人教英语 高三 必修2的 复习课件

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《人教英语 高三 必修2的 复习课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教英语 高三 必修2的 复习课件(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,高三英语复习导学案 Book Two,words expressions sentences,1 、admit _- 1)admit sth./doing sth _ It is admitted that_ 2)be admitted to into _ 3)容纳 2、affect _ 猜测词义: 1)His opinion will not affect my decision_ 2 ) All the people in the room were affected to tears_ 3)The disease is beginning to affect her eyesight_

2、 区别:affect _ effect _ effort _ effective _ effecient_,3、amaze _ n._ 震惊,惊讶_ adj._ 4、anyhow (anyway)adv._ Somehow_ Somewhat_ 5、appreciate vt. _ n. _ 感激做某事_ 如果,我将不胜感激._.,6、attach vt. & vi. _ attach to _ 7、bargain n._ v._ 8、brief adj._ adv._ n._ 9、certain adj._ It is certain that. 一定会 be certain/sure of

3、/about sth. (人)确信(表示主语的信念) be certain/sure to do sth. make certain/sure从句” make certain/sure of/about sth.,10、charge vt. _ n_ 搭配 charge sb. some money for sth. _ charge sb. with sth./doing sth._ accuse sb. _ sth get charged _ free of charge _ _管理;负责 _ 由某人管理 11、(1)compete with/against sb._ (2)compete

4、 in_ compete for _ (1)_ n. 竞争,比赛 (2)_adj. 竞争性的 (3)_ n. 竞争者,参赛者,12、contain vt. _ 13、debate n._vi._ 14、decorate v._ n._ 15、deserve vt.vi._ 区分preserve_conserve_ reserve _ 16、design vt. _ be designed to do sth._ be designed for sb._ by design (by chance by accident)_ 17、employ v._ n._ 雇主:_ 雇员:_ 18、entra

5、nce n._(to) v._ 19、familiar adj._ be familiar with _ be familiar to _,20、fancy adj._ fancy doing _ 21、form vt._ former adj._ 22、goal n._ achieve ones goal/aim_ 23、harm n./vt._ adj._ _adj.有害的 对有害_ 24、loss n._ at a loss_ 25、mercy n._ adj._ at the mercy of sb/sth_ have mercy on / upon_ 26、perform vt./v

6、i._ n._,27、reality n._ 28、regular adj._ 辨析(common、normal,ordinary) 29、relief n._ v._ in relief _ 30、rely vi._ rely on_ 31、sensitive adj._ be sensitive to_,32、succeed v_ _n. U成功;成就 C成功的人 _adj. 成功的 _adv. 成功地 succeed in doing sth._ be successful in doing sth._ achieve great success_ sb./sth. is a succe

7、ss _ 33、survive vi._ adj._ 34、total adj._adv._ n._ in total_ 35、type n._vt./vi._ 36、volunteer n._adj._ vt./vi_ (to do)_,37、worth adj. _ 句型:_ worthy adj._ 句型:_ worthwhile adj._ 句型:_ His deed is worthy of praise.他的行为值得称赞。 His deed is worthy to be praised. His deed is worthy of being praised.,Phrases:

8、1. in search of _ 归纳拓展:In+名+of的短语:,2. belong (to)_ 3. in return _ 归纳拓展:in +名. in practice_ in demand_ in place_ in order_ in need _ in time _ in store_ in addition _ in case _ in total _ in all _ in short_ in brief _ in advance _ in detail _ in general_ in particular_ in preparation_ at war _ 反义词 in

9、 peace in danger_ at risk_,4.less than 辨析 more than no more than not more than rather than 5. take apart 拆开;拆卸;痛斥 take词组: 6.stand for _ 联想 stand out_ stand by_ stand up_stand:_,7.as well_ 辨析 as well/too/also/either (1)as well as_ (2)may/might as well do._ 提示 A as well as B的短语作主语时,谓语动词随A的人称、数而变化。,8.in charge_ in the charge of_ 9.one after another_ as a result_ as a result of _ result in (cause)_ result from (be caused by) _ 10.in a way all the way_ by way of_ by the way_ in the way_ in this way_ in no way_ on the way_ on ones wa



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