高中英语 (Unit1 Nothing venturednothing gained)三点剖析优秀资料 新人教版选修10

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1、名师导航三点剖析单词典句考点 【经典例句】 An expedition with the great Sir Ernest Shackleton to the South PoleI was hooked.跟着伟大的欧内斯特沙克尔顿爵士去南极探险我被迷住了。【考点聚焦】 1)hook作动词的常见搭配是be/get hooked on sth.,表示“迷上某事物”。如:The man got hooked on heroin.那人吸海洛因成瘾。2)hook作名词,意为“钩;困境;钩拳”。如:a fish hook 鱼钩;a left hook左勾拳;get off the hook摆脱困境;of

2、f the hook(指电话听筒)未挂上【经典例句】 His perseverance won our complete faith in him.他的坚持不懈完全赢得了我们的信任。【考点聚焦】 faith用作名词,一般作不可数名词,后面常跟介词in ,常见的搭配有:have faith in sb./sth. 信仰(信任)某人(某物); give ones faith to sb. 保证拥护某人; keep/break faith with sb.对某人守信用(不守信用);in good faith 真诚地;诚实地 【活学活用】 1.翻译句子1)我不再信任那家伙。_答案:1)Ive lost

3、 faith in the fellow.2)他对人不守信用,朋友都离开了他。_答案:2)He always breaks faith with others and friends have left him.【经典例句】 There were no differences in rank or in social status.这里没有等级与地位的差别。【考点聚焦】 1)rank用作名词时,常见的搭配有:break ranks 出列,落后;fall into ranks 加入行列,排队;keep ranks 保持队形,维持秩序2)rank用作动词时,意为“位居;被分类,被评价”。如:She

4、 ranks high in her class.她在班上名列前茅。【活学活用】 2.完成句子1)The soldier was promoted to _ (上尉军衔).答案:the rank of captain 2)People from _(各阶层、各阶级)are equal here.答案:all ranks and classes 3)How do you _(将汤姆列为级)as a chess player?答案:rank Tom 【经典例句】 All our hotels have been selected for the excellent value they provi

5、de.我们住的旅馆都是精心挑选的,最为合算。【考点聚焦】 select还可用作形容词,意为“精选的;选择成员严格的”。如:I just bought a A Select Collection of Poetry from Cotemporary Authors.我刚买了一本当代作家诗歌选集。n. 耽搁;延误;被耽搁或推迟的时间【经典例句】 We might never know their fate and possible delays.我们可能从来不知道他们的命运及还需要耽搁多久。【考点聚焦】 1)固定搭配:without delay 立即,马上。如:We must leave with

6、out delay.我们必须立即离开。2)delay还可作为动词,意为“延误;耽搁;延期;推迟”。如:She delayed(for)two hours and missed the plane.她耽搁两小时,把飞机误了。【活学活用】 3.完成句子1)The train _(延误一小时)by the accident.答案:was delayed an hour 2)I arrived there _(毫无耽搁).答案:without delay 3)They decided to_(推迟出国).答案:delay going abroad 【经典例句】 We had to gather fre

7、sh water by grasping and then melting sea ice.我们不得不通过捞一些浮冰再融化得到一些淡水。【考点聚焦】 1)grasp at sth. 尽力抓住某物2)grasp用作名词时,意为“抓住;把握;理解;领会”。如:Take a firm grasp of the handle and pull.抓住把手用力拉。【活学活用】 4.翻译句子1)你最好抓住这一机会。_答案:Youd better grasp the opportunity.2)她始终不明白该怎样做。_答案:She could never grasp how to do it.3)她对该学科有

8、深刻的了解。_答案:She has a good grasp of the subject.短语典句考点hold on等一下;停住;坚持住【经典例句】Hold on now,Perce.Dont you go turning into another Tom.坚持下去,珀西,不要变成另一个汤姆。【考点聚焦】 1)hold on还可表示“将固定住;抓住;保留”,表示“抓住;保留”时,后面常接to sb./sth.。如:He held on to the rock to stop himself slipping.他紧紧抓住岩石以免自己往下滑。You should hold on to your

9、oil shares.你应该继续保留自己的石油股份。2)其他由hold构成的短语:hold back (from sth.) 退缩;踌躇hold sb./sth. back 阻止;扣住;抑制hold out 维持;保持;抵抗hold up 阻碍;延误;抢劫【活学活用】 5.用以上词组的正确形式填空1)They managed to _ until help arrived.答案:1)hold on 2)I would _ the house for the time being.答案:2)hold on to 3)He bravely _ his tears.答案:3)held back 4)

10、We can stay here for as long as our supplies _.答案:4)hold out give way (to)妥协;屈服 【经典例句】 He was always with us and never gave way to disappointment,even when the ship sank.他对我们总是很坦诚,他从不灰心丧气,即便是在船沉的时候。【考点聚焦】 1)give way还可表示“让位;转为;被代替”。如:The storm gave way to bright sunshine.暴风雨过后出现了灿烂的阳光。2)同义词组:give in

11、to sb./sth. 屈服;让步;投降【活学活用】 6.翻译句子1)让右方驶来的车辆先行。_答案:1)Give way to traffic coming from the right.2)那女孩陷于绝望。_答案:2)The girl gave way to despair.3)冬天过后,春天来了。_答案:3)Winter gave way to spring.give off 散发出:发出;放出 【经典例句】 When wine is fermented it gives off bubble of gas.酒发酵时会放出气泡。【考点聚焦】 1)同义词组:give out放出;发出;公布;

12、用完;耗尽;分发 2)注意二者的区别:give off常用于烟、气体、气味;give out常用于光、热、声响。【活学活用】 7.用give off/give out的适当形式填空1)This device _ flashes of light in the fog.2)The engine _ smoke and steam.3)Both my strength and money _.答案:1)gives out2)gives off3)gave outsuffer from 苦于;患病 【经典例句】 I was suffering badly from sea sickness.我患了严

13、重的晕船症。【考点聚焦】 1)反义词:enjoy 享受2)suffer的同根词:suffering n.(身体上、精神上)痛苦,苦恼;苦难,困难be about to do sth. 即将;就要【经典例句】 I was just about to ask you the same thing.我刚才正要问你同一件事。【考点聚焦】 1)常与when引导的时间状语从句连用。一般不与具体时间点连用,而be to do sth.则可以。2)注意:be not about to do sth.意为“不打算;不愿意”。难句剖析拓展Our circumstances are so desperate that it is uncertain whether we will ever return alive.我们所处的环境是那么令人绝望以至于我们不敢肯定是否能活着回去。【剖析】 1)句中so.that 引导结果状语从句;在状语从句中it为


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