高中英语 轻松阅读 异地恋 Long-distance relationship素材

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《高中英语 轻松阅读 异地恋 Long-distance relationship素材》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 轻松阅读 异地恋 Long-distance relationship素材(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、异地恋 Long-distance relationship 有了网络以后,似乎人和人之间的空间距离就可以忽略不计了。就算远隔千里,两人仍然能通过网络见到对方,互诉衷肠。于是,异地恋、远程恋爱也开始复活了。 A long-distance relationship (LDR) is typically an intimate relationship that takes place when the partners are separated by a considerable distance. Long-distance relationship(LDR)指双方相隔距离遥远,但却保有亲

2、密关系的状况,也就是我们所说的“异地恋”或“远程恋爱”。 Before the popularity of internet dating, long-distance relationships were not as common, as the primary forms of communication between the romance lovers usually involved either telephone conversations or corresponding via mail. However, with the advent of the Internet,

3、 long-distance relationships have exploded in popularity as they become less challenging to sustain with the use of modern technology. Technologies including cell phones, e-mail, online chatting and video conferencing have made it possible to keep in touch. 在网恋盛行之前,异地恋还不是很普遍,因为那时候恋爱双方的沟通交流方式仅限于电话或写信。不过,随着网络的普及,异地恋忽然遍地开花。因为现代技术使远程感情的维系变得不再那么困难。手机、电子邮件、在线聊天以及视频聊天等通讯技术可以让双方随时保持联系。1用心 爱心 专心



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