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1、抗疫词汇(中英对照)高考重要抗疫词汇(中英对照)高考重要 病毒基本信息病毒基本信息 新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV):the novel coronavirus, a new type of coronavirus 新冠肺炎:the new coronavirus pneumonia 确认新冠状病毒新型冠状病毒:identify the new coronavirus 易感染新型冠状病毒:be susceptible to the new type of coronavirus 病原体,致病菌:pathogen 病毒测试呈阳性:test positive for the virus 病毒的传

2、染性:infectiousness of the virus 潜伏期:incubation period 疫情:epidemic situation 严重急性呼吸道综合症:severe acute respiratory syndrome 中东呼吸综合症:Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) 传播和检测传播和检测 病毒源头:source of the virus 传播途径:transmission routes 社区传播:community transmission 人传人:human-to-human transmission/spread from

3、 human to human 感染机理:infection mechanism 确诊肺炎病例:confirmed cases of pneumonia 被诊断出肺炎:be diagnosed with pneumonia 免疫学检测方法:immunological detection methods 抗体和疫苗研发:develop antibodies and vaccines 症状和预防症状和预防 发烧、打喷嚏、干咳和呼吸困难等症状:have symptoms such as fever, fatigue,cough and trouble breathing 严重的呼吸困难:severe

4、 breathing difficulties 不去人多的地方:avoid going to crowded spaces 确保室内通风:ensure the shared spaces a good air flow 避免接触有流感或感冒症状的人:avoid close contact with people having flu or cold-like symptoms 增强免疫系统:strengthen ones immune system 待在家里:stay at home 戴口罩:wear masks 病例和治疗病例和治疗 重症病例:cases in critical condit

5、ions/ severe cases 疑似病例:suspected cases 死亡病例:death cases 追踪密切接触者:trace close contacts 接受医学观察:be under medical observation 结束医学观察:be discharged from medical observation 处于早期阶段的疫情:the outbreak at an early stage 定点医院:designated hospitals 出院:be discharged from hospital 完全本请加Q群:644276333获取 抗击病毒疫情抗击病毒疫情 抗

6、击肺炎疫情:combat the pneumonia outbreak 肺炎疫情防控:the prevention and control of the outbreak of pneumonia 抑制新冠病毒的传播: curb the spread of the novel coronavirus 防止疫情扩散蔓延: prevent the spread of the epidemic 内防扩散、外防输出:internal nonproliferation and external nonproliferation 加大力度遏制疫情:contain the outbreak through

7、intensified efforts 必要的协调预防和控制工作:necessary coordinated prevention and control efforts 病毒监控和隔离措施:virus monitoring and quarantine measures 扭转病例增加的趋势:reverse the trend of an increasing number of cases 国家行动国家行动 国家卫生健康委员会:the National Health Commission 高级别专家组组长:head of a high-level expert team 呼吸系统疾病杰出专家:a prominent expert in respiratory diseases 流行病学首席科学:chief epidemiologist 启动重大突发公共卫生事件级响应:scale up the level-one response to major public health emergencies 暂停全部省际道路客运:suspend all interprovincial road passenger transport 消除社会恐慌:eliminate social panic 缓解床位短缺:ease the shortage of beds


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