高中英语 BBC听力01月合辑(文本+翻译)BBC0130素材

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1、BBC英语听力2012年01月合辑(文本翻译):BBC0130Audio recordings from the capsized Italian cruise ship, the Costa Concordia, suggest the captain left the vessel while passengers were still being rescued. A coast guard officer orders the captain, Francesco Schettino, to return to the ship. Mr Schettino could be charg

2、ed with manslaughter. His lawyer says a judge has ordered that the captain be held under house arrest. Eleven people are now known to have died in the disaster. Matthew Price reports from Giglio island.意大利遇难游轮“协和号”上的音频资料显示,船长在乘客尚未救出时就弃船而去。一名海岸警卫队警告命令船长Francesco Schettino返回船长,Schettino将被指控以过失杀人罪,他的律师

3、称法官已下令将他软禁。已确认11人在灾难中丧生,Matthew Price在吉利奥岛报道。Five more bodies were brought out of the Costa Concordia today, four men and a woman, the coast guard said. More than 20 people, though, remain unaccounted for, among them a five-year-old girl taken on the cruise as a special treat. Rescue workers blew ho

4、les into the side of the ship today, trying to improve access for the divers who are venturing inside. Specialists, cavers were brought in to get into the deepest parts of the wreck. Officially this is still a rescue operation, but the sense here is that no one else will be brought out alive.海岸警卫队称,

5、今天又从“协和号”船上找到5具尸体,其中四男一女。尚有20多人下落不明,其中有一名5岁女孩,她因受优待而得到此次航行的机会。救援人员今天在船的一侧开了个洞,设法让在船里救援的潜水者更容易出来。专业人士和洞穴考察者都被派来跳进残骸的最深处,尽管名义上救援还在进行中,但大家都感觉不可能再有生还者了。The Syrian government has rejected a call from the Gulf state of Qatar for Arab soldiers to be sent to end the violence in Syria. The foreign ministry i

6、n Damascus said the Syrian people rejected any foreign intervention or attempt to infringe their sovereignty. Heres Paul Harper.海湾国家卡塔尔曾呼吁派遣阿盟士兵进驻叙利亚,以阻止那里的暴力活动,叙利亚政府对此要求表示拒绝。大马士革外交部称,叙利亚人民不希望任何外国势力干涉进来,更不允许外国侵犯本国主权。Paul Harper报道。Qatar has been an outspoken critic of Syrias violent repression of ant

7、i-government protests, but the Qatari emirs suggestion on Friday that Arab troops should intervene to end the killing took that criticism to a new level. Predictably the suggestion has met with an angry Syrian rejection. Nevertheless, the Arab League will soon have to decide what to do about Syria a

8、s the mandate of its observer mission expires later this week.卡塔尔一直直言不讳批评叙利亚的暴力镇压反政府抗议活动,不过卡塔尔的批评升级,是因为卡塔尔酋长周五建议,应派遣阿盟军队来制止叙利亚的杀戮活动。不出所料,叙利亚果然愤怒拒绝该要求。不过,阿盟观察团的命令本周马上就到期了,因此阿盟必须决定如何处理叙利亚问题。The European Commission has decided to take legal action against Hungary because of new laws which it says infri

9、nge EU regulations. The president of the commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, said Hungary would be issued with a warning over the laws which are alleged to jeopardise the independence of its central bank and judiciary. The Hungarian government has since offered to negotiate, saying it hoped to address

10、the commissions concerns without going through the full legal process.欧盟委员会称匈牙利的一项新法律违反了欧盟制度,因此将采取法律手段。委员会主席Jose Manuel Barroso称因匈牙利的法律侵害了其央行和司法的独立,故将对匈牙利发出警告。匈牙利政府已表示可以协商此事,称希望不借助法律程序来消除委员会的担忧。A Canadian company has begun drilling for oil in Somalia. Its the first oil exploration there for more tha

11、n 20 years. Peter Biles reports.加拿大一家公司开始在索马里钻井开采石油,这是20多年来首次在索马里开采石油。Peter Biles报道。Drilling operations have started at a well in Somalias semi-autonomous region of Puntland. There are also plans for a second well, and the company says it will take about 90 days for each drilling and evaluation. The

12、 area is part of the same geological system that produces oil and gas across the Gulf of Aden in Yemen. Oil exploration was carried out in Somalia more than 20 years ago, but came to a standstill after the overthrow of Siad Barres government in 1991. Analysts say the latest venture is a huge gamble

13、although the Puntland region is relatively peaceful.这次开采是在索马里半自治地区Puntland的一处油井,该公司还计划开采第二处油井,称每次钻井和评估需要花费90多天。该地区与盛产石油和天然气的也门亚丁湾处于同一地理体系。20多年前就有石油开采活动,但自从1991年西亚德巴雷政府倒台,开采就停止了。分析家称,尽管Puntland地区目前相对平静,但最近的这次开采仍是一次风险投资。State television in Ethiopia says gunmen have shot dead five foreign tourists in a

14、 remote area near the border with Eritrea. Its believed that some of the tourists were German. The Ethiopians say the gunmen crossed from neighboring Eritrea with whom Ethiopia has a long-running border dispute.埃塞俄比亚国家电视台称,持枪歹徒在厄立特里亚边境偏远地区开枪打死5名外国旅游者,据悉遇难者中有的是德国人。埃塞俄比亚称劫匪穿过临近的厄立特里亚来到此地,长久以来厄立特里亚和埃塞俄

15、比亚就存在边界争端。A court in Turkey has jailed three more people in connection with the killing five years ago of the prominent Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. Mr Dink was shot dead outside his office in Istanbul. Hed angered Turkish nationalists by describing the mass killing of Armenians a century

16、 ago as genocide. His teenage killer was jailed last year.土耳其法院逮捕涉嫌5年前杀死著名的土耳其裔美国记者Hrant Dink的另外三名凶手,Dink是在伊斯坦布尔的办公室外被杀的,他因将100年前亚美尼亚人被杀称作大屠杀而触怒了土耳其民族主义者。杀害Dink的少年去年被捕。The online encyclopedia Wikipedia is planning to shut down the English language version of its website for 24 hours on Wednesday in protest at proposed legal changes in the United States. The legislation aims to combat the sale of pirated US pr



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