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1、易混淆短语,add to添加,增添 addto把.加到上 add up把.加起来 add up to合计 a developing country发展中国家 a developed country 发达国家 agree on 同意(具体协议的文件,计划,行动),agree to同意+动词原形或名词 agree with同意+某人或从句 a large/great number of很多+可数名词复数 a great many很多+可数名词复数 a great deal of很多+不可数名词 all of所有的 of all在所有中,all right好的 thats all right不用谢

2、Thats right对,没错 all the time一直,总是 by the time到.时间为止 a number of许多 the number of.的数目,arrange sth. for sb.为某人安排某事 arrange for sb. to do sth.安排某人做某事 ask for advice向别人征求意见 at table在吃饭 at the table在桌子旁 at times有时 at a time一次 in no time立刻,马上(=at once),be angry about/at对某事生气(后跟事情) be angry with对某人生气(后跟人) b

3、e born in出生于(某地。某年或某月) be born on出生于(那一天) be confident of对有信心 have confidence in sb.对某人有信心 be covered with被.覆盖,be crowded with被挤满 be discovered by被发现 be invented by被.发明 be dressed in穿.的衣服 be in(穿着后加衣服或表示颜色的词) be familiar with某人对.熟悉(通常人作主语) be familiar to对某事/人熟悉,Be good at擅长(=do well in) Be good for对

4、.有好处 Be good to对态度好 Be in danger处于危险中 Be dangerous.是危险的 Be known as作为.著称 Be known for因.而众所周知,Be mad at 对.非常生气(程度深) Be angry with对.生气 Be prepare for为.做准备 Be ready for为.做准备 Prepare for为做准备 Get ready for为.做准备 Be proud of以.而自豪,Take pride in以.而自豪 Be strict with对某人严格要求(后面跟人) Be strict in对某事严格要求(后面跟事) Be f

5、amous for 因而闻名 Be famous as 作为.而出名 before long不久以后(与将来时态或过去时态连用) long before很久以前(与过去时态连用),be full of 装满,充满(表示状态) be filled with 被.充满,填满(表示动作) be fun to do sth.做某事有趣,好玩 have fun doing sth.愉快地做某事 Be surprised to do惊奇地做某事 Be surprised at对.感到惊奇 Be terrified of对某事或某人感到恐惧,Be terrified to do害怕做某事 Be used t

6、o do 被用来做 Be used to doing习惯于做某事 Be used for 被用于作(=be used to do) Be used as被当.用 Borrow sth. From sb.向某人借某物 Lend sth. to sb.把某物借给某人,Both and两者都 Eitheror两者中任何一个 Neithernor两者都不,By accident意外的,偶然的 By mistake错误地,无意的 By the end of到.末为止(后加过去的时间) At the end of在的末尾(可跟地点或时间名词) To the end of 到.的尽头 In the end最

7、后(=at last) By the way顺便说,随便问一下(插入语) In the way挡路,妨碍,On the way在路上 In a way在某个意义上,Cant help to do不能帮助做 Cant help doing 忍不住做 Carry on继续做,坚持做 Carry off 携走,夺走,赢得奖品,轻易完成(代词放中间) Carry out开展,执行,完成 Catch up with赶上,跟上(或超过) Come up with拿出(一笔钱),想出(主意),Compare to把.比作 Compare with把.同.作比较 Congratulations to sb.祝

8、贺某人 Congratulations on sth.祝贺某事 Connect to把和连接起来,使相连 Connect with与.相连,和.有关 Enjoy oneself玩的开心 Help oneself随便,不用客气,Enoughto do足够.可以做 Tooto do太.而不能做 Feel lonely感觉孤独(带有感情色彩) Live alone独自生活 Day after day日复一日(无变化) Day by day一天天的(有变化),逐日 Get married to sb.与某人结婚(表动作,不与表示延续时间状语连用) Be married to sb与某人结婚(表状态,与

9、时间段连用) .,Marry sb.表示嫁(娶)某人 For example例如 Such as例如 Forget to do忘记去做某事(表示还没做),In front of 在.(外部的)前面 In the front of在.(内部的)前面 In hospital (生病)住院 In the hospital在医院里 Keep up保持,维持,继续 Keep up with跟上 Go on doing不停做某事 Go on to do(完成某事后)接着做另一件事,Have been to去过某地(回来了) Have gone to去了某地(还没回来) Much too 太 Too muc

10、h太多. No longer不再(时间) Notany longer不再(次数) Regret to do sth.遗憾要做某事(指将要做的) Regret doing sth.后悔做了某事(指做了某事而感到后悔),Remember to do记得去做某事(动作未完成) Remember doing记得做过某事(动作已完成) On both sides of在.的两边 On either side of在.的任何一边 On each side of在.的任意一边 On the other side of在.的另一边 On earth究竟,到底 On the earth在地球上,On the a

11、ir 播送,广播 In the air在空中,未定的 On time 按时 In time及时 On the top of在.的顶上(指物体外部的上面) At the top of在.的顶部(指物体内部的上面) Prefer doingto doing宁愿做.而不做 Prefer to dorather than do宁愿做.而不做,Would rather do than do宁愿做.而不做 Take an interest in对.感兴趣 Be interested in对.感兴趣 Show an interest in对表示出兴趣 Take place 发生 Take the place of代替 Take part in 参加(指大型的群众性活动) Join in参加,加入(指某个组织或个人的活动),Thanks for为而感谢 Thanks to由于,多亏 Think about考虑,思考 Think of想起,考虑,认为,Work out做出来,算出来 Work on从事于 Walk through(从内部)穿过 Walk across(从表面)穿过 Warn sb. (not) to do sth.警告,提醒某人(不)要做某事 Warn sb. about/of sth.提醒某人关于什么事 Work for为.工作 Work as当.(后跟职业),



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