Book 8 unit 2 cloning words and expressions

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1、. . Words and Expressions for Book8, Unit21. differv. 不同于,有区别A differs from B in .:A与B在方面不同Humans differ from other mammals in their ability to speak.人与其他哺乳动物的不同之处在于人能说话differ widely:区别很大Opinions on the subject differ widely.在这个问题上意见分歧很大。 有分歧A differs with B about/on/over.:A与B就意见相左The two sides stil

2、l differ with each other over the question of pay.双方在报酬的问题上仍各持己见。 2. straightforwardadj. 简单的;坦率的a straightforward solution: 简单的解决办法a straightforward man:一个坦率的男人3. undertakev. (undertook, undertaken) to accept that you are responsible for a job着手做,承担,进行undertake sthShe undertook full responsibility f

3、or the new changes.她为新变化承担全部责任。undertake a experiment/ a journey/ a new case: 进行试验/ 去旅行/ 接手一个新案子 promise to do sth许诺,同意undertake to do sthundertake that .He undertook to finish the job by Friday.他答应星期五之前完成这项工作。I cant undertake that you will make a profit.我不能保证你会获利。4. pay off 付清,还清(债务)Ive paid of the

4、 balance on the dishwasher.我已付清了那台洗碗机的余款。 be successful (计划等)取得成功They took a hell of risk but it paid off.他们冒了很大的风险, 但事情成功了。【扩展】pay sb/ sth back: 偿还(欠款);报复pay you back/ pay back the loan: 还你的钱/ 还贷款Ill pay Jenny back for what she did to me.詹尼这样对我,我一定要向她报复。pay sth in/ pay sth into sth: 把钱存入账户Ive paid

5、250 into my account.我已把250美元存入了我的账户。pay for: 付钱;为而受苦,付出代价pay for the tickets:买票Ill make her pay for ruining my chances.她破坏了我的机会,我要她为此吃苦头。5. castv. to throw sth somewhere扔,投掷cast a glance/ look at/ towards/ around sth:看一眼cast worries/ fears/ doubts from your mind:忘却烦恼/ 恐惧/ 疑惑,把抛诸脑后cast a fishing net:

6、撒网cast sb into prison:把某人投入监狱be cast away:(因沉船)而流落(荒岛)be cast down: feel sad and discouraged沮丧;灰心Malcolm seemed quite cast down.马尔科姆看上去相当沮丧。6. altogetheradv. completely 全然,完全Eventually they chose an altogether different design.最终他们选择了一款截然不同的设计。 all in all 总而言之The hotel was nice; the weather was hot;

7、 the beaches were beautiful. Altogether Id say it was a great vacation.宾馆很舒适,天气很暖和,海滩很美丽。总的来讲,我得说这个假期很愉快。 in total 总共There were 5people altogether.总共5个人。7. arbitraryadj. 专横的,武断地This is an arbitrary decision. 这是个武断的决定。 arbitrary rulers:专横的统治者 任意的,随机的Nowadays, many services are making arbitrary charge

8、 fees.现在很多服务项目乱收费。8. correctionn. 修改,纠正The page was covered in crossings-out and corrections.这页上满是叉号和做的更正。make a correctionShe makes all her corrections with a green pen.她所有的更正都是用绿笔做的。9. objectv. oppose sth or disapprove of sth 反感,反对Would anyone object if I park my car here?如果我把车停这儿,会有人反对吗?object to

9、 sth/ doing sthobject thatMy mother objected to every boy I brought home.我带回家的男孩,我妈妈一个都不喜欢。I object to being spoken to like that.我不喜欢别人那样对我说话。Mom objected that we were too young to go on vacation alone.妈妈表示反对,说我们年龄太小,不能单独去度假。objection n. 异议,反对的原因或理由an objection to sth/ doing sthMy main objection to

10、the plan is that it costs too much. 我反对该计划的主要理由是它费用太高。The only objection to hiring him is that he cant drive.反对雇用他的唯一理由是他不会开车。have an objection: 有反对意见Do you have any objection to my opening the window? 你反对我打开窗子吗?raise/ voice an objection: 提出反对意见10. obtainv. to get sth that you want, especially throu

11、gh your own effort, skill or work 获得,得到Further information can be obtained from head office.详细资料可从总部得到。obtain a scholarship / credit:获得奖学金/ 学分【易混辨析】obtain/ acquire/ gain/ achieveobtain:用于正式语体中。意为“获得,买到”。指通过努力或请求而得到,含有满足要求或得达到目的的意味。acquire:意为“经过努力逐步获得才能、知识、习惯等,也可用于表示对财物等的获得”,强调“一经获得就会长期持有”的含义。acquire

12、 good habits/ fresh skills/ a good reputation:养成好习惯/ 获得新技能/ 赢得好名声gain:意为“通过较大努力获得某种利益或好处,亦可指军事上的武力夺取等”。gain high grades/ independence/ experience/ support/ a good reputation/ weight : 得高分/ 获得独立/ 经验/ 支持/ 好名声/ 长胖achieve:意为“得到;获得”,多指成就、目标、幸福的取得。achieve full equality/ the highest rate of economic growth

13、/ ones goal / dreams: 获得完全平等的地位/ 实现最高经济增长率/ 实现目标/ 实现梦想11. attainv. to succeed in getting sth after trying for a long time实现,获得,赢得More women are attaining positions of power in public life.越来越多的妇女在社会生活中获得权位。12. forbid vt. (forbade,forbidden) 不许,禁止 阻止;妨碍forbid sth/ doing sth forbid sb from doing sthfo

14、rbid sb to do sth The law forbids the use of chemical fertilizers. 法律禁止使用化学肥料。Smoking should be forbidden in public places. 公共场所应禁止吸烟。Women are forbidden from going out without a vail.妇女不戴面纱禁止外出。He was forbidden to go out as a punishment.作为惩罚,他被禁止离开基地。13. accumulatev. to gradually get more and more

15、money, possessions, knowledge etc. over a period of time; to gradually increase until theres a large quantity in one place: 积累;大量聚积He accumulated fortune through hard work. 他因努力工作而积蓄了一笔财富。Leaves accumulated around the fallen trunks.树叶大量地聚积在倒地的树干周围。accumulation n. 积聚 the accumulation of knowledg:知识的积累14. in favour of: 赞成,支持I am in favour of stopping work now. 我赞成现在停止工作。Senior ministers spoke i



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