高中英语 Unit2 SectionⅡ速效提能演练 新人教版选修6

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1、.词汇知识1_ vt.传达;运送_ adj.可搬运的;可传达的2_ adj.具体的3_ adj.引起矛盾的;好反驳的4_ n钻石;菱形5_ adj.灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的6_ vi.& vt.取笑;招惹;戏弄7_ adj.无穷的;无止境的8_ n翻译;译文_ vt.9_ n最低限度;最少量;最小数_(反义词)10_ n枝条;支流;部门11_ adv.最后;终于12_ vi.& vt.转化;转换;改造;变换_ n转化;改造;转换13_ adj.悲伤的;悲痛的;懊悔的答案:1.convey;conveyable2.concrete3.contradictory4diamond 5.flexibl

2、e6.tease7.endless8.translation;translate9.minimum;maximum10.branch11eventually12.transform;transformation13.sorrow.重点短语1_童谣2_ 有意义;说得通3_ 表达感情4_ 向鞠躬/屈服5_ 熬夜6_ 轻松;不紧张;从容7_ 用完8_ 组成/编造/化妆/和解/弥补9_ 很受欢迎10_ 一天又一天答案:1. nursery rhyme2. make sense3. convey ones emotions4. bow to.5. stay up6. take it easy7. run

3、 out of8.make up9. be popular with.be well received by.10. day by day .必背句型1. We would have won if Jack _(如果踢进那个球)答案: had scored that goal2. Some poems tell a story or describe something _(用给读者留下深刻印象的方式)答案:in a way that will give the reader a strong impression3. It is not a traditional form of Engli

4、sh poetry,_(而是非常受英国作家欢迎的)答案:but is very popular with English writers4. _(要是行人归来),this stone would utter speech.答案:Should the traveller return5_ (由于有如此多不同形式的诗歌可以选择),students may eventually want to write poems of their own.答案: With so many different forms of poetry to choose from.品句填词1Weve got a gener

5、al idea of what we want,but nothing _(具体的) at the moment.答案:concrete2I keep getting _(引起矛盾的) advicesome people tell me to keep it warm and some tell me to put ice on it.答案:contradictory3My schedule is quite _(灵活的) I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.答案:flexible4I used to hate being _(

6、取笑) about my red hair when I was at school.答案:teased5She climbed the tree and hid in the _(枝条)答案:branches6The _(悲痛) she felt at the death of her husband was almost too much to bear.答案:sorrow.完成句子1At school the other children always _(取笑) because I was fat.(tease)答案:teased me2He likes pop music,_(而)

7、I am fond of folk music.(while)答案:while3Four kingdoms _(组成) the United Kingdom.(make)答案:make up4Id like to _(放松点) when I am on holiday.(take)答案:take things easy5_(别着急);there is a lot of time left.(take)答案:Take your time.多项选择1(2010年高考山东卷)Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _ schedules t

8、o make it easier to care for their children.AheavyBsmoothCflexible Dcomplex解析:选C。句意为:外出工作的母亲们应该灵活安排,以便能更加轻松地照顾孩子。flexible“灵活地,可变通地”,符合题意。heavy“沉重的”;smooth“光滑的”;complex“复杂的”。2Before Tom left home,his mother kept telling him to _ his manners at the party.Awatch BmindCobserve Dnotice解析:选B。mind指注意,留心;wa

9、tch强调注视,notice指注意到。3(2011年潍坊高二检测)Her attitude to the party is _.She said she liked it but she refused to attend it. Acontroversial BcontradictoryCcontemporary Dconventional解析:选B。考查词义辨析。根据语境“她说她喜欢却拒绝参加”可知她的态度是矛盾的,因此用contradictory。controversial“有争议的”主要指某事容易引起争论,用在本句中不合适。contemporary“当代的”,conventional“

10、传统的”。4I dont like the pattern of the trousers._,the color doesnt suit me.AHowever BInsteadCBesides DAnother解析:选C。表示前后意义的递进关系时用besides。5Tom succeeded in _ all the difficulties in his studies and became a college student.Aovercoming BaffectingChitting Dknocking解析:选A。overcome意为“战胜;克服”,根据所提供的情景became a

11、college student可判断出他克服了学习中的一切困难。affect影响,感动;hit击打;knock碰,撞。6There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we _ gave up.Aeventually BunfortunatelyCgenerously Dpurposefully解析:选A。考查词义辨析。句意:中间休息时排队喝咖啡的人特别多,所以我们最后放弃了。eventually“最后;最终”符合语境。unfortunately“不幸的是”,generously“慷慨地;大方地”,purposefully

12、“故意地”。7Having walked in the desert for several days,they felt exhausted,but they had to find a pool before the water they had in the bottle _.Aput out Bkept outCran out Dused up解析:选C。句意是:他们在沙漠中行走了几天后,已是疲惫不堪了,但是他们必须在瓶中的水用光之前找到池塘。put out熄灭;kept out把挡在外面;ran out不及物动词短语,意为“用光;耗尽”;used up是及物动词短语,意为“用光”,在此句中要用被动语态。8No one seems to have any _ information about her.So she remains a mystery to everyone.Aconcluding BdetailCconcrete Dcomplete解析:选C。考查词义辨析。句意:似乎没有人知道关于她的任何具体信息。因此她对每一个人来说仍然是个谜。concrete“具体的”符合语境。concluding“总结的;最后的”,detail是名词,意为“细节”,complete“彻底的;完全的”。9A good teacher mu



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