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1、Animals and Vegetables 教学目标教学目标 1、认知目标: (1) 能听、说、认、读农场中有关动物及蔬菜的单词:hen, duck, chick, sheep, lamb,goat, cow, sheep, rabbit, pig, tomato, cucumber, potato, onion,carrot. (2) 能灵活运用 Do you like ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. (3)能听懂会说句子:Whats your favourite animal? Whats your favouritevegetable?并在语境中进行交际。 2、情

2、感目标:通过活动教育学生爱护动植物。 3、学习策略: (1)培养学生学习的自信心,激发学生积极思维。 (2) 通过小组活动,培养学生的合作能力。 (3)在任务中引导学生积极运用所学的英语进行表达与交流。 教学重点教学重点 Whats your favourite animal? Whatsyour favourite vegetable?并在语境中进行交际 运用。 教学难点教学难点 让学生明白单词 favourite 的含义;用所学的语言进行表达交际。 课前准备课前准备 各种农场动物与蔬菜的头饰,单词卡,调查表,应聘信息纸,磁带,课件制作 教学步骤教学步骤 the first period I

3、. Warming up: 1. Greeting and sing a song. (课前师生都戴上头饰) T: Hello, everyone. Im Old Macdonald. S: Hello, Old Macdonald. T: Doyou like me? S: Yes. T: OK. Lets sing with Old Macdonald. 齐唱歌曲:Old Macdonald. (学生边唱边跟着教师做动作) 2. Change the words of the song: (1)教师指着戴某种动物头饰的学生示范:Old MacDonald had a farm E I E

4、I O. And on that farm he had some cows E I E I O. With a mo mo here and a mo mo there, here a mo, there a mo, everywhere a mo mo. Old Macdonald had a farm E I E I O. (2)教师指着戴某种蔬菜头饰的学生示范:Old Macdonald had a farm E I E I O. And on that farm he had some cucumbers E I E I O. With green green here and gr

5、een green there, here green, there green, everywhere green green. Old MacDonald had a farm E I E I O. T: Look for the same animals or the same vegetables, then sing together. 让学生寻找戴有相同头饰的伙伴, 进行讨论并创作新歌曲, 最后请几组进行表演。 II. Presentation: 1. T: Do you like ? (教师出示一张单词卡问) S: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 如果学生说喜欢

6、, 教师请戴有被喜欢的动物或蔬菜头饰的学生到回答的学生身边 组成一组。教师问几次后请学生问,其他学生回答。(这样基本每一组内都有各 自喜欢的动物及蔬菜。) 2. T: I like hen. (在黑板上画一颗心) I like horse better.(在黑板上画两颗心) I like sheep best.(在黑板上画三颗心) Sheep is my favourite animal. T: Whats your favourite animal? (让学生在自己的组内选最喜欢的动物。) S: I like . 问几次之后请学生问:Whats your favourite animal?

7、T: Hi, .(与动物打招呼) Whats your favourite vegetable? S: I like . 请学生 问:Whats your favourite vegetable? 其他学生答: I like . III. Activity: 1. Jigsaw Puzzle 教师在黑板上摆几块拼图,让学生用最快的速度拼出句子: Whats your favourite animal? Whats your favourite vegetable? (1) T: Look at the Jigsaw Puzzle, please. Who can form the senten

8、ce: Whats your favourite animal? (请几位学生分别来拼,记录时间评出胜者。) (2) T: Lets try again. Can you form the sentence: Whats your favourite vegetable? (再请几位学生拼,记录时间选出胜者。) (3) 齐读以上两句: Whats your favourite animal? Whats your favourite vegetable? the second period 1. Guessing game (1) T: Whats your favourite animal

9、/ vegetable? Dont say ,but you can do.(示意学 生不说答案,用动作来表演,其他学生猜。) (2) 教师出示单词 animal, 学生齐问:Whats your favourite animal? 请一位学生 来表演答案, 其他学生猜。 (23 次) 教师出示单词 vegetable, 学生齐问 : What s your favourite vegetable?请一位学生表演答案,其他学生猜。(23 次) 2.Survey (让学生完成课前发的调查表) (1)T: Whats your favourite animal? S: I like . 教师写下学

10、生的姓名,并根据学生的回答在动物或蔬菜的单词下打钩。 (2)让学生示范调查 T: Now, who can try? S1: Whats your favourite animal/vegetable? S2: I like . 第一位学生根据第二位学生的回答填写调查表。 (3)学生在班中进行调查 T: Finish the survey table in the class using the sentences: Whats your favourite animal? Whats your favourite vegetable? I like . 学生在班中自由采访同学或老师,按示范要

11、求 填写表格。 (4)教师用实物投影展示部分学生完成的调查表。 T: Look, this is s survey table. 请几位学生复查:Whats your favourite animal / vegetable? (问表格中被填写的学 生) (5)教师将完成得好的表,帖在黑板上的三颗心下。 4. My farm (1) 教师和一位学生带草帽扮演农夫,并请一些学生扮演动物和蔬菜(戴头饰)加入 农场。 T: Hello. The weather is good today. I like it. Look, this is my farm. Ss: Im sheep. / Im ho

12、rse. / Im potato. / Im onion. / (扮演动物及蔬菜的学生介绍) T: Do you like ? S1(farmer): Yes, I do. / No, I dont. T: Do you like ? S: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. T: Whats your favourite animal? S1: I like . T: Whats your favourite vegetable? S1: I like . T: Theyre lovely. I love my animals and vegetables. (2)让学生自由找

13、伙伴组成农场,一组中两个学生扮演农夫,其他学生扮演所戴 头饰所示的动物及蔬菜。 T: Now make up your farm freely. (学生找伙伴讨论对话时,让学生听音乐:Old MacDonald。) (3) 让几组学生表演展示各自的农场。 T: Lets know your farm, please. Come here with your farm. 3. 招聘农场管理员 (1) T: I have a big farm. So I want some workers. If you want to join our farm, finish the paper, pleas

14、e. 教师用幻灯片出示: Name Age Hobby(爱好)Male (男) Female (女) Favourite Animal Favourite Vegetable (2) 教师在实物投影仪上示范如何填写。 T: How to write? Look at me. Name Alexandre Age 25 Hobby(爱好) Read books Male (男) Female (女) Favourite Animal sheep Favourite Vegetable cucumber (2) 学生完成填写后,教师让学生交的同时要求学生进行简短的自我介绍。 T: Introduc

15、e yourself, please. For example: My name is Cao Jin. Im 28.I like to read books. I like farm, too. I love animals. Sheep is my favourite animal. Cucumber is my favourite vegetable. Ill be a good worker of a farm.(用幻灯片出示介绍的形 式。) (4)将被录用的学生的信息纸贴在黑板上,并每人发一草帽以奖励 Tongue Twister. 一.Greeting: T:Hello! My s

16、tudents ! S: hello! Teacher! 二、count the numbers : T:where is the number twenty ? S: I am here ! (the student will be happy to stand up suddenly to make a easy atmosphere beause they havent fixed seat every class.) 三 Revision :we will have a game to review the words that about tongue twister. 四 Now lets begine . T: I spy with my eyes ,who can tell me a word beginging with “b”


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