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1、英语五年级上册期中调研试卷2017.11.6 姓名 一补全缺失的字母。(注意字母的大小写,20)Aa Bb Cc _ Ee _ Gg Hh _ Jj _ Ll _ Nn Oo _ Qq _ Ss _ _ Vv Ww _ Yy Zz二选出下列各组中不同类的单词。10( ) 1. A. MondayB. FridayC. SundayD. day( ) 2. A. MissB. musicC. MrD. Mrs( ) 3. A. fatB. tallC. bigD. bag( ) 4. A.sandwich B. salad C. ice cream ( ) 5. A. clever

2、 B. strict C. short D. sugar三选择正确的字母补全单词。(10)( ) 1、k _ ow A、 n B、 c C、 a( ) 2、w _ ll A、 i B、 h C、 t( ) 3、he _ pful A、 e B、 l C、 a( ) 4、w _ekend A、 a B、 i C、 e( ) 5、thi _ sty A、 r B、 w C、 o四、选择填空。20( )1.We have English_ Mondays and Wednesdays. A. in B. of C. on( ) 2. -What would you like for lunch? -

3、 Id like some _. A. green beans B. green beanC. bean ( ) 3-I often play ping-pong.-Great! I can play _you. A. at B. with C. and( ) 4.-What do you _ on Saturdays? A. is B. does C. do( ) 5. - What do we have on Mondays? - We have _. A. FridayB. mathsC. fruit( ) 6. Do you have a new teacher?A. Yes, I a

4、m.B. No, I dont. C. No, I do. ( ) 7. - _your math teacher?- Mr Zhao.A. WhatsB. Whos C. Wheres ( ) 8. - Whats he like? - Hes _. A. funny B. fun C. principal ( ) 9. - Is she quiet?- _ A. Yes, she isnt. B. No, she is. C. No, she isnt.( ) 10. I often read some _ and watch TV. A. book B. books C. noteboo

5、k五、选择正确答案,把字母序号写在括号里。(10)( )1.What would you like for lunch? A. I like apples.( )2. What do you have on Thursdays?B. I have English and music.( )3. Whats your favourite fruit? C. She is young and pretty.( )4. Whats your English teacher like? D. Saturday.( )5. What day is it tomorrow? E. Id like some

6、 beef.六、选择正确答案,把字母序号写在横线上。(10)A: 1 B: I like ice-cream. 2 . What about you? A: Tomatoes are my favourite food. They are tasty. I dont like onions. 3 Whats your favourite food? C: I like beef. Its yummy. D: 4 . But Im heavy(重) now. 5 A. They are hot. B. It is sweet. C. Whats your favourite food? D. I

7、 have to(必须) eat vegetables. E. I like beef, too. 七、将下列打乱顺序的单词重新排列成完整的句子写出来,注意字母的大小写和标点符号。(10)1、my English is tall teacher ? 2、favourite my drink orange is juice . 3、watch TV I on Sundays . 4、beef I like dont . 5、Who your art i s teacher ? 八读短文,判断正误。 ( 用 T 表示正确,F 表示错误) (10 分) (A) My name is Mike. I

8、am 10 years old. I study in Willow School. My favourite day is Wednesday. We have PE and English class on Wednesdays. We have salad for lunch. Salad is my favourite food. Salad is Johns favourite food, too. John is my friend. We often go to the canteen(餐厅)together. We like sandwiches, too. The sandw

9、iches are yummy. We have sandwiches for lunch on Fridays. ( ) 1. Mikes favourite day is Sunday. ( ) 2. Mike has PE on Wednesdays. ( ) 3. Johns favourite food is salad. ( ) 4. John and Mike are good friends. ( ) 5. Mike and John like salad and potatoes. (B) Sarah:Hi, Chen Jie. Chen Jie:Hi, Sarah. Do you have new teachers? Sarah:Yes. We have three new teachers. Chen Jie:Who are they? Sarah:An English teacher, a music teacher and a Chinese teacher. Chen Jie:Wow, its so good. Whos your


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