4、the message. 句型转换1. Mr. Hu has nothing to worry about ,_ _ ?(完成反意疑问句)2. -Youve eaten your breakfast , havent you ?-_ , I _ . Im feeling so hungry now.3 My father likes rock very much .(就划线部分提问) _ _ of music does your father like very much ?4Whos your favourite singer ?(改为同义句)_ singer do you like ?5Y

5、ou may be right .(改为同义句)_ you _ right.6I study English and Chinese . (改为同义句)I study _ _ English _ _ Chinese.7Wu Ming dropped out of school when he was 10. (改为同义句) Wu Ming dropped of school _ _ _ _ 10.8The twins have never been to Beijing,_ _?(完成反意疑问句) 单项选择1 Something must be wrong with your bike,_ ?

6、 A isnt it B arent they C must it D mustnt they2 Have you ever _ a woman called Li Xia? A heard B heard of C listened from D listened to3 _ has been done , has it ? A Few B A few C Little D A little 4 Dont leave your homework again next time ,_ ? A will you B shall we C dont you D do you 5 Dont just

7、 believe the advertisement . That kind of camera is _ it said . A as good as B not as good as C as well as D not as well as 6 I cant buy the dress because I have _ money . A little B a little C few D a few 7 Hainan _ its fine weather ,its neither too cold nor too hot all the year round . A be famous

8、 for B be famous C is famous for D is famous as 8 Have you decided _ go ? A where B to where C where to D to which9 We should live and work _ Comrade Lei Feng did . A like B as C when D what 10 Two days isnt enough for me to finish the work ._ I need _ day . A other B the third C a third D the other

9、 Module 5 综合检测 单项选择1Chinese climbers carried the Olympic Flame(奥运圣火)to the top of the worlds highest mountain _ 8th May, 2008.A.on B. at C. in D. from2. _ a teacher , John thinks that his main duty is to help the students to become better learners .A. As B. By C. About D. On3. You neednt do that whe

10、n you are tired,_ ?A. neednt you B. need you C. are you D. arent you4. He had little idea, _ ?A. didnt he B. wasnt it C. did he D. was it 5. There is nothing we can do ,_?A. is there B. cant we C. isnt there D. can we 6. -How are you today, Bob? - Im even _ now .I dont think the medicine is good for

11、 me .A. better B. worse C. happier D. unluckier7. -Where is Mr.Wang ?-Im not sure .He _ in the office .A. maybe B. may be C. must be D. cant8. Hes gone to Macao,_ he?A. is B. isnt C. has D. hasnt9. -You cant speak German , can you?-_ .Ive learned it for quite a long time .A. No, I cant B. Yes ,I can

12、t C. Yes , I can D. No, I can10. He will _ records for the famous singer. A. pay B. make C. write D. Play 从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其适当形式填空 be famous as, not only . but also, take.around, at the age of., describe.to, be popular, all over Asia, in addition to, give concerts to, hundreds of 1. What did Lei Feng do

13、 _ helping the old woman in his life?2. Zhouzhou _ the Japanese in 2 weeks.3. Suzhou _ a water city in China.4. What do you think when seeing _ flowers coming out?5. The librarian _ a beautiful picture _ the visitors yesterday.6. Many of the children go to school _ 6 in China.7. The film will be on

14、_ on Childrens Day.8. We can learn something from _ the teachers, _ the printings.9. Hip-hop _ among the young.10. Dont _ the sick kid _ , or hell be worse. 补全对话(从以下给定句中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余)A. I like soft music.What about you?B. I like the singers who care about the poor.C. Yes,if everyone does a bit ,our life will be nice.D. Its about a


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