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1、Translation of Proper Names,Translation Methods of English Names,Transliteration (音译) Semantic translation (意译) Transliteration + semantic translation(音意结合) Paraphrase (阐释) Annotation (加注),Principles of English-Chinese Translation,1. Famous names , established versions Leighton Stuart, John King Fai

2、rbank (07-91) Percy Bysshe Shelley, Galilieo Galilei 2. familiar names with standard versions Solomon 所罗门, Steinbeck 3. Gender Differences Maria, Catherine,Reference books: 辛华 世界地名译名手册(商务印书馆,1976) 英语姓名译名手册(商务印书馆 1983) 固有名词发音词典(English Pronouncing Dictionary of Proper Names),Translation of Chinese Na

3、mes and Addressing Terms,Transliteration (音译) Semantic translation (意译) Transliteration + semantic translation(音意结合) Paraphrase (阐释) Annotation (加注),Chinese Peoples Names,姓 + 名 + 字 + 号(雅号,别号,绰号,诨号) Surname, given name, courtesy name, pen-name, nickname 姓贾,名化,字时飞,别号雨村者 His name was Jia Hua, his court

4、esy name Shifei, and his pen-name Yucun. 汉景帝阁下玄孙,姓刘,名备,字玄德 He bore the dynastic patronym of Liu. His given name was Pei(prepared), his formal name Hsu-te (obscured Virtue) (Moss Robert),The general way of transliteration: transliteration,Chinese phonetic alphabet (1975,1978) Wade Giles System 汉语拼音中的

5、 b 、 d 、g 标成p 、 t 、k , p 、 t 、 k 标成带送气符号的 p 、 t 、 k , 按照这个拼法, “台”不是 tai 而是 tai , “北”不是 bei , 而是pei 台北 Taipei 就成了“胎配”, “王刚刚”和“王康康”也就成了一个人了。,International situation: 1966 年, “大不列颠国家图书馆率先决定停止使用 威妥玛氏音标编目, 改为用汉语拼音编目。 随后不久, 大多数欧洲国家的图书馆, 以及美国的各行政部门都效仿英国国家图书馆的做法。 美国地理名称理事会也开始用汉语拼音为中国地名注音。 美国国会图书馆(LC) 、计算机在线

6、图书馆中 心(OCLC) 、研究型图书馆集团(RLG) 以及东亚 图书馆协会在1998 年正式开始筹划用汉语拼音来代 替威妥玛氏音标进行中文图书编目, 经过两年多的 论证、筹划, 决定把2000 年10 月1 日作为起始日, 正式启动转换工程。,Chinese phonetic alphabet,诸葛亮 司马迁 姓 + 名 李子民 LI Zimin,LI Zi-min,LI Zi-Min,Li Zi-min,Li Zi-Min、Li ,Zimin, Li Zimin 根据国家标准, 姓与名开头字母应大写, 复姓 连写, 双音节名连写, 无连接号, 每个音节加声调符号(对外的文件书刊可省略)。,

7、Problems: “Song Qian” 是“宋谦”还是“宋琪安”, Sun Yue 是“孙悦”还是“孙玉娥” 在国际文献中使用缩写时, 容易损失一个汉字的信息。 Wang Congyi (王从一) , 缩写时就变成了Wang C , 无形中使重名现象增多, 检索起来也增加了难度。,The translation of peoples names 音译法 意译法 半音半意法 阐释性翻译法 增加注释 Pearl S. Buck Leighton Stuart Gladys Yang James Endicott Marigold, 诸葛亮, 西马迁,,Semantic translation

8、In literary work, it is more used. 杨宪益译本 David Hawks 贾宝玉 Chia Pao-yu Jia Bao Yu 林黛玉 Lin Tai-yu Lin Daiyu 袭人 Xiren Aroma 王志良 Pervading Fragrance 平儿 Patience 鸳鸯 Loyalty 王志良 Faithful Goose,Semantic translation: David Hawks 杨宪益译本 抱琴 Lutany 司棋 Chess Siqi 侍书 Scribe Daishu 入画 Picture Ruhua,汉景帝阁下玄孙,姓刘,名备,字玄

9、德 A remote descendent of a son of the fourth Han Emperor, Highly Brilliance, he bore the dynastic patronym of Liu. His given name was Pei (Prepared), his formal name Hsu-te (Obscured Virtue) (Moss Robert) 甄士隐 Chen Shi-yin (Homophone for “true facts concealed ), 杨译,黛玉忙起身接见,贾母笑道:“你不认得他:他说我们这里有名的一个泼辣货,

10、南京所谓“辣子” ,你只叫他 “凤辣子” 就是了。”黛玉正不知道何以称呼,众姊妹都忙告诉黛玉道:“这是琏二嫂子。”黛玉虽不曾识面,听见他母亲说过:大舅贾赦之子贾琏,娶的就是二舅母王氏的内侄女:自幼假充男儿教养,学名叫作王熙凤。黛玉忙陪笑见礼,以嫂称之。 Tai-yu rose quickly to greet her. “You dont know her yet.” The Lady Dowager chuckled, “ She is the terror of this house. In the south theyd call her Hot Pepper. Just call he

11、r Fiery Phoenix.”Tai-yu lost no time in greeting her with a smile as “cousin”.,Addressing terms 称谓语,Addressing terms usually indicate relationship, status or occupations. It can be used as reference and addressing. 汪老师,李主任,张师傅,黄局长,胡经理 陈大哥,李姐,王二嫂,Translation of Addressing Terms,Pay attention to the c

12、ultural differences. Representing the pragmatic functions. Naturalization 张经理,我可以和您谈一下吗? 汪老师走进了教室。 老黄老了,人称黄老。,Distinguish between the face-to-face addressing term and the reference term. Omssion: 见这位木匠师傅手艺精湛,我忍不住问:“师傅,您干这活多少年了。” 我对出租车司机很不满,说道:“师傅,你能开慢点吗?” 师傅,请问邮局怎么走?,有位老太太有两个女儿,一个, 另一个,一位老叟对她说:“老太太,

13、您真有福气啊!” An old lady had two daughters. One, the other.An old man said to her: “ How blessed you are!”,Paraphrasing 祥林嫂,周瑞家的,,Amplification 王老汉进城卖瓜,结果却被市场管理员罚款了。 围着一张方桌坐了六个人,上面坐着他的继母周氏和姑母张太太,左边坐着张家的琴表姐和嫂嫂李瑞珏,下面坐着大哥觉新和妹妹淑华,右边的两个位子空着。 译文:Seated around a square table were six people. On the side farthe

14、st from the door-the seats of honor sat his step mother Madam Chou and his aunthis fathers sisterMrs. Chang. On the left side sat his cousin ChinMrs. Changs daughterand Jui-chueh, wife of his eldest brother Chueh-hsin. On the near side sat Chueh-hisn and their younger sister Shu-hua. The two seats on the right side were vacant.,



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