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1、Unit 4 I want to be an actor.,一、教材分析,本单元是一个综合性和实用性较强的一个单元,核心话题是职业(Occupations)-谈论自己或他人的职业,谈论自己或他人将来想从事的职业,并陈述原因.通过本单元的学习,学生能把以下句型运用到实际生活中去: What do you do ? Im a/an What does he/she do ? He/She is What do you want to be? I want to be a What does he/she want to be? He/She wants to be a 并能简单的写一份个人的简历去

2、应聘工作。,本单元除了语言本身的学习外,其社会性也是教师通过不同任务的设置,所要传递给学生的。随着我国改革开放的日益深入,对外交往不断扩大,大量的国外企业进入中国市场。这些企业在发展的过程中需要大量的人才,所以让学生了解当今社会最需要人才类型,以及对人才的不同要求,都是非常有必要的。,一、教材分析,二、教学目标,1.认知目标 1)重点词汇:doctor , actor , reporter , policeman , student , bank clerk ,shop assistant , dangerous ,policewoman 2)语言结构:what , where 引导的特殊问句

3、 3)want , work 的一般现在时。,更多资源,二、教学目标,2.技能目标 1)通过新知识的有序呈现,在学生完成一系列任务的过程中,培养学生观察、记忆和思维的能力。在听、说、读写全方位的训练中,提高学生综合语言运用能力。 2)通过小组讨论,培养学生的合作能力。 3)学生能够自如的谈论各种不同的工作,并简单的介绍自己父母的工作, 和自己将来想从事的工作。 4)能简单的写一份个人简历。,二、教学目标,3.情感目标 通过课堂的一系列情景活动,促进师生互动和生生互动。培养学生的自信心和合作精神。通过了解各种职业的特点,使学生更加懂得学习文化科学知识的重要性和必要性,从而增强他们的学习自觉性。,

4、三、教学的重难点,1.表示职业的词汇以及本单元的目标语: What does he do? What do you want to be? 2.一般现在时的否定式、疑问式及简略回 答和一般现在时的基本用法。3.What,where引导的特殊疑问句。 4.want,work的一般现在时的用法。动词的第三人称单数形式。a/an的正确使用。 5.形容词的使用。,1提问引入法通过提问,集体,分组,分行回答,或学生逐个回答的形式开展教学,检查和巩固新旧知识。 2小组合作交际功能法通过 分组:四人或两人的小组合作等形式进行操练,达到交际的目的。,四、采取的教学方法和教学手段,五、教学原则,1 活动性原则提

5、倡学生主动参与,体 验,交流,合作,探究等多种学习; 2 合作性原则以学生为主体,师生合作,生生合作,体现教与学的互动,交流; 3 任务型原则任务驱动激发动机;任务完成激励学习积极性;执行任务 培养责任心和合作精神;4 情感性原则激发学生学习英语的兴趣和始终保持良好的学习情绪。,六、教学策略,1.为学生设计好学生课前自学的内容,根据学生自学的成果,进一步设计课堂教学环节; 2.组织好学生的小组活动和讨论活动; 3.利用多媒体为学生提供更加丰富、真实的教学情景,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握教学内容; 4.组织学生进行课堂表演和交流工作。,六、学习策略,创建开放式,探究式的课堂 1)让学生观察课件画面

6、,回答问题,让学生学会使用认知策略; 2)让学生表演对话,实现交际策略 ; 3)引导学生交际,主动练习和实践,体现调控策略。 4) 课上进行小组交流、讨论,进一步了解社会各行各业的工作性质,同时树立自己的理想。,七、课 时 划分:,Period 1: SectionA-1a, 1b, 1c, 2c Period 2: SectionA- 2a, 2b, SectionB:1a,1b,2a,2b,2c. Period 3: SectionA:3a,3b,4. Period 4: SectionB: 3a,3b 3c,4+Self-check .,Unit 4 I want to be an ac

7、tor.,Period One,Sing a song!,(通过学生边听歌曲边做动作,一来可以激发学生的学习兴趣,使他们很快投入课堂,同时拉近和他们之间的距离。),an actor,a cook,a doctor,a nurse,(学生分别扮演角色 ,编排对话),What do you do? Im a/an,CCTV,What does he/she do?,a policewoman,a waiter,What does he/she do? He/she is a/an,Ask and answer.,A:What do you do? B:Im a/an A:What does he/

8、she do? C:He/She is a/an,(单词融入句型来学习,培养学生在语境中理解、识记单词),1a Match the words and the pictures. 1.shop assistant_ 2.doctor_ 3.actor_ 4.reporter_ 5. policeman_ 6. waiter _ 7. bank clerk _ 8. student _,What does she/he do? She/He is a /an. Where does she/he work? She/He works in a ,What does he/she want to

9、be?,(过渡自然,环环相扣。引出本单元的句型),Ask and answer.,A:What do you want to be? B:I want to be a doctor. A:What does she/he want to be? C: She/He wants to be a doctor.,(创设情景,巩固本单元的句型以及词汇。),Make a survey,Tell us like this: Bills father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. His mother is a.,Ask three of your friend

10、s about their parents jobs and fill in the form,then give a report.,(通过调查的一系列情景活动,促进生生互动。培养学生的合作与交流的能力。),Lets chant!,What do you do ? Im a doctor.(doctor,doctor) What does he do ? He is a waiter.(waiter, waiter) What do you want to be? I want to be a nurse.(nurse,nurse) What does he want to be? He w

11、ants to be a cook.(cook,cook),(以轻松愉快的chant的形式巩固本节课的主要句型。,Homework,1.Chant with the new words. 2.Survey: How many students in your class want to be a doctor/cook? Why?,Lets chant!,(以chant的形式复习上节课的主要句型, 不一样的复习形式,将引起学生极大的学习兴趣),What does he/she do?,(复习已有的单词,温故而知新,为新课的学习打下基础; 培养学生学会自己学习。),Listen and numb

12、er the pictures 1-3 below.,3 1 2,listening,Listen again and fill in the chart.,listening,Listen again and fill in the chart.,以听的方式来复习旧知,引出新知,What does he/she want to be?,A B C,A:What do you want to be? B:I want to be a reporter. A:Why? B:Because its exciting.,Make the dialogue, Maybe these words can

13、 help you:actor/interesting teacher/fun worker/busy nurse/boring singer/relaxing ,Pair work,A:What dont you want to be? B:I dont want to be a doctor. A:Why? B:Because its dangerous/busy.,Make the dialogue, Maybe these words can help you: waiter/busy coach/difficult sing/relaxing ,Occupation dream(职业

14、梦想) 请同学们汇总你们的职业梦想,列出班级里职业梦想 Top Ten.,(始终围绕本单元的话题开展活动, 既“巩固新知”,使学生通过 这种交互活动的方式进一步熟悉新的单词,又增进了相互间的了解。),Homework,Survey: 1.What does your mother/father do? 2.What does your mother/father/friend want to be?Why?,Unit 4 I want to be an actor.,Period Three,1. I work in the hospital every day. My work is ver

15、y hard but also very important. The doctors and patients need my help. I help the doctor and look after the patients. I always wear white clothes. People call us “angels(天使) in white”,Guess!What do I do?,Guess!What do I do?,2.I drive a car every day, but the car is not mine. There are many people si

16、tting in my car every day. After they go out of the car, they must pay me money.,Guess!What do I do?,I am very proud of my job. Because I am like your mother. I will tell you what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes I am very strict.,A B C,Guess!What do I do?,I work with people and money. People give me their money or get their money from me.,Guess!What do I do?,I like talkin


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