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1、Unit 7 Plants 一、单词拼写 (一)根据句子的意思和所给的首字母写出所缺单词。 1. It s blowing strongly. Please s the window. 2. He is so t that he drank all the water in the bottle. 3. Our soldiers are fighting hard to d our country. 4. Mr Black is never late for class, but today he was late. I think something u happened. 5. Hard

2、work is the key to v . 6. It is hard to tell exactly how many kinds of animals e in the world. 7. After a long p of hard work, they succeeded at last. 8. He tried his best to save a boy s life. In r , he received a prize. 9. Man can still s without food for several days. 10. Nobody wants to be treat

3、ed u . 11. Uncle Wang is a great g .The plants he plants are very beautiful. 12. He is quite health and active, quite s for the job. 13. These trees are c with red flowers in the spring. 14. Tom wanted to grow something u to win the gardening match. 15. Doing exercise can help you to s healthy. 16.

4、I have got d kinds of stamps. 17. It is going to rain, I p staying at home to going out. 18. Bamboo is a symbol of luck and s in China. 19. Pay a to what I am going to do. 20. I will go traveling in the summer holiday, and Shanghai is my first c . 21. Sam did everything to s his girlfriend, Marry. 2

5、2. He always goes to school on time. It was u for him to come to school late this morning. 23. In 2008, we left our hometown and s in Shanghai. 24. Hundreds of v come to relaxing park every day. 25. To go to the famous university is Sally s biggest d . 26. This w bridge is not so strong as that ston

6、e one. 27. Although he works as a b now, he hopes he can become an architect one day. 28. He speaks English very well, because English is his n language. 29. Some people are interested in the p lives of film star. 30. Do you enjoy the s here? Don t you think it s a good place for traveling? (二)根据句子意

7、思和中文提示写出所缺单词。 1. The fierce ants even destroy other trees which grow (附近 ). 2. (在.期间 ) the brief periods of rain, this plant can collect up to eight tones of water. 3. Plants can (发展 ) close relationship with certain animals or insects. 4. In nature, most flowers have (鲜艳的 ) colours. 5. The thief wa

8、s put into (监狱 ). (三)根据句子意思用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. The school sports meeting caused much (excite) in our class. 2. Our school held a (garden) competition last Saturday. 3. Cinderella was treated (unfair) by her ugly sisters. 4. I want to be an (invent) in the future. 5. My grandmother used to tell me some (

9、image) story. 二、完成句子 1.尽努力吧,总有一天你会梦想成真。 , and your dream will some day. 2.她说她喜欢篮球。事实上,她对篮球一窍不通。 She said that she liked basketball. , she knew basketball. 3.三名囚犯昨夜从监狱逃走了。 Three prisoners the prison last night. 4.在自然界,还有很多未知的生物。 There are a lot of unknown living things . 5.这种植物通常在沙漠里被发现。 This plant u

10、sually in deserts. 6.这些昆虫这么小,你是不能马上就看得见。 These insects are you can t see them . 7.让我们彼此分享快乐吧! Let s our happiness ! 8.那个小偷终于被关进监狱。 , the thief . 9.那时山里到处有鸟。 At that time the mountains birds. 10. 我们昨天参观的工厂很大。 The factory yesterday is very big. 11.冬天,华北被一片茫茫的白雪覆盖。 In winter, North China white snow. 12

11、.为何不在花园里多种点花呢? more flowers in the garden? 13.一座新建筑必须与周围的环境相衬。 A new building its surroundings. 14.他坚决要求马上见校长。 He the headteacher at once. 15.是时候去浇花了。 It s time the flowers. 16.在这么短的时间完成这个项目是很难的。 to finish the project in a short time. 17.尽管他很累,但他还是坚持工作。 he was quite , he still working. 18.如果你想种一些容易点

12、照料的植物,试一试竹子。 If you want to grow something , bamboo. 19.这个故事令孩子们大声笑起来。 The story the children . 20.我宁愿去购物也不愿意留在家里。 I go shopping rather than . 21. 他们踏上小岛时多么兴奋啊! they were when they the island! 22. 他们是怎样把这个小工厂发展成大公司的? How did they the small factory a big company? 23. 到目前为止我们已经学了10 首英文歌曲。 , we ve lear

13、nt 10 English songs. 24. 这只旧花瓶有300年历史了。 This old vase three hundred years age. 25. 他应该遵守诺言,我想知道他为什么改变主意。 He should keep his promise. I wonder why he . 26. 我不知道该怎么办。 I don t know . 27. 这孩子高兴地跳了起来。 The boy jumped . 28. 这就是那个救了小孩的青年。 This is the young man the child. 三、单项选择 1. The of the trees all fall

14、off the trees in winter. Do their come to an end. A. leaf; life B. leafs; lifes C. leaves; lives D. leaf; lives 2. She is listening to music her mother is cooking in the kitchen. A. after B. before C. that D. while 3. You should tell possible to support your ideas. A. as many information as B. as mu

15、ch fact as C. as many facts as D. as many news as 4. -Who s the little baby in the photo, Susan? -It s me. This photo ten years ago. A. takes B. is taken C. took D. was taken 5. There isn t airport near where I live. nearest airport is 110 kilometers away. A. a, The B. an, / C. an, The D. a, / 6. -I

16、 m afraid I can t go to the party tomorrow. - you told mw you would. What s happened? A. And B. So C. Or D. But 7. The room has two windows is our office. A. where B. / C. when D. which 8. -Why did you buy a radio? - English. A. Learn B. Learning C. To learn D. Be learning 9. -Can you use MSN to talk with Kevin on the Internet? -I dont know. But can you tell me ? A.what I can u



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