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1、Unit 2 Healthy Eating,吉林一中吉林,Teaching Aims and demands,Teaching Aims and Demands,Teaching Aims and Demands,Teaching Aims and Demands,Teaching Plan and design,Better divide unit two into nine periods Period 1 Warming up and speaking Period 2-4 Reading comprehension Period 5 Vocabulary study Period 6

2、Grammar Period 7 Listening and speaking Period 8 Speaking and writing Period 9 Summary and Self-assessment,Period 1 Warming up and Speaking,carrot,Teaching design,目的及预期效果:通过栩栩如生的图片,以竟猜的方式开始,激发学生们的学习兴趣,激活已有的背景知识,使其带着问题积极主动地参与,思考,作答,同学们既获取了新的信息,掌握新的知识,也丰富了自己的生活经验,养成通过分析,归纳,总结,解决问题的习惯,同时也逐渐养成合作的意识及所带给的

3、快乐和收效 主要运用的策略 认知策略:学习和运用语言的策略:对各种蔬菜,水果,食物进行识别,区分,组织及反复接触 并有意识记忆;再进行归类,总结,然后用于日常生活之中 社会情感策略:采用竟猜,讨论,对话等促进同学间合作学习,共同完成任务,同时为同学创造条件和机会扩大信息(与日常生活息息相关的健康话题方面的)输入量和输出量 方式:以小组为单位竟猜(团队效应);个人展现才华(满足自我表现欲及个人成就感);两人排练(再现实际生活),Guessing Games,Competition in groups Please identify the names of the following food,

4、fruit or vegetables?,crab,shrimp,mutton,roast duck,vegetables,bean pea eggplant mushroom cabbage pepper tomato potato carrot Chinese cabbage pumpkin cucumber tofu celery,food,rice porriage pork mutton beef fish chicken fish,fruit,apple orange pear peach cherry lemon strawberry watermelon pineapple,m

5、inerals,fat,protein,vitamin,sugar,carbohydrates,some essential nutrients,fibre,What do the foods have in common ?,Which food contains more sugar?,grapes,chocolate,cakes,bananas,Which of the following foods contain the most fat? Put them in order from 1 (most fat) to 5 (least fat):,1,2,3,4,5,Which fo

6、od contains more fibre?,nuts,peas,pork,cabbage,Which food contains more protein?,ham,potato crisps,eggs,ice cream,beans bread butter cheese cucumber eggs lemons,meat milk mushrooms noodles nuts oranges peas,potatoes rice spaghetti sugar tofu cabbage peaches,Which foods,beans bread butter cheese cucu

7、mber eggs lemons,meat milk mushrooms noodles nuts oranges peas,potatoes rice spaghetti sugar tofu cabbage peaches,1.Which foods mainly give us energy?,beans bread butter cheese cucumber eggs lemons,meat milk mushrooms noodles nuts oranges peas,potatoes rice spaghetti sugar tofu cabbage peaches,2.Whi

8、ch foods can help us grow bones and muscle?,beans bread butter cheese cucumber eggs lemons,meat milk mushrooms noodles nuts oranges peas,potatoes rice spaghetti sugar tofu cabbage peaches,3.Which foods mainly give us fibre for digestion and health?,Speaking P12,In pairs make up a dialogue about food

9、 you like or dislike using the expressions below and as many food,fruit or vegetables as possible and state your reasons.,Useful expressions about likes and dislikes,My favorite food/fruit/meat is Im fond of I dont often eat. I really hate I cant stand,Discussion:,How to keep healthy? what kind od d

10、iet can help people be fit?,Blackboard Design,Healthy Eating a balanced diet energy-giving body-building protective food food food,Homework: Preview Reading,Period 2-4,Reading,Teaching Aims and Demands,Teaching Procedure,Step 1:Talk about meals and design a menu of balanced diets. Step 2:Lead in the

11、 text,guess the context. Step 3:Read,first skim,then scan by creating questions and answer them in pairs( sort and method Instructions). Step 4:Guess the words from context. understand sentences . Step 5:Group discussion,fat,slim,what ?,exercise,diet,+,=,Menu,Breakfast :,a bowl of corn flakes + unfa

12、t milk,Lunch :,vegetable + some sorts of unfat meat,Time for tea :,Only when you feel hungry can you have some crackers,Supper :,3 dishes + a soup course,A healthy diet,Group Work,Plan a menu with a balanced diet containing proper energy-giving food body-building food and protective food so that you

13、 can keep both healthy and slim How and where can you have it?Cook at home or buy at the restaurant?,Come and eat here (1),Where ?,Reading strategies: Make a guess according to the title before reading.,Pre-reading,“ Come less healthy less+原级 The movie was less funny than the book. They are less exp

14、ensive than imported types. Her main concern was less for herself than for him.,Complete the sentences,1.they stood there_(怒目而视)each other. 2.If we cheat in the exam,do you think we can_(不受惩罚)? 3.We must_to an hour (把晚会限制在) 4.The doctors strongly advise people _(大大降低)smoking and drinking. 5.His busi

15、ness failed,so he _(负债累累) 6._(要想赢回顾客),you must improve your service quality . 7.Humans_(受益于)peace and suffer from war.,Translations,人人都需要均衡饮食和心情舒畅,才能保持健康,否则就会疾病缠身. 我的一个朋友近些天来感觉很心烦,所以不得不去看医生.医生问其缘由得知:该患者身感不适主要有两个原因:一个是由于从前生活艰难,常常负债,但当一次生意成功成了爆发户后,便整天暴饮,暴食鱼肉过量,结果非但没增加体重,相反体重大大下降,二是从那以后每天提心掉胆,感觉有人在窥视他,

16、窥视他的钱财,有人在怒目而视于他,使他不敢入睡. 基于此种情况,医生建议他多做户外运动,保持良好心态,对健康大有益处,此外,要改善自己的饮食习惯,把适量的肉类食物与青菜,水果合在一起吃.最后医生还提醒人们要坚决不可饮酒过量,购买打折食品时一定要谨慎,否则都会对健康产生不良影响.您明白了吗? 牢记:病从口入啊!所以只要均衡饮食和适当运动,人人都会健健康康的!,用到的短语:,Balanced diets spy on sb/sth Keep healthy/fit glare at sb Feel less healthy benefit sb/be beneficial to sb Feel frustrated combinewith



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