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1、Unit 1: Fighting with the Forces of Nature,Text A: The Icy Defender,Pre-reading questions,What does “the icy defender” refer to? The severe winter of Russia.,Discussion,Man or nature, which one is more powerful? 1) Instances where man conquers nature. Man can conquer nature. 2) Instances of the forc

2、es of nature are too powerful to be resisted. Man Proposes, God disposes.,天时不如地利,地利不如人和。 Opportunities bestowed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people.,G R _ Part Division of the Text 1,Part Division of the Text,Parts,Pa

3、ra,Main Ideas,2,1,12,Introduction Both Napoleons and Hitlers military campaigns failed because of the severity of the Russian winter.,3-11,Napoleons military campaign against Russia.,Parts,Para,Main Ideas,3,1220,Hitlers military campaign against the Soviet Union.,4,21,Conclusion The elements of natu

4、re must be reckoned with in any military campaign.,They say that pride comes before a fall. In the case of both Napoleon and Hitler, the many victories they enjoyed led them to believe that anything was possible, that nothing could stand in their way. Russians icy defender was to prove them wrong. 骄

5、兵必败 战无不胜,不可阻挡,in the case of,In the case of 就.来说, 至于 e.g. 就这次交通事故而言, 驾驶员粗心大意是造成事 的主要原因. In the case of this traffic accident, the carelessness of the driver is the main cause. In case of 如果;万一 e.g. In case of fire, walk quickly to the nearest door.,Para 1,A storm devastated the island. We were devas

6、tated by the awful news. devastating: adj. 1. devastating storm /war/famine 2. You look devastating in that new dress.,devastate vt. : to destroy completely (a city, area of land, etc.) so that nothing useful or valuable remains,Para 1,raw: adj. cold and wet; not cooked, refined, processed, organize

7、d or analyzed,The event took place on a raw February morning.,This cutting board is only used to cut raw meat.,This is a raw story.,The young man is a raw beginner.,Para 2,On October 4, 1957, Soviet scientists launched the worlds first artificial satellite, called Sputnik.,D R _ word _ launch 1,laun

8、ch: vt.,这家电脑公司今年开始生产一种新产品。,This computer company launches a new product this year.,1) start,2) send (sth.) on its course,launch,Collocation:,launch an attack,发动进攻,launch a massive campaign,发动一场大规模的运动,launch a company,开一家公司,launch threats at sb.,向某人发出威胁,I pushed the rock with all my might.,Might : n.

9、 strength, power,mow down: smash, wreck,What does this sentence imply?,It implies that Hitlers Russian campaign still ended in failure.,Hitler expected a short campaign but, like Napoleon before him, was taught a painful lesson.,Para 2,come to the aid of sb. = come to sbs rescue,campaign 通常指在一场大的战争中

10、,某一地区进行的一连 串有既定目的的军事行动,也可作引申用。,campaign, battle when they retreat, we pursue.,Para 4,大军紧追不舍,但它的长驱直入很快由于粮草运输缓慢而停顿下来。,The Grand Army followed, but its advance march soon became bogged down by slow-moving supply lines.,be unable to make progress,Most of the tanks were bogged down because of mechanical

11、defects and inexperienced crews.,Translate the sentence into Chinese.,What is the meaning of “became dogged down”?,An army marches on its stomach.,Para 5 The battle of Smolensk,Result: left over ten thousand dead on each side. Russians retreat farther into Russian territory. No decisive victory for

12、Napoleon. Napoleon was faced with a crucial decision.,D R _ word _ engage1,The commander ordered the soldiers to engage the enemy immediately.,他们与敌人交战。,They engaged (with) the enemy.,engage: vt.,1) begin fighting with sb.,2) draw into; involve,We tried to engage him in our conversation, but in vain.

13、,3) attract sb.s interest,他善良的性情吸引每个人。,His good nature engages everyone.,D R _ word _ engage2,工作占去她很多时间。,Work engages much of her time.,4) occupy,Pattern:,engage (sb.) in sth.: (cause to) take part in sth.,The teacher tried to engage the shy boy in conversation.,Collocation:,engage as,使聘为,engage in,

14、从事;使参加,engage with,与交战,Para 5,crucial, critical 游法; 游泳姿势 Can you do back stroke?,4.钟的敲声; 钟声; 鸣; 敲 She arrived on the stroke of six. 5.中风 She had a stroke and was unable to walk again. 6.轻抚 She gave the cat a stroke.,Para 10,at the cost of: with the loss of,Collocation:,at any cost,不惜任何代价,at all cost

15、s,不惜一切代价,at no cost,不需花代价,The local government developed its economy but at the cost of environment.,比尔为救约翰付出了自己的生命。,Bill saved John at the cost of his own life.,Para 10,limp:,1. vi. walk with difficulty, esp. when one foot or leg is hurt,He limped off the football field.,2. adj. lacking strength or

16、 firmness; weak or spiritless,a limp handshake,无力的握手,limp opposition,微弱的反抗,tattered survivors,Para 11: The failure,How many soldiers were there left after the army limped to Vilna? Less than one hundred thousand were left. What did Napoleon do when Paris was captured? He abdicated and went into exile.,Hitlers invasion,Chronology of the War,Date,Event,April, 1940,Denmark and Norway were conquered.,June 22, 1941,Hitler launched his long-term attack on the Soviet Union.,Sep



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