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1、学 海 无 涯 大学英语 1(高起专)阶段性作业 2 总分:100 分得分:0 分 一、单选题 This dress is too long. I want one of length(3 分) medium modest average middle 参考答案:C Would you come and have dinner with us? (3 分) No, I think I dont. No, never mind. Yes, please. Yes, I think I will. 参考答案:D Newton was one of the greatest scientists e

2、ver lived.(3 分) whom which,1,学 海 无 涯,what that 参考答案:D By the time he reached to the dentist, his toothache .(3 分) stopped had stopped has stopped as been stopped 参考答案:B Sorry to have kept you waiting. (3 分) Thats Ok What are you doing? Whats wrong with you? Where have you been? 参考答案:A Modern educati

3、on is because of its failure to meet the practical needs of the society.(3 分) on attack,2,学 海 无 涯,in attack for attack under attack 参考答案:D Can you help me? (3 分) No, I dont know. Sure, what is it? Dont mention it. We dont have books here. 参考答案:B He recited much of the poem as he could remember.(3 分)

4、 with as so such 参考答案:B The company made efforts their products.(3 分) promoting,3,学 海 无 涯,to promote promoted to promoting 参考答案:B This dress is too long. I want one of length(3 分) medium modest average middle 参考答案:C Not until last night the news.(3 分) do I get can I get I got did I get 参考答案:D The re

5、scue team rushed the injured the hospital.(3 分) to,4,学 海 无 涯,in from of 参考答案:A Its been a wonderful evening. Thank you very much. (3 分) My pleasure It doesnt matter. No thanks Its OK 参考答案:A I prefer the red dress. (3 分) You have a very good taste. I respect your work. You have a very successful busi

6、ness. your wife is very charming. 参考答案:A You havent paid for it yet. (3 分) Oh, Im really very sorry.,5,学 海 无 涯,Thank you. Not at all Of course, I know. 参考答案:A The president tried every means to protect his in the political world.(3 分) image imagine imagination Imaginable 参考答案:A Its difficult for you

7、ng people to imagine how their grandparents managed to live without internet decades ago.(3 分) desperately absolutely unfortunately terribly 参考答案:B Hello, Peter, what do you do? (3 分),6,7,学 海 无 涯 I am fine. I am not sick. I am a student from Bonne University. I come from Bonne University. 参考答案:C I h

8、ave bought two pens, writes well(3 分) neither of them neither of which none of which both of which 参考答案:B Dont leave her outside in the rain.(3 分) waiting wait to wait waited 参考答案:A Hi, is Thomas there? (4 分),8,学 海 无 涯 Who are you? Sorry, Ill call him. Hold on, Ill get him. Yes, its me. 参考答案:C I am

9、terribly sorry I broke the vase. (4 分) I dont want it. Dont worry. You meant to do it. You buy one for me. 参考答案:B More than one car destroyed in the accident.(4 分) is was are were 参考答案:B Whats the weather like today? (4 分),9,学 海 无 涯 Whats the weather like today? Its Saturday and cold. Its 5th July.

10、Its very serious. 参考答案:A Have you any oranges and apples? (4 分) Yes, madam, on the second shelf over there The oranges are very cheap. You like apples, dont you? Of course, we have some fruits. 参考答案:A I did laundry you were having the dinner.(4 分) because if while and 参考答案:C Thats a challenging job.

11、 Who wants it? _ (4 分),10,学 海 无 涯 Ill take it. Its a good idea You bet. No sweat 参考答案:A Can I borrow your English dictionary? (4 分) Thank you very much No. Im not available. Im sorry. Its not at hand now Its very kind of you. 参考答案:C How much is this blue tablecloth? (4 分) The green one is better Ten dollars and 30 cents. Its cheap Yes, its beautiful. 参考答案:B,学 海 无 涯,Parents of young children have to learn something about in case their children get hurt.(4 分) first help first save first treat first aid 参考答案:D,11,



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