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1、人教版七年级英语上册期末复习,2013.01,Starter Units 1-3,打招呼用语,Hello. / Hi. 你好。Good morning. 早上好。Good afternoon. 下午好。Good evening. 晚上好。,补充:Good night. 晚安。,问候熟识的朋友,How are you? 你好吗?Im fine. Thanks. How are you? 我很好。谢谢。你好吗?Im OK. 我很好。【Im=I am】,认识周围的事物,Whats this/that in English? 这(那)用英语怎么说?,=What is this/that in Engl

2、ish?,回答:Its a/an _.【=It is a/an _.】它是一个_。,?,思考:什么情况下用a,什么情况下用an?,要看这个单词的首字母是元音字母还是辅音字母!,要看这个单词的第一个发音是元音还是辅音!,请在下列物品前添加a或an,其他,_ university _ hour _ “F” _ “H”,a,an,an,an,总结:以元音字母“a、e、i、o”开头的单词前用an,以元音字母“u”开头的单词,只要“u”不发字母音就用an,否则用a。,询问物品的颜色,What color is it? 它是什么颜色的?Its _.【=It is _】 它是_。,What color is

3、 the _? 那个_是什么颜色的?Its _.【=It is _】 它是_。,The _ is _. 那个_是_。,A:Whats that in English?B:Its an orange.A:Spell it, please.B:O-R-A-N-G-E.A:What color is the orange?B:The orange is orange.,Unit 1 My names Gina.,结交新朋友介绍姓名,Whats your name? 你的名字是什么?My name is _.【My names _.】 我的名字是_。Whats his name? 他的名字是什么?Hi

4、s name is _. 他的名字是_。Whats her name? 她的名字是什么?Her name is _. 她的名字是_。,my,your,his,her 称为“形容词性物主代词”,它们必须与其他名词或名词短语联用,不能单独使用。,my your his her,jacket CD ruler English book,结交新朋友询问电话号码,Whats your telephone number? 你的电话号码是什么?Its _. 它是_。My telephone number is _. 我的电话号码是_。Whats his telephone number? 他的电话号码是什么

5、?Its _. 它是_。His telephone number is _. 他的电话号码是_。Whats her telephone number? 她的电话号码是什么?Its _. 它是_。Her telephone number is _. 她的电话号码是_。,句型,Whats (1)(2)?(1)(2)is _.,(1)选填形容词性物主代词 (2)选填以下词语: name;first name;last name; family name;telephone number,Unit 2 Is this your pencil?,认识物品的所属,Is this your _? 这是你的_

6、吗?【一般疑问句】Is that your _? 那是你的_吗?肯定回答:Yes, it is. 是的,它是。否定回答:No, it isnt. 不,它不是。Is this his _? 这是他的_吗?Is that his _? 那是他的_吗?Is this her _? 这是她的_吗?Is that her _? 那是她的_吗?Its/This is/That is my _. 它是/这是/那是我的_。Its/This is/That is his _. 它是/这是/那是他的_。Its/This is/That is her _. 它是/这是/那是她的_。,pencil pen book

7、eraser ruler pencil case backpack sharpener dictionary baseball watch notebook ring ID card,练习题,1. My name is Gina.(就划线部分提问)2. Whats this in English? _ an orange.3. This is my computer game.(改为一般疑问句)4. That is her dictionary. (改为一般疑问句)5. It is a pencil case. (改为一般疑问句)6. Is this your pen? (作肯定回答)7. I

8、s this his eraser? (作否定回答)8. How do you spell it? (同义句)9. Her telephone number is 7654321.(就划线部分提问)10. His first name is Jerry. (就划线部分提问),答案:1. Whats your name? 2. Its 3. Is this your computer game? 4. Is that her dictionary? 5. Is it a pencil case? 6. Yes, it is. 7. No, it isnt. 8. Spell it, please

9、. 9. Whats/What is her telephone number? 10. Whats/What is his first name?,寻物启事(Lost and found),call sb. at 打某个电话给某人the lost and found case 失物招领箱,Unit 3 This is my sister.,介绍别人,向别人介绍一个人时:This is my _.【单数名词】这是我的_。That is my _. 那是我的_。(father,mother,brother,sister,son,daughter,cousin,uncle,aunt,grandfa

10、ther,grandmother,friend等)向别人介绍多个人时:These are my _.【复数名词】这些是我的_。Those are my _. 那些是我的_。(parents,brothers,sisters,sons,daughters,cousins,uncles,aunts,grandparents,friends等),当然,my也可以换成其他形容词性物主代词,形成新的句子。,练习题,1. This is my brother. (改为复数形式) _ _ my _.2. That is her friend. (改为复数形式) _ _ her _.3. This is my

11、 teacher.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ teacher?4. That is his grandmother.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ grandmother?,These are brothers,These are brothers,Is this your,注意: Is this your sister? Is that his brother? 此类句型一般用于询问照片上的人,其肯定回答为:Yes, it is. 否定回答为:No, it isnt.,Is that his,介绍别人的其他句型,He is my _. 他是我的_。【he is=hes】She is my

12、 _. 她是我的_。【she is=shes】,“I you he she”为人称代词的主格,在句子中作主语。一个完整的句子往往描述某人或某物是什么或做了什么,这里的某人或某物就是句子的主语。,Hes my father.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ father?Li Ming is her friend.(改为一般疑问句并回答)_ _ her friend?Yes, _ _. / No, _ _.,Is he your,Is Li Ming,he is he isnt,Unit 4 Where is my backpack?,物品的位置,Where is my _? 【单数】我的_在哪儿?

13、Its on/in/under/behind/next to the _.它在_的上面/里面/下面/后面/边上。My _ is on the _. 我的_在_的上面。Is my _ on the _? 我的_在_的上面吗?Yes, it is. 是的,它是(在那儿)。No, it isnt. 不,它不是(在那儿)。Where are my _?【复数】我的_在哪儿?Theyre on/in/under/behind/next to the _.它们在_的上面/里面/下面/后面/边上。My _ are in the _. 我的_在_的里面。Are my _ in the _? 我的_在_的里面吗

14、?Yes, they are.【不能缩写】No, they arent.,taketo 把带去,bringto 把带来,taketo 把带去,bringto 把带来,情态动词,情态动词,情态动词,实义动词,Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?,用have(有)描述物品的所属,肯定句:I/We have _.【第一人称】You have _.【第二人称】He/She has _.【第三人称单数】They have _.【第三人称复数】,否定句:I/We dont have _.You dont have _.He/She doesnt have _. They do

15、nt have _.,一般疑问句及回答:Do you have _?Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Does he/she have _? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesnt. Do they have _? Yes, they do. / No, they dont.,体育运动,Lets 让我们吧play volleyball 打排球play+某种球类(如:football,soccer,baseball,tennis,basketball,ping-pong等)Thats sounds good. 那听起来不错。,#知识拓展# I play basketball every day. He/She plays basketball every day.(改为第三人称单数) I dont play basketball every day. He/She doesnt play basketball every day.(改为否定句


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