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1、2002年诺贝尔生理医学奖,胚胎发育与程序性细胞死亡,1,Sydney Brenner The Molecular Sciences Institute Berkeley, CA, USA,H. Robert Horvitz Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, MA, USA,John E. Sulston The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Cambridge, United Kingdom,2,3,4,5,凋亡细胞,正常细胞,“程序性细胞死亡”是细胞一种生理性、主动性的“自觉自杀行

2、为”,些细胞死得有规律,似乎是按编好了的“程序”进行的,这种细胞死亡又称为“细胞凋亡”。,6,7,蝌蚪尾的消失,8,新生儿手和足的形成,9,研究对象,10,太简单,太复杂,11,线虫,虫长仅毫米,身体透明,功能也不复杂,细胞数量不多,12,Early researches (MIT: Robert Horrid , 1986),C. elegans:1090 cells, The Finding of CED3 mutant Without losing any of their cells to apoptosis. CED3 gene play a crucial role in the

3、process of apoptosis.,C elegans: a millimeter long, transparent body only a few cell types, from zygote to mature adult only in 3.5days.,131 cells death.,13,Sydney Brenner The Molecular Sciences Institute Berkeley, CA, USA,14,H. Robert Horvitz Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, M

4、A, USA,15,线虫体细胞凋亡研究:PCD相关基因15个,分为四组: 1、与PCD有关的基因,负责PCD控制:ced-3、ced-4和ced-9。 2、与PCD过程吞噬作用有关:ced-1、ced-2、ced-5-8 和 ced-10。 3、核酸酶基因(nuc-1), 控制DNA降解,但非PCD所必须。 4、影响特异细胞类型PCD的基因:ces-1、ces-2、cgl-1、和 her-1. 保守性高,在哺乳动物中有相应同源物: Ced-3=ICE, Ced-4=Apaf-1, Ced-9=Bcl-2.,16,John E. Sulston The Wellcome Trust Sanger

5、 Institute Cambridge, United Kingdom,17,Sydney Brenner The Molecular Sciences Institute Berkeley, CA, USA,H. Robert Horvitz Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, MA, USA,John E. Sulston The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Cambridge, United Kingdom,18,控制“程序性细胞死亡”的基因,19,抑制细胞死亡,启动或促进细胞死亡,20,21,癌细胞,HIV病毒,22,谢谢观看,23,



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