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1、以梦为马 不负韶华布莱尔演讲:珍惜现在把握未来汇报人:xx青春,是美好的代言词,青春无悔,我们要珍惜青春,更要把握美好的未来!本文是由小编为大家提供的布莱尔演讲:珍惜现在 把握未来,欢迎阅读:布莱尔演讲珍惜现在,把握未来It is an honor to be here and say to the Yale College Class of 20xx: you did it; you came through; from all of us to you: congratulations.The issues you must wrestle with-the threat of clima

2、te change, food scarcity, and population growth, worldwide terror based on religion, the interdependence of world economy-my student generation would barely recognize. But the difference today is they are essentially global in nature.Your understand this. Yale has become a melting pot of culture, la

3、nguage and civilization. You are the global generation. So be global citizens.Each new generation finds the world they enter. But they fasion the world they leave. So: what do you inherit and what do you pass on?The history of humankind is marked by great events but written by great people.People li

4、ke you.珍惜现在,把握未来Given Yales record of achievement, perhaps by you.So to you as individuals, what wisdom, if any, have I learnt?First, in fact, keep learning. Always to be alive to the possibilities of the next experience, of thinking, doing and being.When Buddha was asked, near the end of his life,

5、to describe his secret, he answered bluntly: Im awake”.So be awake.Understand conventional wisdom, but be prepared to change it.Feel as well as analyze; use you instinct alongside your reason. Calculate too much and you will miscalculate.Be prepared to fail as well as to succeed, realist it is failu

6、re not success that defines character.I spent years trying to be a politician failing at every attempt and nearly gave up. I know youre thinking: I should have.Sir Paul McCartney reminded me that the first record company the Beatles approached rejected them as a band no-one would want to listen to.Be good to people on your way up because you never know if you will meet them again on your way down.Judge someone by how they treat those below them not those above them.共2页,当前第1页12感恩生活,珍惜现在演讲稿纪念红军长征胜利84周年主题演讲稿范文小学接力跑加油稿最好的资料给最好的您xxx4



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