高中英语 Unit 4 Exploring plants语法复习-直接宾语和间接宾语 新人教版选修9

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1、高中英语 Unit 4 Exploring plants语法复习-直接宾语和间接宾语 新人教版选修9Unit 4, Book 9语法复习-直接宾语和间接宾语 重点难点:跟双宾语的动词的把握使用知识梳理:双宾语的复习请考虑以下几点. 直接宾语的位置 为了强调,宾语可置于句首。What dull, oldfashioned leather shoes hes wearing!Talent, Mike has; patience, he has not. 为了衔接,宾语可以前置。His carelessness had led him into great error. That error he

2、determined to correct.Jack fried two small pieces of fish. One he fed to his cat, the other he ate himself 为了插入,宾语可以前置He found for the first time the necessity of using this book.They saw playing in the garden a group of children aged from six to twelve. 短语动词后的宾语有两种位置He tried out the machine./ He tr

3、ied the machine out.Ill put on the radio in a minute./ Ill put the radio on in a minute.如果名词词组较长,一般采用第一种位置。如She tried on half a dozen parts of shoes before she found a suitable one.若宾语是代词,则只能采用第二种形式。The bed is too strong, and you cant break it up.带双宾语的动词。有些动词可以有两个宾语,直接宾语表示作为动作对象的人或物,间接宾语表示动作的受益者或动作的

4、结果。 间接宾语一般在动词之后,直接宾语之前。Dr Robey handed David a piece of string.She brought me a boiled egg and toast.Dad gave me a car as my birthday present.A man promised him a job the other day. 间接宾语还可置于直接宾语后的介词短语中。He handed his room key to the receptionist.Ralph passed a message to Jack.这种结构更用于下列情况。突出间接宾语时,例如间接

5、宾语比直接宾语长得多时He has taught English to all the youth of Sri Lanka and India.The magazine offered $100 to any reader who could tell what Bat had said.直接宾语为it或them等代词时It was the only pound he had and he gave it to the little boy.Woodward finished some pages of the article and passed them to the editor. 表

6、示动作对谁做,间接宾语之前就用介词to 例Mr Schell wrote a letter the other day to the New York Times.I have lent my apartment to a friend for the weekend 下列动词可带由to引出的间接宾语 award bring feed forward give hand leave lend mail offer owe pass pay post read rent repay sell send serve show sing take teach tell write 等。表示动作为谁做

7、,间接宾语前要用介词forHe left a note for her on the table.Jack poured more champagne for three of them.Mother made a new dress for my sister.We have saved some apples for the beggars.下列动词可带由for引出的间接宾语book bring build buy cook cut design fetch find fix get guarantee keep leave make mix order paint pick play p

8、our prepare sing take write等。 在上述两类词中,均有动词 bring, leave, sing, take, write.这是因为这些动词依据其表达的意义,在间接宾语前用to或forKaren wrote a letter for her boyfriend.Karen wrote a letter to her boyfriend. 有少数动词的间接宾语位于直接宾语之前时,要根据动词与介词的固定搭配来选用介词。不同于上述用to或for的情况。He played me a trick.He played a trick on me.(比较:Wont you play

9、 some folk songs for us?)有些动词表示对某人“说话”,一般只能用to+ somebody 形式。这类动词常见的有:announce, describe, dictate, disclose, explain, express, introduce, mention, point out, repeat, report, say, shout, suggest, whisper等。如:Our teacher explains to us the difficult points in the unit.We disclosed to them the secret of

10、our invention.They expressed to their teacher their conviction that the experiment was true.The guide is describing the scenic spots to the tourist巩固练习:4 / 41. Johnson 先生去年教我们德语。2. 奶奶昨晚给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。3. Mary把钱包交给校长了。4. 请把那本字典递给我好吗?5. 他把车票给列车员看。6. 这个学期我已经给父母写过三封信了。7. 我父亲已经给我买了一辆新自行车。8. Robinson Crusoe

11、给自己做了一只小船。9. 请你给我弄一本新的,好吗?10. 我替你叫辆出租汽车好吗?11. 新式机器将会为你节省许多劳动。学后反思- 参考答案: 1. Mr Johnson taught us German last year. 2. Grandma told me an interesting story last night. 3. Mary handed the wallet to the schoolmaster. 4. Would you please pass me the dictionary? 5. He showed the ticket to the conductor. 6. This term I have written three letters to my parents. 7. My father has bought me a new bike. 8. Robinson Crusoe made himself a boat. 9. Will you please get me a new copy? 10. Shall I call you a taxi? 11. The new machine will save you a lot of labour.


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