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1、1. Could I borrow your dictionary?Yes, of course you _.A.couldB.willC.canD.might2. Difficulties always go with me!Cheer up! If God closes a door in front of you,there _be a window opened for you.A.wouldB.mustC.couldD.can3. 一Look! The man at the gate _ be our headmaster. He is standing there every mo

2、rning.No, it_be him. He is holding a meeting in the office now.A.must; cantB.must; mustnt C.cant; cantD.cant; mustnt4. Look! It_ be David in the classroom.It _ be him. Because I saw him in the library a moment ago.A.may; mustntB.must; cantC.can; cantD.mustnt; can5. You look very pretty, if I _ say s

3、o.Thanks a lot for saying that.A.mustB.mayC.willD.have to6. We teenagers _ have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be created.A.mayB.mightC.shouldD.will7. Must I walk the dog now, Mum?No, you _. You _ do it later.A.mustnt; mustB.mustnt; mayC.neednt; mayD.neednt; must8. I think t

4、hat girl _ be Mr. Lis daughter. She takes after Mr. Li very much.A.canB.mustC.shouldD.need9. Do you think that kobe will be elected as the MVP this year?It _ him. He has retired (退役) since April 13.A.cant beB.mustnt beC.must beD.can be10. The talented boy _ write lyrics when he was at the age of ten

5、. A.mayB.couldC.must 11. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love _ do that.Martin Luther King, Jr.A.can B.must C.should12. Cars, buses, bikes and people _ stop when the traffic lights are red.A.canB.mayC.must13. Necessary action _ so that students can be safe at school.A.can be takenB.may be takenC.mu

6、st be takenD.might be taken14. You _ get any sugar or milk for me. Id like black coffee.OK. Help yourself.A.dont needB.may notC.needntD.mustnt15. I think the man over there must be Bob.It _ be him. He has _ to Australia.A.cant; goneB.cant; beenC.may not; beenD.mustnt; gone16. Sue, dont run in the ha

7、llways.Sorry, I _ do that again.A.shouldB.mustC.wontD.couldnt17. Look! The traffic light has turned red. We _ stop our car.A.canB.cantC.mustD.mustnt18._ I take some photos in the store?No, you _.A.Can; cantB.Could; wontC.Must; mustntD.May; couldnt19.Its surprising that Mr. Mas little daughter _ spea

8、k English so well.A.mustB.canC.mustntD.cant20. May we leave the classroom now?No, you _. You _ to leave until the bell rings.A.mustnt; are allowedB.dont have to; are supposedC.neednt; arent allowedD.cant; arent supposed21. I forgot to bring my pen. Could I use yours?Of course you _.A.canB.mustC.coul

9、dD.should22. More and more people can _ 100 years old in the future.A.liveB.live to beC.living to beD.lived to be23. Teachers think students neednt do so much homework, but they _ make students do a lot in the past.A.have toB.mustC.had toD.should24. After a long walk, the old man _ be tired now.A.ca

10、nB.mustC.has toD.need25. Must I practice the violin right now?No, you_. You_do it later on.A.mustnt; mayB.shouldnt; mightC.neednt; mayD.neednt; must26. Whats the weather like in Xiamen?Very hot and wet in the summer, but it_ be quite cold in the winter.A.shouldB.canC.willD.must27. Must I be home bef

11、ore eight oclock, Mom?No, you _. But you have to come back before ten oclock.A.needntB.cantC.mustntD.shouldnt28. I borrow your books? Of course. You can it for a week.A.May; keepB.Must; keepC.May; borrowD.Can; borrow29. Lingling says Miss Yu has gone to Shanghai, _ that be true? It _ be true because

12、 I saw her in the office just now.A.may; may notB.must; cantC.can; may notD.may; cant30. I dont care what the teacher thinks.But I think you _.A.canB.mayC.shouldD.must31. Mobile phones and electronic calculators _be brought in the test rooms at exam times.A.couldntB.needntC.dont have toD.mustnt32. T

13、he new software can help us call a taxi immediately, so we _ wait too long.A.neednt toB.needntC.dont needD.not need to33. Whats the advantage of shopping online?I think buyers _ spend a lot of time going to shops.A.shouldntB.mustnt C.cantD.neednt34. _we finish the work before class, Jack?No, we _. We can do it after class.A.Must, dont have toB.Must, must C.Can, mustntD.Can, neednt35. Who has done that again?_ you ask? Little Tom, of course!A.MustB.CanC.WouldD


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