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1、英美短篇小说教学总结 英美短篇小说教学总结是一篇好的范文,好的范文应该跟大家分享,重新了一下发到。 第一单元 B篇 (很正规的论文中的内容简介) Rob wants to get his father something special for Christmas this year - something that shows how much he really loves him.But its Christmas Eve,and he doesnt have much money to spend.What could he possibly get?Suddenly,Rob thin

2、ks of the best gift of all.Author of nearly a hundred books for children and adults,and winner of both the Pulitzer and Nobel prizes,Pearl S.Buck has captured the spirit of Christmas in this elegant,heartwarming story about a boys gift of love.Originally published in 1955,this classic story is now b

3、eing issued,for the first time ever,as a picture book with glorious full-color art by alaimed artist Mark Buehner.A wele addition to everyones holiday collection,this timeless treasure will bring the true meaning of Christmas to the entire family for generations to e. /retype/zoom/2c143af127284b73f2

4、4250?pn=1&x=0&y=59&raww=622&rawh=31&o=jpg_6_0_&type=pic&aimh=23.922829581993568&md5sum=fa0551e01a55a3a9d051dfa5a723d1fd&sign=6eb9d17af3&zoom=&png=0-1392&jpg=0-15572 target=_blank点此查看 &urlid=&yx=&v=MjE1NDhIOUhNcUk5TVlvUjhlWDFMdXhZUzdEaDFUM3FUcldNMUZyQ1VSTCtmWU9ac0ZDdmhWTDdPTFRyU2Q3RzQ= (百度知道中一个回答得很好的

5、人!) 小说描写了四位性格、命运各异的中国女性抛却国难家仇,移居,以及她们各自在美国出生、成长的女儿的生活经历。作为第一代移民的们虽已身在异国,却仍是彻头彻尾的中国女性,国难家仇可以抛在身后,却无法抛却与祖国的血脉亲情。而在美国出生的女儿们,虽外表看来与母亲非常相像,却是在迥异于中华故国的价值观与环境下成长起来的,并不得不亲身承受两种文化与价值观的冲撞。母女之间既有深沉执著的骨肉亲情,又有着无可奈何的隔膜怨恨,既相互关心又相互伤害不过,超越了一切的仍是共同的中华母亲,是血浓于水的母女深情。 知网好像有,需要的请自己前去下载 /retype/zoom/2c143af127284b73f24250

6、?pn=2&x=0&y=1268&raww=742&rawh=329&o=png_6_0_0_135_181_513_227_892.979_1262.879&type=pic&aimh=212.83018867924528&md5sum=fa0551e01a55a3a9d051dfa5a723d1fd&sign=6eb9d17af3&zoom=&png=1393-18455&jpg=15573-60349 target=_blank点此查看 VyRzRIOUQ= 找不到 In the past twenty-five years many Native American writers ha

7、ve retold the traditional stories of powerful mythological women: Corn Woman,Changing Woman,Serpent Woman,and Thought Woman,who with her sisters created all life by thinking it into being.Within and in response to these evolving traditions,Leslie Marmon Silko takes from her own tradition,the Keres o

8、f Laguna,the Yellow Woman.Yellow Woman stories,always female-centered and always from the Yellow Womans point of view,portray a figure who is adventurous,strong,and often alienated from her own people.She is the spirit of woman.Ambiguous and unsettling,Silkos Yellow Womanexplores one womans desires

9、and changes-her need to open herself to a richer sensuality.Walking away from her everyday identity as daughter,wife and mother,she takes possession of transgressive feelings and desires by recognizing them in the stories she has heard,by blurring the boundaries between herself and the Yellow Woman

10、of myth.Silkos decision to _ the story from the narrators point of view is traditional,but her use of first person narration and the storys much raised ambiguity brilliantly reinforce her themes.Like traditional yellow women,the narrator is unnamed.By choosing not to reveal her name,she claims the r

11、ole of Yellow Woman,and Yellow Womans story is the one Silko clearly claims as her own.The essays in this collection pare Silkos many re _ings of Yellow Woman stories from a variety of angles,looking at crucial themes like story _ing,cultural inheritances,memory,continuity,identity,interconnectednes

12、s,ritual,and tradition.This casebook includes an introduction by the editor,a chronology,an authoritative text of the story itself,critical essays,and a bibliography for further reading in both primary and secondary sources.Contributors include Kim Barnes,A.LaVonne Ruoff,Paula Gunn Allen,Patricia Cl

13、ark Smith,Bernard A.Hirsch,Arnold Krupat,Linda Danielson,and Patricia Jones. 篇二:英美著名小说总结 一、英国文学 1.Kingsley Amis-Lucky Jim幸运的吉姆,Sense and Sensibility理智与情感,Emma爱玛,Lady Susan苏珊太太,Love and Friendship爱情和友谊,Mansfield Park曼斯菲尔德庄园,Persuasion 劝导,Northanger Abbey诺桑觉寺 3.Arnold Bent-The Old Wives Tale 老妇人的故事 4.

14、Elizabeth Bowen-The Death of the Heart心之死 5.Charlotte Bronte-Jane Eyre 简爱 6.Emily Bronte-Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄 7.Anthony Burgess-A Clockwork Orange 发条椅子 8.Samuel Butler-The Way of All Flesh众生之路 9.A.S.Byatt-Possession 占有 10.Lewis Carroll-Alices Adventures in Wonderland 爱丽丝仙境 11.Angela Carter-The Comp

15、any of Wolves狼之一族 12.Agatha Christie-Murder on the Orient Express东方快车谋杀案 13.Ivy Compton-Burt-A Family and a Fortune家庭和财富 14.Joseph Coad-Heart of Darkness黑暗的心,Lord Jim吉姆爷 15.Daniel Defoe-Robinson Crusoe鲁滨逊漂游记 16.Charles Dickens-David Copperfield 大卫科波菲尔A Christmas Carol 圣诞欢歌 A Childs History of England 写给看的英国历史A Tale of Two Cities双城记American Notes旅美札记P


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