高中英语 BBC听力01月合辑(文本+翻译)BBC0110素材

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1、BBC英语听力2012年01月合辑(文本翻译):BBC0110Stronger-than-expected official figures in the United States show that unemployment fell last month to 8.5% - the lowest level in nearly three years. The number of new jobs rose by about 200,000. A BBC correspondent in New York says that if the employment trend continu

2、es, itll help blunt attempts by President Obamas Republican opponents to discredit his economic stewardship ahead of the presidential election in November. The president welcomed the figures, adding that more needed to be done.美国官方数据显示,上月失业率下降到8.5%,这比预料的要好,是近三年来的最低数字,新增就业岗位200,000个。BBC驻纽约记者说,如果就业趋势继

3、续好转,这将在11月总统竞选之前打击奥巴马总统的共和党对手试图损害他在经济管理上的信誉的努力。总统很喜欢这个数字,表示还有更多工作要做。The American people, I think, rightly understand that there are still a lot of struggles that people are going through out there. A lot of families are still having a tough time. A lot of small businesses are still having a tough ti

4、me. But were starting to rebound. Were moving in the right direction. We have made real progress. Now is not the time to stop.“我相信美国人清楚明白,我们还要经历很多挣扎,许多家庭还在艰难度日,许多小企业还没渡过难关,但我们要振作起来,我们努力的方向是正确的,已经取得了真正的进步,现在还不是停下来的时候。”The Syrian government has blamed terrorists for a suicide bomb attack in Damascus,

5、but the opposition accuses the government of staging it as a diversionary tactic. Syrian officials say up to 25 people were killed and many more wounded. A British reporter who went to the scene said he saw body parts and blood, but no actual bodies or injured people.叙利亚政府责难恐怖分子在大马士革实施了自杀式炸弹袭击,但反对派指

6、责是政府作为,为的是转移注意力。叙利亚官方称有25人丧生,多人受伤。一名英国记者赶到现场,称看到尸体碎片和血迹,但没有看过真正的遗体或伤者。Tens of thousands of Yemenis have once again held street protests to put pressure on President Saleh to honour his agreement to step down next month. The slogan for this weeks rallies after Friday prayers was for the authorities t

7、o release all detainees jailed in connection with the anti-government demonstrations.成千上万名也门人再次走上街头,向总统萨利赫施压,要求他履行下月下台的协议。周五祈祷后的一周集会的口号,是要求当局释放所有与反政府抗议有关的在押犯人。Police in northern Nigeria say at least 14 people have been killed by gunmen in drive-by shootings. In recent weeks, the Islamist group Boko

8、Haram has repeatedly targeted Christians. Mark Lobel reports from Lagos.尼日利亚北部警方称,至少14人被飞车射击的武装人员杀死。最近数周,伊斯兰博科圣地组织再次把矛头对准基督徒。Mark Lobel在拉各斯报道。While they were mourning a loved one and deciding what to do with the corpse, relatives and friends of a person shot on Thursday were also gunned down. Both a

9、ttacks bore the hallmarks of the militant Islamist group Boko Haram as killers on motorbikes conducted the drive-by Kalashnikov shootings that had become synonymous with a reign of terror now sweeping the north. The attackers chanted Muslim slogans, according to one eyewitness who hid under a table.

10、 The gunmen had stormed a meeting of Christians from a southern ethnic group in a town hall in rural northeast Nigeria.一名周二被杀者的亲朋好友正在吊唁亲人,想办法如何处理遗体,不料也遭枪杀。两起袭击事件都带有伊斯兰博科圣地军事组织的特点,因为骑摩托车的杀手手持卡拉什尼科夫枪飞车射击案,意味着恐怖势力已控制了北部地区。据一名藏在桌下的目击者称,袭击者高呼伊斯兰口号。在尼日利亚西北部农村的一所市政厅,持枪人员捣毁了来自南部少数民族基督徒举行的会议。The United State

11、s navy has rescued a group of Iranian fishermen whod been held by pirates in the Arabian Sea. The announcement comes amid tensions between the West and Iran in the Gulf. James Reynolds reports.美国海军在阿拉伯海救出一批被海盗劫持的伊朗渔民,这个消息被公布时,西方国家和伊朗在海湾地区的局势处于紧张状态。James Reynolds报道。Earlier this week, Iran issued a wa

12、rning to the United States: keep your aircraft carrier away from the Gulf. But now this same carrier, the John C Stennis, has led the rescue of a group of Iranian fishermen. The US navy says that its strike group in the northern Arabian Sea came across a pirate skiff moored next to an Iranian fishin

13、g boat. An American team boarded the boat and captured 15 suspected pirates. The pirates had been holding 13 Iranian fishermen captive for several weeks.本周早些时候,伊朗警告美国:让你们的航母离海湾地区远点!但现在,就是这同一艘航母“约翰斯滕尼斯”号营救了这批伊朗渔民。美国海军称,其阿拉伯海北部突击队遇到一艘海盗船停泊在一只伊朗渔船旁边。一支美国小组登上船,逮捕了15名海盗嫌犯。这些海盗已劫持13名伊朗渔民数周。The Kenyan army

14、 says its bombed a camp in southern Somalia housing fighters from the militant group al-Shabab. An army spokesman said 50 Somali militants were killed in the attack as they prepared to strike at Kenyan troops in two nearby towns. Theres been no independent report of the raid.肯尼亚军方称轰炸了索马里南部一处营地,阿尔沙巴布

15、军事组织的武装分子就在此安营。一名军方发言人称,武装分子正准备袭击临近两镇上的肯尼亚部队,50名索马里武装人员被杀。目前尚无有关此次袭击的独立报道。A Tibetan protester has set himself on fire in southwest China - the 13th such protest against the Chinese authorities in 10 months. Tibetan support groups said that the man shouted slogans in support of the exiled Dalai Lama

16、in Sichuan before setting himself alight. The flames were put out by Chinese officials, and he was taken away. Its not known whether he survived.(本段因涉及国内政治问题略去)The new Prime Minister of Jamaica, Portia Simpson Miller, has said she intends to make the island a republic. In her inaugural address, Ms Simpson Miller said the time had come for Jamaica to have its own president. The Queens grandson Prin


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