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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。母亲节资料篇一:母亲节汇报材料 “母亲节”活动汇报材料 母亲的爱是最伟大的爱,是任何一种爱都无法代替的。为进一步加强青少年思想道德教育,弘扬中华民族敬老爱幼的传统美德让学生了解母亲为自己成长所付出的艰辛,理解父母对自己的希望,懂得如何去感恩,如何去爱他人爱社会。 XXX计生领导小组于5月10号组织全体妇女同志以及中小学生通过讲故事、为母亲捶一捶背、为母亲洗一洗脚、为母亲做一点力所能及的家务、给母亲唱一首反映“母亲”的歌曲的实践活动让学生感悟到了母亲在自己成长的道路上所付出的艰辛,感受到母亲的伟大,体会到母亲的真正

2、内涵,引导孩子积极“感恩”体验到了弘扬孝敬美德的重要,从小树立起那份应尽的责任。通过实践活动让母亲感受到孩子们所带来的那份舒心和开心。 这次活动通过领导高度重视精心组织,合理安排,让孩子懂得了主动感谢与关怀他人,学会与同学和睦相处,了解体会父母师长的辛劳,懂得助人以及回馈他人,培养感恩的心,做一个感恩的人。 单位:XXX 2020年5月12日篇二:母亲节手抄报资料-英文版 母亲节手抄报资料-英文版 母亲节英语手抄报资料(material): despite popular belief, mothers day is not just a holiday invented by hallmar

3、k, but rather it is a holiday dating back several millennia. the earliest known mothers day originated in ancient greece honoring rhea, mother of all deities, in an annual spring festival. the romans honored cybele, the same mother of all deities, and celebrated this festival by calling it the “hila

4、ria.” early christians continued the tradition by celebrating the virgin mary, on the fourth sunday of lent. in england, the celebration eventually expanded to include all mothers. mothers day was not an official holiday in the united states until 1914. modern americans can thank the perseverance an

5、d determination of a woman named anna jarvis who, deeply devoted to her own mother, helped to make mothers day an official u.s. holiday.jarviss mother, anna maria reeves jarvis, was an activist during the civil war and lost 8 of her 12 children before they reached adulthood. when she died in 1905, a

6、nna (daughter) was distraught and vowed to devote her life to honoring her mother. herdevotion led her to strive to appoint an official u.s. holiday to recognize mothers. though mothers day had been celebrated informally for many years, jarvis wrote many important figures (including u.s. congressmen

7、 and prosperous businessmen), imploring them to back mothers day as an official holiday. annas efforts finally paid off. in 1910, the governor of west virginia declared mothers day a state holiday on the second sunday in may. the following year, every other state followed suit. by 1914, president wo

8、odrow wilson signed a bill declaring mothers day a federal holiday. at first, celebrations of mothers day were relatively private, where children would accompany their mothers to the churches where their baptisms were held. gradually though, mothers day has flourished into a significant and memorabl

9、e occasion where many people express their love for their mothers through thoughtful gifts and quality time with family.篇三:2020年母亲节黑板报资料内容 母亲节的起源庆祝母亲节是从什麽时候开始的呢?最早是古早古早的希腊人,为了荣耀希腊诸神之母Rhea而开始的节庆。全世界的母亲节虽然,许多国家是在一年中不同的时节庆祝属於他们的母亲节。然而,多数国家如丹麦、芬兰、义大利、土耳其、澳洲和比利时和台湾,都是在五月的第二个星期日庆祝母亲节的。美国母亲节的发展1907年,费城的安娜(





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