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1、九年级英语上册 Unit 4Amazing Science Topic 1 When wasit invented? SectionB Teaching plan - 1 - Topic1When wasit invented? SectionA . Learning aims anddemands 学习目标 1.Learnthesimple pastpassivevoice. (a)Learnthedifferencesbetween “bemadeof” and “bemadefrom”. (b)Learn thesentencepatterns “When/Wherewasit deve

2、loped? 2 Learn to expresshopeandwishes. 3.Talking aboutnew technologiesandinventions. .教学过程 Step1Havea conversationandleadin: The teacher leads students to review “ passive voice” ,andlet students make sentenceswith thesimple presentpassivevoice. Step2Learn andcheckthewords . 1 . Readthenew words lo

3、udly . 2 . Check thewords . Step3 Follow the examplesto makeup similar conversations. 1. Showtwo picturesor objects.Ask andanswerbetweenthe teacherandstudents. 2. Leadto “ be madeof ” and“ be madefrom ”. 3. The teachershowssome pictures again suchas a pair of chopsticks, a watch and soon. 4. Match t

4、he following phraseswith properChinesemeaning. bemadeof(某物)被制成 bemadefrom(被)用来 bemadeby由某人制作 bemadein 用 制造的,(看不出原材料) bemadeinto被 使用 ,接 sb beusedfor用 制造的, (看出原材料) beusedas (被)用作 - 2 - beusedby(被)用来做 beusedto do在某地 /某时制造 Readthem aloudandtry to rememberthem. 1.His new computerwasmade_America. 2.Themac

5、hinesweremade_manyworkers. Step4Listen to 1aandmark T or F. 1.Janeis unhappy becauseshe was not allowed to go to a party last night .() 2.Kangkangs father made a model rocket for him.() 3.The rocket is madeof metal.() 4.A rocket is usedfor sending satellites or spaceshipsinto space.() Read1a afterth

6、etape. Read1a in roles. Act 1aout. Step5 Group work 1. Read1a again,thenanswerthefollowing questions. (1).why did Kangkang askJanenot to spendtoo much time on computergames? (2)2.Whatsa rocketusedfor? (3)3.Who taught Kangkangsomeknowledgeabout spaceships? (4)4. What sKangkangsdream? 2.Find out the u

7、seful expressionsin thedialog, then usethem. (1).allowv. 允许 allow sb.to do sth. 允许某人做某事 beallowed to do sth.被允许做某事 (2).spendonsth 在上花费时间 /金钱 spend (in)doing sth 做某事花费时间 /金钱 (3).beusedfor doing 被用来做 beusedto do被用来做 (4).sendinto把送入 (5).I wish I could go into spacesomeday.(can-could,虚拟语气,表示主观愿望和 未来的梦想

8、,不一定能实现 ) (6).someday-某一天,总有一天 (将来) (7).cometrue-变成真的 ,实现 sbrealize/achieve= makesth cometure Step6Fill in the blanks,thencheckthesentenceswhich usewas/were+及物动词的过去分词 (1)BecauseI _toplay computergameslast night. (2)-Who madeit ? - 3 - - -It _me. (3)-When andwherewas it developed? -It _inJapanin 1985

9、. 一般过去式的被动语态结构为was/were+及物动词的过去分词 . Step6Do exercise: 1.Mr.Green_to singan English songatthe arty andhe sangwell.(2017 安徽) A.was invitedB. invitedC.is invitedD.invites 2.This picture _by my cousin lastyear.(2017重庆) A.draws B. drew C. is drawn D. was drawn 3.I wish I _playtenniswith them this afterno

10、on,butI haveto study for a test. A. canB.should C. could D.shall 4.English _travelersandbusinesspeopleall over the world. A.is usedasB.is usedfor C.is usedby D.is usedto 5.补全对话 A:Whats this in English? B: _ A: What is alaptop madeof? B: _ A: Whatsit usedfor? B: _ A: Whenand wherewas it developed? B:

11、 _ Step7Summary Welearn: 1.Somewords: lock, rocket, metal,satellite, spaceship 2. Somephrases:bemadeof, be usedof, someday,cometrue andsoon. 3. Somesentences: (1) I wish I could go into spacesomeday. (2) I hopeyour dreamwill cometrue. (3) -What is a rocketusedfor? -Itsusedfor sendingsatellitesor spaceshipsinto space. Wecan:Usethepassivevoice. Step8Homework 1. Recite1a. 2. Preview SectionC . 3. Memorize the useful expressionsandkey sentencesthat we learn today. - 4 -


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