高中英语 14-3Lesson 3 Nine to Five练习 北师大版必修5

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1、必修5 Unit 14 Lesson 3 .单项填空1Generally speaking,not all political leaders were_by people.Agood thought ofBwell thought ofCgood thought Dwell thought解析:本题考查固定句式的用法。句子意思是:一般说来,人们并不是对所有的政客都评价高。think well of.意思是“对高度评价”。答案:B2I have always dreamt_to China and now my dream has come true.Acoming Bto comeCof c

2、oming Dthat I come解析:句子意思是:我总是梦想来中国,现在我的梦想实现了。dream of/about意思是“梦见,梦想”,后面接名词、代词或动名词。答案:C3It_we had stayed together for a couple of weeks_I found we had a lot in common.Awas until;when Bwas until;thatCwasnt until;when Dwasnt until;that解析:本题考查强调结构与not until的用法。it was.that.构成强调句,对not until we had staye

3、d together for a couple of weeks进行强调。答案:D4Not until the motorbike looked almost new_repairing and cleaning it.Ahe stopped Bdid he stopCstopped he Dhe did stop解析:本题考查not until的用法。not until位于句首,主句应该用部分倒装语序。答案:B5If you are_about Australia cities,just read the book written by Dr.Johnson.Ainterested Banx

4、iousCupset Dcurious解析:be interested in是固定短语,意思是“对感兴趣”,介词不用about;be anxious about意思是“渴望,担忧”;upset意思是“心烦意乱”;be curious about意思是“对好奇”,与句子意思吻合。答案:D6Lucy has_all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.Aacquired BfinishedCconcluded Dachieved解析:achieve

5、意为“完成,做到;获得(胜利等);达到(目的),实现”,指克服困难之后取得成功、成就或实现预期的目的,强调结果。根据其宾语all of the goals可判断出达到了全部的目标。acquire意为“得,取得,获得,招致”,比get正式,指通过个人努力逐渐获得知识、能力、荣誉等,强调量的增加,常跟抽象名词;finish意为“完毕,完成,结束”;conclude意为“结束,终止,使完毕”。答案:D7Work hard,and_yourself,and youll succeed sooner or later.Abelieve in BbelieveCrespect Ddepend解析:句子意思

6、是:努力工作,相信自己,你迟早会成功的。believe in意思是“信任”。答案:A8The weather_to be very good,which was more than we could expect.Amade out Bturned outCwent out Dcarried out解析:本题考查动词短语的意义辨析。make out意为“看出,辨认出”;turn out意为“结果是,后来证明是,生产”;go out意为“外出,熄灭”;carry out意为“完成,执行,实行”,其中的turn out后常接“to beadj./n.”结构。答案:B9_this is only a

7、 small town,its crowded with tourists who come here all year round.ASince BUnlessCOnce DAlthough解析:although在句子中引导让步状语从句。句子意思是:虽然这仅仅是一个小城镇,但是全年挤满了游客。答案:D10As you get older your_towards death changes.Aattitude BopinionCidea Dthought解析:句子意思是:随着年龄的增长,你对死亡的看法也会有所改变。ones attitude to/towards 某人对待的态度;opinio

8、n意见,看法,主张,判断,评价;idea想法,念头,意见,主意,思想,观念,概念;thought思考,想法,思想,关心,关怀,挂念。答案:A11She_my question,but she didnt_to what he asked.Areplied;reply Banswered;replyCanswered;answer Danswered for;reply解析:句子意思是:她回答了我的问题,但是没有回答他的提问。答案:B12He was_a gold cup in acknowledgment of his creative achievements for the develop

9、ment of the company.Aawarded BrewardedChonored Dpromised解析:句意为:公司奖给他一个金杯,以感谢他为公司发展所作出的创造性成就。award授予,判给;reward酬劳,奖赏,经常用于句式reward sb.with sth.;honor尊敬,给以荣誉;promise允诺,答应。答案:A13The students didnt find any teachers_at the back of the classroom.Aseated Bto sitCseating Dsat down解析:句子意思是:学生们没有发现任何教师坐在教室后面。s

10、eat为及物动词,故该题应选A。若选C项,其后应加宾语themselves。没有find sb./sth.to do这种用法,故不选B。D项表示“坐下”这个动作,与上下文不符,故不能选。答案:A14The parcel_a lot of things,_a secondhand dictionary.Acontained;included Bincluded;containedCcontained;including Dincluded;containing解析:句子意思是:这个包裹里有很多东西,包括一本二手词典。contain意为“包含,容纳,装有”,侧重于内容;include侧重被包含者只

11、是整体中的一部分,此处including相当于介词。答案:C15She admitted_a story to explain the reason why she was late.Ato have made up Bhaving toldCto have told Dhaving made up解析:make up a story 编造故事;admit doing sth.承认做某事。此处用动名词的完成形式表示make up这一动作发生在admit之前。答案:D.单词拼写16Somewhere in the u_there must be a world like ours.答案:univ

12、erse17The old man hurt his back so he found that it more difficult to b_than before.答案:bend18The earth is the only home to us m_as well as all kinds of animals on it.答案:mankind19He finally o_his shortcomings and succeeded in his work.答案:overcame20There are three lively birds in the n_.答案:nest21He ca

13、nt g_the realities of the situation,so he cant resolve the problem at once.答案:grasp22Do you know when the world came into e_?答案:existence23He agreed to help me without h_.答案:hesitation24Its i_to read peoples private letters without permission.答案:illegal25After graduation from a j_middle school,he en

14、tered a senior middle school.答案:junior.同义句转换26A:She said to the pupils,“Dont all answer at once.”(改为间接引语)B:She_the pupils_ _answer all at once.答案:told;not to27A:Newspapers can tell us whats happening in all parts of the world.B:Newspapers can tell us whats_ _in all parts of the world.答案:going on28A:Cross the bridge;youll find the building.B:_ _the bridge,and youll find the building.答案:Go across



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