第二版新标准大学英语4 课后翻译.pptx

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1、学 海 无 涯 新标准大学英语 4 课后翻译 Unit1 “创客”指勇于创新,努力将自己的创意变为现实的人。这个词译自英文单词 maker,源于美国麻 省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)微观装配实验室(fabrication laboratory)的课 题。该课题以客户为中心,以创新为理念,由个人设计、制造满足个人需要的智能设备,参与该 课题的学生即“创客”。在中国,“创客”特指具有创新理念、自主创业的人。中国的“创客”即包 括发明新设备的科技达人,也包括软件开发者、艺术家、设计师等诸多领域的优秀代表。 Chuangke is a term

2、 that refers to innovative people who make an effort to turn their cuttingedge ideas into reality. The term is translated from the English word maker, which is derived from the fabrication laboratory project of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US. It is a consumer-centred project, em

3、phasizing innovation and designed to empower individuals to develop and produce smart devices to suit personal needs. The students participating in the project are called “makers”. In China, Chu angke refers to those who start their own businesses with innovative ideas. Chinese makers include tech-s

4、avvy people who dedicate themselves to creating new devices and distinguished innovators in various fields, such as software developers, artists and designers. Unit2 每年在“世界读书日”这一天(4 月 23 日),中国各地都会举办“全民阅读,书香中国”的活动,旨 在培养全民阅读的风气(ethos),让更多的人知道阅读不只是知识分子、学生的功课,而且是每 个人生活方式的一部分。阅读对个人成长的影响是巨大的,一个民族的精神境界在很大程

5、度 上也取决于全民的阅读水平。从 2014 年开始,“全民阅读”连续三年都被写入了中国政府工作 报告,因为读书不仅会增强创新力量,而且会增强社会的道德力量。 Every year on World Book Day (Apr il 23), activities on “Nationwide Reading, Intellectual China” are organized all over China, to cultivate the ethos of reading in the country and spread the awareness that reading should

6、not only be for students and intellectuals, but be part of everyones way of life. Reading has much to do with personal growth, and the spiritual level of a nation largely depends on the reading performance of its people. Starting from 2014, for three consecutive years “nation-wide reading” has been

7、included in the Report o n the Work of the Government in China, for reading is conducive not only to innovation but also to the moral sense of society. Unit3 中国的服装产业需要规范化,中国的服装设计需要创新,中国的元素需要品牌化。我们应该努 力超越西方的服装风格,同时打破东方的传统观念,创造出属于中国的风格。这种风格,既不是 迎合(cater to) 欧美的时尚品味, 也不是简单地通过应用纯中国的元素而达到民族复兴 (renaissanc

8、e)的目的。这种风格,是将具有东方风格的各种因素有机地结合在一起的同时,巧妙 地融入西式服装的特征。它是中国传统文化与世界多元文化的一种融合。 There is a need to standardize the clothing industry in China. There should be more innovations in Chinese fashion design. Chinese elements in fashion design should have their own brands. While we are trying our best to transcen

9、d Western fashion styles, we should also try to break through the traditional Eastern concepts, eventually creating a style that can be called Chinese. Such a Chinese style neither caters to Western fashion tastes nor simply utilizes pure Chinese elements to achieve a national renaissance. Rather, t

10、his style features an organic combination of various Eastern elements, skillfully infused at the same time with the features of Western clothes. It is a merging of traditional Chinese culture and multiple world,1,学 海 无 涯 cultures. Unit4 近年来,中国市场经济的发展使我国科学技术、生产力水平大幅度提高,社会文化事业大力发 展,综合国力不断增强。市场经济在提高人民群

11、众生活水平,实现共同富裕的目标中发挥着巨 大作用。与改革开放之初相比,中国人的消费习惯和生活方式已发生质的变化,温饱型的消费 模式已逐渐被享受型的消费模式所取代,中国已进入(usher in)消费时代。人们对物质财富的 追求反过来也大力推动了经济和社会的发展。 In recent years, with the development of the market economy in China, the level of development of our socio-cultural enterprises, as well as our science and technology a

12、nd our productivity, has greatly increased, thus strengthening overall national power. The market economy also plays an enormous role in improving peoples living standards and in fulfilling the goal of common prosperity. Compared with the early days of reform and opening up, substantial changes have

13、 taken place in Chinese peoples spending habits and lifestyles, with consumption of basic food and clothing transformed gradually to consumption for pleasure, ushering in the consumption era. In turn, the pursuit of material wealth has also contributed tremendously to economic and social development

14、. Unit5 在中国,随着女性社会地位和教育程度的不断提高,越来越多的女性进入了高科技领域。一批 杰出的女科学家脱颖而出,她们以自己的聪明才智和对科学的热爱,在各个科技领域赢得了骄 人的成绩,成为我国社会进步和经济发展的一支重要力量。2015 年,中国女药学家屠呦呦荣获 “诺贝尔生理学或医学奖”,实现了我国自然科学领域诺贝尔奖零的突破,大幅提升了我国科学 研究的国际影响力。 In China, with the increasing improvement of womens soc ial status and education level, more and more women ar

15、e entering the field of high technology. A number of remarkable women scientists have distinguished themselves in every scientific field and made extraordinary achievements with their intelligence, ingenuity and love of science, acting as an important force in the social and economic development of

16、China. In 2015, the Chinese woman pharmacologist Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Being the first winner from our country of that prize in the field of natural science, she has greatly extended the influence of Chinese scientific research in the international community. Unit6 中国古代的史官(historiographer)制度,起源很早。有证据表明,至少在商代,我国已出现了史官 和官方记事制度。早期史官记载虽然只是一种简单的史实记录,而非严格意义上的史学,却为 后人研究古史留下了重要的文献资料。应当指出,在古代,这类官方记事制度并非中国所独有, 但只有中国古代的史官制度一直沿用下来。就其本意而言,这种史官记事制度不仅在于系统 记载和保存文献史料,实际上还负有监督最高


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